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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    Funnily enough, I bumped into a new member of my Supergroup (The Echelon) last week. Who was a Roleplayer (This is on Defiant, I might add). I tried to encourage him to move to Union, since it was alittle akward talking to someone who was "in-character" when I was not. But I admired the fact that he didn't care. He liked Defiant.= and he liked Roleplaying. He didn't see why he couldn't play both.

    So go for it. Good luck to you. If you ever fancy somone to Roleplay with, I'm up for it [img]/uk/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    The Rot Hood.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    He's absoutely right - Those of us who RP on Defiant just tend to be a little more tolerant of OOC stuff, since most people don't RP at all.
  2. Unless you're up against someone with ranged attacks of course - all they have to do is stay reasonably close and interrupt you when you try to heal.
  3. All hail MoX for a very enjoyable in-game event!
  4. Heheh. Nice to see it from the outside.
    I also salute the use of the Benny Hill music at the beginning

    FYI, Calcifer HAS been over level 5, but his in-game navigation is a little poor - I spent most of the early levels dragging him around Defiant with the "Recall Friend" power.

    He's a good tank though, and his navigation has got better since he got Super Jump
  5. Seconded.

    I hope they didn't mean to just post them on the MoX forums.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    also, what is the best way to choose between hero and villain?

    i tried flipping a coin but it landed on its side

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    Why choose. Just have both
  7. Genuinely awesome fun.

    Can't wait to see the vids - being involved in the race gives you such a limited perspective on what everyone else is up to.
  8. ClockworkGolem


    [ QUOTE ]
    That's f**ing amazing work dude

    I like it cos he kind of looks like Bruce Cambell (coolest guy ever from Evil Dead trilogy) aswell as Christopher Reeve.

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    I am suddenly struck by the idea of Superman with a chainsaw for a hand.fighting Bizarrro Deadite Superman.

    Someone needs to draw that.
  9. I've got a levelup to level 6 just sitting waiting for the race to finish
  10. Chartacter Name: Clockwork Golem
    Archetype: Tech Defender

    ...Healing myself with Healing Aura isn't cheating, is it?

    Even if it's too late for me to join officially, I'm going to be there one way or the other
  11. Suits me, shouldn't take me long to get Clockwork Golem to level 5 on Union.

    If it's not too late, I'll be there.
  12. Is this on a specific server, or all of them?
  13. Well, the obvious reason for Villains to gather is to find jobs or flunkies. It's also very stylish. It must surely have been a focal point for evil deeds in the past.

    My only problem with the clocktower location is that it's nowhere near an arena, for settling arguments in the time olf villain tradition of stomping all dissenters flat. Maybe Cryptic could do us a portal of some kind?
  14. Leave it to the players to justify why their character is at a place where other villains are known to hang out.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Revenge heroes/villains are quite common now, Blast Burn certainly is one. The thing is that a hero usually has something happen to them to get them into a life of heroism. Usually something involving a relative dying, or personal revenge.

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    true, yet smome heros then become villains because it isn't so...fufilling. Like you only get to Arrest the people you defeat. You don't beat them so badly to leave them suffering or just kill them leaveing them in a pool of blood. No you have to be the nice guy and take people ot the police.

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    None of that is terribly fulfilling either, though. It just seems like it should be, but in truth it doesn't bring the person back. It doesn't stop you feeling grief. It just gives you something to blame.
  16. Youtube would seem to be the obvious candidate here.
  17. Definately need some better codecs, my friend
  18. ClockworkGolem


    Pocket D, of course, is also a good place to "hang out". And excellent for those face to face villain-hero chats.

    Some of the best hero/villain interactions take place when they're not able to fight. Like the whole Highlander "We must not fight on Holy Ground" thing.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Given that we are concerned with writing for the COH/COV universe, how close to the action in game do you expect a story to be?

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    Personally, I consider the combat in the game to be an abstraction of Superhero combat. Using an inspiration, for example, is the user taking advantage of a bright idea they've had in the middle of a fight.

    Just because my character isn't ACTUALLY pulling lamposts out of the ground to use as an improvised weapon onscreen doesn't mean it's not happening in my head

    I definately don't think any story should ever nessicarily be constrained by the game mechanics.
  20. ClockworkGolem

    Reformed Badge

    You know, I bet she's only saying that because she doesn't have any badges!
  21. ClockworkGolem


    On the other hand, you could easily have someone like Batman's "Maxie Zeus", who BELIEVES that they're Zeus even though all they are, infact, is nuts.
  22. ClockworkGolem


    Generally speaking: Yes.

    In this instance, I'd say "consider the character you're playing in Paragon City to be a parallel universe version of the character who is not the most powerful, but nonetheless potentially very powerful."

    Besides, realistically any player character is never REALLY going to be any more powerful than any other could potentially be. We're all playing by the same rules.
  23. Plasmarch, I'm going to kill you.

    Logged into the game, went to browse the forum quickly while waiting for it load, started reading your comics, forgot I was logged in and when I finally remembered I was playing I'm staring at the "go to hospital" dialogue box.

    Good work, and worth every point of XP debt I picked up
  24. I think it depends on the hero as much as the villain.

    What you need is someone who will have interesting interactions with the hero. Fire and Ice are an interesting combination, because fire can melt ice, but ice can potentially smother fire.

    Bear in mind that Statesman not only has Recluse, he ALSO has the Reichsman, for example. There's room for more than one nemesis. Also, if you have more than one villian, you can also have interesting interactions between the villians.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    A facility for bigger threats needs to be introduced and perhaps it already exists? It might be worth suggesting this to Positron and the team.

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    CoH needs a Phantom Zone!

    Seriously, I think that the Zig is about as secure as you could rationally hope. To complain that it's not secure enough is simply to ignore the quite astonishing array of threats that it faces.

    You can find a way through any ward. You can hack a way through any jammer & there's never been a prison built that can hold a hero forever. Why should this be any less true of our villainous counterparts?