Enemy Novas and Dwarfs




I'm well aware that enemy Quantums and Voids are extra trouble for Khelds, but I'm not clear about the enemy Novas and Dwarfs you meet at higher levels. Are they more dangerous to Kheldians than they are to non-Kheldian teammates or are they not too big a deal? They never seemed a problem from the Scrapper's POV, but then neither are Voids so that doesn't mean much...

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Nope, they're actually easier for khelds because we get the extra energy resistance. Novas can be dangerous to the squishies in the team because of all the AoE.

I'm a bit annoyed the novas are so hard to mez. It's unfair!



Voids and quantums do quantum daamge that hurts khelds, nictus (Enemy novas and dwarves) only do energy/negative damage.



I've always wandered what the story based explanation was for them randomly turning up every now and again.
ie/ Quantums and voids are all explained in certain story arcs.
But whats the explanation for a bunch of <insertvillaingroup>'s hanging round on a street corner with a bloody huge Dwarf, just bumming a smoke?



huge Dwarf

[/ QUOTE ]
Wouldn't that be a normal person?

They might be a (former) member of that group who has now bonded with a kheldian. Showing off some of the new tricks they can pull off.



huge Dwarf

[/ QUOTE ]
Wouldn't that be a normal person?

They might be a (former) member of that group who has now bonded with a kheldian. Showing off some of the new tricks they can pull off.

[/ QUOTE ]
Just like in atlas, eh?

Outcast: "omg how u do tht u cnt fly ur onley lv 11 lolo"
Nova: "Watch me, n00b."
Outcast: "zomg hax!"



I've always wandered what the story based explanation was for them randomly turning up every now and again.
ie/ Quantums and voids are all explained in certain story arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]They are as well, they are nictus, out there to hunt kheldians.



The dwarves and novas came fomr other planets, when kheldian and nictus we're fighting thier war and taking it fomr planet to planet they started bonding with these creatures just as they would a human. After the kheldian or nictus leaves the host it can manifest into that form again. This is how white/black dwarves and dark/bright novas came to be.