Positron Interview bei Woot Radio
Klasse. Echt supi! FROI
Mich freuts immer wieder wenn sich leute die Mühe machen, die CoX Foren weltweit nach News zu durchkämmen. *daumen hoch*
Edit: Ach ja... Wann kommt Issue 8?
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Müssen schon wieder unschuldige Kätzchen sterben? [img]/de/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
nette infos!
ich wurde erhört..*schluchz*..ich bin so glücklich.
Stellt Euch vor, ein Teleporter direkt zum Icon..Gott ist das schön :-))
Und Flügel auch, endlich. Sogar das Customizing der Kräftefarben ist in der Diskussion..*wann kommt..ähh..ne ich sag nix*
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
Ach ja... Wann kommt Issue 8?
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Soon(tm) [img]/de/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
*duck und in Deckung springt* [img]/de/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
26. Epic Archetypes: Incarnates? They are planned as an Epic, dont know when yet. They dont fit into the current storyline. It will be first Epic after Nictus for COV! Confirmed,
Nictus are confirmed as a lvl 50 villain Epic! They will be like warshades, but an evil version of a peacebringer, with some power tweaks.
Auch noch toll:
- retail expansion gestrichen und auf free issues verteilt
- i8 abgespeckt damits früher kommt (universities)
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
26. Epic Archetypes: Incarnates? They are planned as an Epic, dont know when yet. They dont fit into the current storyline. It will be first Epic after Nictus for COV! Confirmed,
Nictus are confirmed as a lvl 50 villain Epic! They will be like warshades, but an evil version of a peacebringer, with some power tweaks.
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Etwas doof formuliert in dem Transcript. Posi spricht da von 2 Epics.

... die ich beide haben muß... aber das weißt du ja. [img]/de/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Ich seh schon, wir (ich [img]/de/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]) brauchen mehr Slots. Übrigens, gibts da was neues, ob das mal (gegen Aufpreis?) erweitert wird?
Ich seh schon, wir (ich) brauchen mehr Slots. Übrigens, gibts da was neues, ob das mal (gegen Aufpreis?) erweitert wird?
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Leider gibt es noch immer keine offizielle Aussage dazu. Es ist im Gespräch aber man kann weder eine positive noch eine negative Meldung geben.
was mir besonders gut gefällt, dass man quasi pro account 5 chars in eine SG packen kann und es soll nur 1 gezählt werden fürs SG-Limit !!
Ich seh den neuen Epischen AT´s mit nem lachendem und nem weinenden Auge entgegen....einerseits freu ich mich die dann endlich zu sehen....andererseits sind alle meine slots voll....(und ja ich weiss, dass ich auf den englischen servern noch slots frei habe)
[img]/de/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/de/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]Ahhh, ich schwelge grade über all die Leckereien die kommen werden. [img]/de/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/de/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
Öhm, ist da eventuell jemand, der das alles in deutsch übersetzen kann, ich verstehe leider nicht alles. bitte.
Positron gab ein äusserst intressantes Interview bei Woot Radio das ich leider verpasst hab [img]/de/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]
Ein paar eifrige Schreiber haben im US Forum eine Zusammenfassung gepostet die sehr intressant ist. Das Interview sollte demnächst bei Woot Radio zum download bereitstehen.
Edit: Interview Download ist da!
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
1. another double xp event before the end of the year.
2. Another Halloween Event this year, bringing back original elements as well as add some "special treats" and get new contacts. The new treats can be
traded into contacts and receive a new reward that hasnt been given out before.
3. (training room patch discussed) Empowerment stations buffs didnt stack as intended, so since it doesnt work that way, they now last 60 minutes, replacing non stacking.
4. Possible all decorative rooms going down to 50k, if not 50k, they will go down in cost.
5. Issue 8 expect a possible RENT system change. (one is possibly rent could be free if its a small enough plot)
6. COP Trail scheduled to be debuting before i8. Base raiding not being promoted yet due to lots of bugs, time in getting the systems worked out.
7. Lots of stuff planned for pocket D.
8. PLans to add bigger teleporters to hold more beacons. No ETA.
9. Fix has been made for players not receiving HO drop when encoutering Hamidon. Coming Soon to live!
10. Teleporting back to mission after rezing in base is a bug. But there is an auxillary item going in as well (when the fix is made) to allow
you teleport to the active mission as a choice.
11. Looking into possible teleport to front door to Icon!
12. So far no plans for teleport beacons into PVP zones due to balance issues and possible exploits.
13. Arenas bugs will be getting fixed as they come in, new feature in next issue is that Pocket D will receive arena terminals so that villain and heroes can battle easier.
14. Issue 8 Title: To Protect and Serve! (taunt by Posi to see if players can figure out what chapter this relates too )
15. Invention system was scheduled for i8. Its a very big, detailed and scarey and moving it out of i8 to concentrate more directly on it.
if they worked on it, i8 would have been pushed back to next year. Some systems are done. It will probably come out in its own issue.
16. Rewards system: 1st veteran reward 3 months Trenchcoats on all characters. They are a back option, IE like a cape. There are veteran rewards planned for up to 3 years of subscription. (April)
17. Wings: an unlockable costume piece. Wings will move in flight. (very impressed with look of wings).
18. Jetpacks eventually coming down the road. (Flight options). Castle has made a zillion and will kill posi if he is asked to make one more.
19. starting with issue 8 each issue will build on itself regarding storyline wise. And when the "show drops" youll know. Plans are coming for zone wide events tied with storylines.
20. 5th Column: Their return is planned but not for this year.
21. Respecs as a veteran reward, new base items (comic cover art as posters for base).
22. New missions and contacts for 50+ contacts for issue 8, and adding more content for under used zones.
23. Possible to get into Rikti Ship, in the future?!
24. Jay has a lot of costume options, some are going into issue8. He is reading the forum every day! Someday he may get a red name.
25. Power customziation and effects of powers: Its very hard. Colors are "baked into" the powers. Its a huge effort, its not on a schedule, but it doesnt meant hat it cant jump onto a schedule.
26. Epic Archetypes: Incarnates? They are planned as an Epic, dont know when yet. They dont fit into the current storyline. It will be first Epic after Nictus for COV! Confirmed,
Nictus are confirmed as a lvl 50 villain Epic! They will be like warshades, but an evil version of a peacebringer, with some power tweaks.
27. Planned Box Expansion: It has been taken off the schedule as a paid expansion. They are going to please the player base by moving all the features from the paid expansion into free issues!
There fore the issues will maintain storylines that would have lead up to the free expansion. issue 9, 10, and 11 storylines planned for next year.
28. New high end villains for high end players.
29. Rent may be based off plot size.
30. Plot costs are staying the same, to give Larger SG's long-term goals.
31. Posi has been investigating increasing SG's size. An Idea is if you have 5 alts, in a SG it would count as 1 slot fo the 75 in the SG rather than 5.
32. Adding arch villains as gladiators, but new thigns to do with Gladiators!
33. Dev Hosted PVP arena Events and giving a reward?: Possible. Idea, SG tournament, and last SG standing vs. Devs!
34. All out PVP zone without NPC's or debtless PVP zone coming?: removing threat of NPC's removes incentive, XP gain for example. But zone with no NPC's is possible idea.
35. Faultline, getting upgrade.
36. New badges coming, inlcuding veteran reward badges! Most badges are going to be focused out of combat. 2 new accolades coming into game, no ETA.
37. Paigon Poker is really exciting for Posi, nothing to do with the game. LOL
38. Minion customization is something they are not touching.
39. New powersets are still coming as it was planned for the expansion. They will be broken out into issues. He just needs to make them "cool"
40. Recluses SF: it is where the devs want it. Its meant to be hard and be proud when its completed. They recognize some AT's are better at it, but its the nature of the beast.
They have ideas on helping those AT's but nothing coming soon?
41. Stalkers and DOms not feeling useful in the Recluses SF: They believe it takes a player to know the weakness and strengths of teams, aand fit in to be used as best as possible.
As for stalkers they have awesome dmg right off the back, and players recognize to use them as their dmg drops off with DPS.
42. They are constantly monitoring all AT's.
43. moment of glory: Not sure if there are any plans coming for MOG. They keep data mining it and balance numbers it, but not sure if changes are coming.
44. Patch notes issues: people type them in. People make mistakes. They made changes to the process and hopefully it should be easier to not miss as much. They are doing their best.
45. Villain powersets moving over into Heroes? yes it is planned. Its somehting they can do quickly, but not sure when. There will be some hold backs for uniqueness but some can definitely work on heroes.
46. Buffs and debuffs are primarily assigned to their individual games. But first they would want to move certina powers over before working on buffs.
47. Tweaking bases to allow a 1 person SG, and allowing first plot to be rent free is better than redesigning base editor for apartment style housing for players.
48. Training room is the cross server PVP server :P
49. Windows in bases? He needs to convince art department that they can do it. But art says it isnt possible. its being looked at.
50. Anymore Mastermind sets coming? One more is coming, not animal based. Its 1 of 10 new powersets thats coming out next year. Posi says NO CLOWNS!
52. Villains turning heroes, heroes turning villains: they would like to see it happen, theres a lot of hurdles before implementing. Posi thinks its worth putting in but tey have to get past the tech hurdles.
53. Flashback: loves idea of flashback, but it takes away from altism. They understand that players have to make alts to see all the content, but iits a double edged sword.
54. Rewarding altism? comes with veteran rewards in a sense (ie permanent nemesis staff)
55. Jet pack on hero side coming like in Mayhem Missions.
56. Hazard zones coming in COV? probably not, but that doesnt mean Villains wont have access to hero hazard zones.
57. Server/character Transfers: something thats a priority, moving characters to other servers. Biggest hurdle is making sure its automated with no issues. Havent decided on pricing but will
most likely be a paid for transfer.
58. The war walls will begin to come down. The city council has decided they are not needed anymore. Happening in the very near future! Not sure where they will be coming down.
59. Will there be a TF like the Recluse SF? YES!
60. Will villains be able to raid hamidon? Undecided.
61. Hero/villain team up besides events? Yes.
62. More than 1 build type characters for PVE? Discussed ultimate enhancement slotting.
63. Defiance: Castle and Posi have talked about changes. They are looking into it.
64. Gladiators: choosing which gladiators they can fight, like a training? Yes, possibly in the form of a room in base. "danger room" type room for lack
of better words
65. Hercules Class titans: Hasnt seen a bug for it, and players should enter bugs in game for better understanding.
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Quelle: Transcript aus dem US Forum
Edit: Ach ja... Wann kommt Issue 8?