Squid by name, but not by nature




I'm seriously considering dropping Nova form when I next respec. I've enjoyed using it, esp at low levels, but I'm not sure it's needed any longer.

I'm much more into dwarf and I could use the slots elsewhere me thinks.

All the squid powers are available to human PBs anyway.

Anyone tried this? Anyone think I'm mad?



There are really very few wrong ways to build a kheldian. if human/dwarf floats your boat, then it can work.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Double Mire + Dark Nova FTW!
Oh, you're just a PB ( )



The human form versions of the nova attacks are generally shorter ranged, use more end and are less powerfull. But as someone said, if you don't like squid then drop it.



As said above, there is no WRONG way as far as forms go. Single form, dual form, tri-form. All have been proven to work as long as you slot properly and are aware of your strengths and weakness's.

I dropped Nova form at first respec and never looked back, went all human form myself and I found it awesomely powerful. But whatever way you go, all ways work, with the right build.



Unlike spelling. I'd be suprised if there hadn't been a few before, the advantage of being able to sink a few extra slots into your Dwarf and human forms could be pretty useful.