Recluse's Victory AVs -- freday the 21st
I've got all the badges for RV, except the 3rd pillbox one, but I don't mind helping out - although it depends on if I'm doing a TF on Friday evening or not.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Gotta be honest with you I don't care much about the badges BUT I do love a good AV bashing
So you can sign me up as either my MA/regen scrapper or my Emp/dark defender. What ever is needed more I'm flexible.
i'll be there if i can need the badges still, will bring my fire/ice tank.
count me in, already got widow and recluse's just need tuna boy aka mako, sirroc and scorp >
I need em all, if i can get my PC working again I will be there
count me in, already got widow and recluse's just need tuna boy aka mako, sirroc and scorp >
[/ QUOTE ]
Arent you organizing TF marathon Friday?
Would love to have you along if not though.
And....Thnks again for helping with the Crey the other day!
NOw....isnt there others up for a little AV bashing?
Cha'ron-lvl50 Controller
Votary-lvl50 Scrapper
Logan W-lvl50 Scrapper
Destrer-lvl50 Tank
Panade-lvl50 Defender
Tellur-lvl48 Controller
Would love to join, last time an RV AV session was arranged, got them all bar Scirrco. Be nice to try get him, and happy to help nail all the others to as AVs can never be arressted enough as they all belong behind bars
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
I'm up for it ^_^ Will be online about 7pm on friday so see you all there.
Maybe I'll finally kill ghost widow (damn wench always makes me faceplant)
I'm up for this, still need Scirocco and Mako for the last 3 badges
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

HI all!
Looking to get acouple teams together to go AV badge huntin in Recluse's victory.
Would like to start 7pm BST freday the 21st.
Anyone else interested?
Post here or send a tell to me @Cha'ron
Cha'ron-lvl50 Controller
Votary-lvl50 Scrapper
Logan W-lvl50 Scrapper
Destrer-lvl50 Tank
Panade-lvl50 Defender
Tellur-lvl48 Controller