Master Of Olympus Badge - Spawn Attempt
Global @Doctor Dust,
Your precuations are extreme, and yet reasonable, due to the extreme rarity of the attempt.
Hopefully this can be a success ;p
morning kin count me in if needed @Dark Bru got got my brute and mm for the hob thos my mm is kinda pant in pvp zones
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
This sounds gd and im interested with my brute in my sig
You can contact me @NeoArc ingame if theres space.
@Neo Arc
@Neon Arc
Member of the 1AT
first rule of Kronos Fight Club...
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
@Doc with Death Rose (39 Plant/Thorns Dom) or Doc Havok (40 Necro/Dark MM).
(Please note, however, that I am out of the country from 18-29 May and will thus be unavailable)
Sign me up, @Max Powerz.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
@Notorious Pinky - lvl40 nrg/kin corr siging up sir!!
Aye Aye sir!
@scar ......if you didn't know....
looks like it should be a fine turnout =)
Hey Kin, count me in. I haven't been in game for a while, but I'll pop in over the weekend and check with you or FB to see if there's still room.
Gabriel Kane, Lvl 50 Mind/FF Controller
Lucius Kane, Lvl 40 Nec/Dark Mastermind
Im also Interested with my Lv40 claws/regen Stalker.
I'm not a die-hard badge hunter, but do like to pick certain ones up. This definetely is one I'd like to have, sign me up @Solar Flash
We spawned the GM in Sirens and got the badge. thanks to Ovohm's for the mission, the villains who helped get it and a particularly big theanks to the PvP heroes who held off on PvP'ing for the 10 minutes it took. Much appreciated guys.
Here is a link to a screenshot
Kronos Titan Pwned
for those who missed oput (We had to cap numbers and couldn't tell those who missed it due to PvP interference), the system above does work and I'll be happy to help any future attempts.
Thanks very much for the badge Kin. Beta will be wandering around proudly sporting his "Master of Olympus" badge of awesomeness.
@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!
Imaginary Inc.
Twitter me!
yeah i didnt get a chance to thank you properly Kin, as i was far too tired to form coherent words. Thanks a lot for organising this, you are a true badgehunting legend =)
Meh i was sleeping, why the morning?
Meh i was sleeping, why the morning?
[/ QUOTE ]
Because we had to do it when the PvP zones were empty to prevent interference.
OK, there is a post regarding this over on the Union heroes forum HERE.

I'm posting again as I now have someone with the mission lined up and have scheduled a time and day to actually attempt to get the 'Master Of Olympus' badge. This badge is very hard to get and, to my knowledge, has not been done on the Union server by a villain(I don't think it's been done on any of the European servers TBH).
Obviously, this will all be on a need to know basis to prevent any PvP griefers interfering with the attempt. So far, I have a total of 9 villains which is more than enough to take the GM down but we may as well go for two full teams of 8.
Those who do want in, please post with your global name here and I will be in touch with you in game from tonight onwards to inform you of when the attempt will take place. A couple of rules I must insist on as I'm very wary of certain PvP elements turning up just to ruin the attempt.
- I will ask around about all applicants to see if they are known PvP gankers.
- I will be checking to see if the person is a genuine badger. Spaces are limited and there is a trust issue involved in keeping this quiet.
- The attempt time/date MUST be kept to yourself. No telling friends in your VG or anyone else when the attempt will be. If you know people who may want to join, get them to post here.
- Posting your name is NOT a guarantee that you will be contacted. Any suspicion someone may 'blab' to some heroes when the attempt is made will result in you not being contacted.
Apologies for the OTT way of doing this but given it takes a while to coordinate with heroes, villains, the mission in question and a PvP zone involved I'm trying to minimise the chance of griefers ruining it. On the plus side, I did decide a secret handshake would not be necessary
These are the globals of those who have expressed an interest so far.
Tech Tower
Black Jon Bludd