Not so Elite Boss's




I have been mainly soloing with my Brute, set on the one from the top difficulty and bar the Longbow balista who took 2 attempts, all the rest of the EB's have seemed right wimps. I have tried soloing Frostfire & Atta on CoH before & it has usually ended in tears but these CoV EB's seem soft by comparisson. Are they a bit soft or am I just too good?

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



What lv are you fighting these elite boss's in villains, could make all the difference since atta and frosty are both in the low lvs and so can be a real pain to fight even though nowadays i can solo both of em since I6 came out. Yeah and those Balista's can be a pain in the butt to beat



...unless you're a Necro/Dark Mastermind, then they're pushovers.



Can't remember what level I was when I fought my first EB but haven't had a problem really with any of them & am on one from top diff. Got Barracuda today so might change my opinion yet but I doubt it.
Yeah bet it is easy for a Mastermind but then I can do it without all my mates helping me

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



After not fighting any EB for a while I recently came across the expidition commander ( the cov shadow shard mission ),ive got to say,he was quite tough,I remember I basically solo'd every EB,in cases where it got tough I had a shivan tank the boss while I pounded him,but this guy was extremely tough,first EB that pose a thread to my brute.



well it all depends if its a "proper" EB, or a downgraded AV. Proper EBs most of the times aint a problem for a brute, unless they are ballistas . A downgraded AV (which barracuda most likely will be) can still be a major pain in the butt.

Oh, dependin on what kind of brute you are, aurora borealis and infernal can be a pain to solo as well at the later lvls

Btw, the reason why frosty and atta are hard is cause of: you are quite low lvl (frosty usually at lvl 10 or so), most likely arent properly enhanced, you can be a 'pure' support type, frosty and atta are a wheee bit overpowered for their lvl (curse frosty and havin both fire imps and jack frost, I want that at lvl 10! ) etc etc. Still can solo em both with relative ease, just takes some thinking

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Only had one give me any problems and im on the on the second from toughest difficulty, it was the 45+ snake EB, thats because it liked its toxic damage and a fair bit of DoT and me being energy diddnt . plus the first time i sprinted into the room and about 10 bosses hatched . Had to do it on heroic (still spawned as bosses) and take it slow. balistas are no problem i took 2 at once with a few ins , Not boasting could have just been luck and overload



Okay I have got some respect for EB's back, Barracuda handed me my perfectly formed butt a couple of times & I had to call for help (thanx Woman of war) but thats cos she was a psionic fish thingy & I have zero defense. I look forward to all the other EB's to come :=)

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



was kinda put of playing my brute after collecting a fair bit of debt from AV missions after the realease of i7, and thought last night when i got the eb miss, it would be the same. How wrong, ballista, barracuda and one other eb that i cant remember, all went down with ease. Yeah i had to use unstoppable as my end was a bit low, but i was relatively surprised how easy they were, and that was +2 lvl.



Most downgraded AV's I've fought have been easier than actual elite bosses. For example I found Widdershins a lot harder than Citadel.



course all depends on the AT, for instance I always found ballistas pussies the day I met em on my MM, yet citadel is a whole different league to him

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Just solo'd that crazy scientist from cov,forgot his name for a sec,aoen or something,was an orange EB to me,but took him down pretty easy.



Widdershins is nasty. I general I dont have many problems with EB's on my MM. As far as I can remember the only 2 who have caused me too faceplant in the 40+ region were Widdershins and Pyriss.