Warshades in PVP?




it can stick a lt down but not a protected player.

I found that if i'm running shadowcloak, inky and orbiting death i can see a hidden stalker and the inky and debt will interrupt an as, but it is so slow to tick, certainly its slow enough that i can superspeed thru a group of villains and not be suppressed with an 'attack' tick from death or inky.




gravity well is a decent hold, it can hold quite a bunch in PvE, however like gonk said it cant get a protected player, just like a single controller hold isnt enough to get a protected player.

Also the main reason why stalkers are annoyin to get a lock on as trollers is that most of them got a defense based secondary, so first there is the issue of hitting them, and if you hit you need to overcome mez-protection. The defense makes stacking annoying and if you dont hit fast enough they just go back in hide and then you have to find them again.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Ah yes, defence. Good point I'd over looked .



from my experiance, and this could be totally different today as it was a while ago, when i have been in pvp with my brute it got held by an ice blaster's hold. through its mez protection, acrobatics and two break frees...

Now i know fiery Aura isn't exactly designed for PvP, but i was always dissapointed at the really low level of mex protection it afforded. So if things havent changed I don't see why a WS can't hold something.

As it stands, you have a disorient aura, and a disorient cone attack, and a hold. Surely you go for disorient as your first attack, then try the hold.

Havent tried it in PvP. Am waiting for a respec to give this a go. But with a PvE build i took on a regen (got owned) but he said by the end of it his powers had virtually stopped recharging altogether, so thats gotta come in handy if you use a PvP build.

out of interest has anyone tried using a high accuracy slotted mire/eclipse when they see an AS is about to happen? I'd imagine if you could disturb an AS with mire it may freak the stalker out if you made a bind to fire off the mire and say "Hello, Stalker who is about to die" in local. may be a bit cocky, and embarrasing if they then own you.....but would be funny to see the look on their face if you did that then held em and pounded em to death



yep i've done that, when you catch sight of the stalky and mire, its one of the best ways to pull a save. good point i hadnt remembered that from when i did that it.

on the disorient, i have a feeling that the disorient power and the disorient aura still are not enough to overcome a status protection from a stalker or brute, i think it takes another 3rd layer to push it. teh slow tick on teh aura is a killa i think




anyone managed to Stygian a fallen Villain yet? Seeing as though SC's heal is based on the level of enemy u take it off i was wondering if theyr counted as Minion, Leut or Boss....?

and how fast/good is the human form single target self heal? iv never taken it.

And remember guys, u could always just use the pitiful mobs of NPCs to buff urself with Mires etc. Or if u can lure a villain to a mob, using Gravitic Emanation, together with Unchain Essence may b enuf to Stun him

Just some food for thought

Shnyet AWAY



On the subject of auras - i run lightning field 3 slotted with accuracy - it misses - alot. Using amplify and build up however hits, apart from that 5% chance - not that WS's have access to both of these.
The misses though are a useful indication that a stalker is close - and no, you cannot see them. But it does let you prepare for the hit that is to happen.



Just a thought......could we see Stalker from further in Nova form? Seeing as though we slot it with 3 ToHit Buff SO's.....

Shnyet AWAY



So, overall, when running Shadowcloak it should be possible to see a Stalker running just Hide from 40 feet right up to contact distance? Running Tactics on top of Shadowcloak should enable the same thing on a Stalker running Stealth with Hide? I've only played a Regen/Spines hero in PvP at all so far, & he has no +perception at all, so I have no personal experience really of Tactics +perception etc.

I think it sounds fair that Orbiting Death, etc don't break Hide, or interrupt Assasin Strike otherwise the Stalker's a bit lost for a course of action to take. I do think the "miss, miss, miss" indicator is ok though as it does allow the apparent victim player a degree of action too.

The possibilty of Stygian Cycle or Extract Essence off a defeated villain sounds a lot of fun. I think maybe a Warshade might be a wildly fun, quite challenging set to play in PvP once in a while .