PVP on US servers
uhm, well not as many of us as them ;D
and cuz of that we do got hardly any pvp'ers
oh and the fact that its an american game and they're catered for ............
I actually considered getting a US copy of the game and playing over there
I actually considered getting a US copy of the game and playing over there
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you best not leave me!!! :P
The US has a larger PvP community, yes. But I also get the impression, that as a whole, the EU community is a lot more friendly.
I actually considered getting a US copy of the game and playing over there
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I've been feeling a bit like that too. Higher population servers would be a lot more fun I think. They also tend to do a lot more crazy concept stuff.
I dont see why we cant have Onion and devient merged, that would sort it
I dont see why we cant have Onion and devient merged, that would sort it
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or merge the PVP zones globally or make a global pvp server to boost the pvp in this game beyond imagination
There'd be a problem with same-name characters from different servers though, wouldn't there?
World of Jackcraft.
I dont see why we cant have Onion and devient merged, that would sort it
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or merge the PVP zones globally or make a global pvp server to boost the pvp in this game beyond imagination
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Merged servers would be easier TBH it would sort a [censored] load of probs in the pve and pvp part of this game.
I dont see why we cant have Onion and devient merged, that would sort it
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or merge the PVP zones globally or make a global pvp server to boost the pvp in this game beyond imagination
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There'd be a problem with same-name characters from different servers though, wouldn't there?
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I would be willing to be called Big Bob1 if it ment not having to make alts on both servers or go to test all the time .
There'd be a problem with same-name characters from different servers though, wouldn't there?
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Well considering over here we have that problem just on Union i've had 2 of my toons name be taken and DOT added on to the end of the name as im sure many others have the same problem. In the US they must get 2 DOTS or 3 or 4 on the end hehe
I actually considered getting a US copy of the game and playing over there
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I am very tempted to pop over and see what it is like over there especially as there is a free trial (click me) at the mo.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
I actually considered getting a US copy of the game and playing over there
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I am very tempted to pop over and see what it is like over there especially as there is a free trial (click me) at the mo.
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Im the opposite. I play on Virtue on the US game CoH and
CoV. Im currently considering moving on the UK servers.
The PvP isnt all that great unless you stay up to 1am and
4am in the morning.
The OP had a nice experience. But its not always like that.
Smack talk over broadcast is regular on most servers but
its probably the same over here.
Having recently rediscovered my old US account that I had since I1 and brought over a fire/dev blaster with whom I am getting used to in sirens, I got a little bored last nigth when the PVP zones were empty.

I found this endearing though, the fact that newbies were not scared to come in the zone and with the changing dynamics ganking was no existant.
So I jumped over to Infinity on the US servers to check out the action over there and the difference (in virtually all things) was startling. The zone had at least 40 people in it for a start and each side kept getting pushed back after so long. It seemed stalkers (no suprise) and FF MMs are the flavour of the month over there, there were at least 8 of them camping the hero base. So I recruited a couple of /EM blasters and proceeded to use defiance and snipe to take them out, its such a thing of beauty to one shot a MM in PFF
In terms of attitude it seems different too, broadcast is hardly used, there is little villain/hero good natured banter like over here but also there was none of the vitriol that we get here either. Perhaps the sheer numbers and changing dynamics means there is less time/need to chat.
The zone also seemed full of people who were certainly not seasoned pvp players, questions about bounty were regular, where they could get inspirations from and stalkers didnt seem to know that they couldnt walk on caltrops
All in all I am wondering whether to relocate US side just because the pvp was so much more active, heres hoping it picks up in the EU
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