Murusaki's backstory
anyone go anything to say about it?
obvious spelling mistakes like " teh lagcy chain to try and finish teh job." make it harder to read tbh.
I guess if you went through it and sorted out the obvious spelling mistakes it would make for a great backstory.
obvious spelling mistakes like " teh lagcy chain to try and finish teh job." make it harder to read tbh.
I guess if you went through it and sorted out the obvious spelling mistakes it would make for a great backstory.
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As I said above. I was really tired and writeing this around midnightish so I often type teh instead of the alot.
Cool backstory, everyone loves the "I want revenge for what they did to me and my family" stories. Anyway, keep it up (I didn't mind the spelling errors).
Cool backstory, everyone loves the "I want revenge for what they did to me and my family" stories. Anyway, keep it up (I didn't mind the spelling errors).
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thanks. Strang how easy it is to make up a backstory for me. my gf makeing her character and me makeing the backstory proved it.
Revenge heroes/villains are quite common now, Blast Burn certainly is one. The thing is that a hero usually has something happen to them to get them into a life of heroism. Usually something involving a relative dying, or personal revenge.
Revenge heroes/villains are quite common now, Blast Burn certainly is one. The thing is that a hero usually has something happen to them to get them into a life of heroism. Usually something involving a relative dying, or personal revenge.
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true, yet smome heros then become villains because it isn't so...fufilling. Like you only get to Arrest the people you defeat. You don't beat them so badly to leave them suffering or just kill them leaveing them in a pool of blood. No you have to be the nice guy and take people ot the police.
This is the back-story of my Gf's character. She made and chose the cloths, archetype and power pools. I made the back-story. (P.S. very sorry for typos/ started writing this around midnight. ))
Murusaki along with the rest of her Japanese family had been blessed with the long age ability of being able to raise the dead. Unfortunately the family had been hated by both Villains and Heroes due to them being neutral mercenaries.
On Murusaki's 16th birthday she was sleeping peacefully with her many friends who had came for a sleepover to celebrate her sweet sixteen. Unfortunately the legacy Chain and their rules about how to use magic and what magic was "forbidden" caused them to attack her home and family. The embers of flame burned her house down while she slept.
Everyone awoke and panicked at the site of being surrounded by flame. Most of her friend had died already from suffocation by the smoke but a few of the girls were screaming their lungs out as they could not find a way out.
Murusaki's parents then burst through the flames and use their dark powers to break a hole through the wall opposite to the one they just broke through. Her mother Ran to Murusaki and hugged her tightly as her farther turned and waited for the legacy chain to try and finish the job.
"Murusaki...please run...escape from paragon. We have a friend in the rouge islands. Go there and be safe." She whispered with tears steaming down her face and glazing in the light. Murusaki was only in her panamas but there was obviously no way to get changed in the limited time she had. She simply agreed and ran out to escape the inferno.
Not long after the legacy chain had cut down a lot of the unread pets they had littering around the burning house and soon cornered Murusaki's parents. "You have been found guilty for conducting Necromancy. A forbidden art. Most evil power next to demon summoning. You shall come with us to the high security Prison Zigursky." One of the Ambenants of steel commanded them pointing his sword at the couple. But they just smirked as they looked at them.
"You won't take us alive...nor will you take our daughter. She's gifted...and she will destroy every one of you." The farther smirked while looking at them. He held his wife close as the Adamant lost his temper and killed them both where they stood.
While this happened. Murusaki made her way barefooted to the harbour where a transport being filled with Illegal goods was being loaded up by the Family. They saw her and a few of them walked over to her. Clearly they weren't all Japanese. Some were bi-lingual or even had translators. After one of them asked what she was doing here she put out her right arm and pulled back the sleeve on her night gown to show them her birthmark. It was a mark all in her family had in teat exact same place. One of them opened their mouth so wide that the cigarette that was in it fell to the floor.
A member of the family. Clearly one of the bosses walked over to examine what was going on. He too stopped looking shocked at seeing the mark and then he smiled down at her.
"Your family has done a lot of work for the family. We owe you many favours. Tell us what it is and we'll grant it." he smiled
"I go to the rouge islands...there's a contact my family knew there. I want..." She bit her lip knowing that this was one of the worst things to ask. but she had no choice. Her family was now dead along with her friends. She was the last of her clan. She now looked up at the man with fiery red eyes and said in a whispering and dark tone. "I want revenge." Murusaki almost sneered saying that. She was then taken onto the boat and given cloths to change into. Having that her family had done a lot of work for them meant that they would be at her service. When Emile Marcone would hear about this he would give her unlimited favours for her loss...but would still work for them.
Now she currently walks the rouge islands looking for a way to avenge her family. Teaming with anyone who fights the Legacy chain. Her knowledge of poisons and abilities to bring the dead to life make her very formidable.
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I corrected the spelling for those who have an issue with it, cool story btw
Revenge heroes/villains are quite common now, Blast Burn certainly is one. The thing is that a hero usually has something happen to them to get them into a life of heroism. Usually something involving a relative dying, or personal revenge.
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true, yet smome heros then become villains because it isn't so...fufilling. Like you only get to Arrest the people you defeat. You don't beat them so badly to leave them suffering or just kill them leaveing them in a pool of blood. No you have to be the nice guy and take people ot the police.
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None of that is terribly fulfilling either, though. It just seems like it should be, but in truth it doesn't bring the person back. It doesn't stop you feeling grief. It just gives you something to blame.
Revenge heroes/villains are quite common now, Blast Burn certainly is one. The thing is that a hero usually has something happen to them to get them into a life of heroism. Usually something involving a relative dying, or personal revenge.
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true, yet smome heros then become villains because it isn't so...fufilling. Like you only get to Arrest the people you defeat. You don't beat them so badly to leave them suffering or just kill them leaveing them in a pool of blood. No you have to be the nice guy and take people ot the police.
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None of that is terribly fulfilling either, though. It just seems like it should be, but in truth it doesn't bring the person back. It doesn't stop you feeling grief. It just gives you something to blame.
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very true. Very, very, true. But as is human nature you never think of that at first do you? And besides she has necromancy so in a way she can bring them undead brainless slaves but still be back. and her parnets and firnds will always be with her in a spiritual way.
Thanks ther Ballbareing. Appricate the help. Stupid keyboard.
This is the backstory of my Gf's character. She made and chose the cloths, archetype and powerpools. I made the backstory.(P.S. very sorry for typos/ started writeing thi saround midnight.
Murusaki along with the rest of her japanese family had been blessed with the long age ability of being able ot rise the dead. Unfortunately the family had been hated by both Vilains and Heros due to them being nutral mercanaries.
On Murusaki's 16th birthday she was sleeping peacefully with her many friends who had came for a sleepover to celeabrate her sweet sixteen. Unfortunately the legacy Chain and their rules about how to use magic and what magic was "forbiddon" caused them to attack her home and family. The embers of flame burned her house down while she slept.
Everyone awoke and paniced at the site of being surrounded by flame. Most of her friend had died already from suffication by the smoke but a few of the girls were screaming their lungs out as they could not find a way out.
murusaki's parents then brust through the flames and use their dark powers to break a hole through the wall opposite to the one they just broke through. Her mother Ran rto Murusaki and hugged her tightly as her farther turned and waited for teh lagcy chain to try and finish teh job.
"Murusaki...please run...escape from paragon. We have a friend in the rouge islands. Go there and be safe." She wispered with tears steaming down her face and glazeing in teh light. Murusaki was only in her pajamas but there was obviousely no way to get changed in teh limited time she had.She simply agreed annd ran out to escape the inferno.
Not long after the legacy chain had cut down alot of the undead pets they had littering around the burning house and soon cornered Murusaki's parents. "You have been found guilty for conducting Necromancy. A forbiddon art. most evil power next to demon summoning. You shall come with us to the high secruity Prison Zigursky." One of the Ambenants of steel commanded them pointing his sword at the coupele. But they just smirked as they looked at them.
"You won't take us alive...nor will you take our daughter. She's gifted...and she will destroy every one of you." The farther smirked while looking at them. He held his wife close as the Adement lost his temper and killed them both where they stood.
While this happened. Murusaki made her way barefooted to teh harbor where a transport being filled with Illegal goods was being loaded up by the Family. They saw her and a few of them walked over to her. Clearly they weren't all Japanese. Some were bi-lingual or even had translators. After one of them asked what she was doing here she put out her right arm adn pulled back the sleeve on her night gown to show them her birthmark. It was a mark all in her family had in teat exact same place. One of them opened their mouth so wide that the cigerette that was in it fell to the floor.
A member of teh family. Clearly one o fthe bosses walked over to examin what was going on. He too stopped looking shocked at seing teh mark and then he smiled down at her.
"Your family has done alot of work for the family. We owe you many favors. Tell us what it is adn we'll grant it." he smiled
"I go to the rouge islands...there's a contact my family knew there. I want..." She bit her lip knowing that this was one of teh worst things to ask. but she had no choice. Her family was now dead along with her friends. She was the last of her clan. She now looked up at the man with firey red eyes and said in a wispering and dark tone. "I want revenge." Murusaki almost sneered saying that. She was then taken onto the boat and given cloths to change into. Haveing that her family had done alot of work for them meant that they would be at her service. When Emile Marcone would hear about this he would give her unlimited favors for her loss...but would still work for them.
Now she currently walks the rouge islands looking for a way to avenge her family. Teaming with anyone who fights the Legacy chain. Her knowlage of posions and abilities to bring the dead to life make her very formiddable.