I'm definitely an Olympic class faceplanter!
I will be there! Happy Birthday Mighty! You should also have a deathrace where you make a new char and race through the gulch!
good idea :P chances are ill do this in about a month, ive got a holiday coming up soon in 2 weeks, unless i can do it before then
list of events:
debt-busting - will consist of a team of 8, spend one mission getting debt, then they all split off and get rid of it in any way possible(just thought of that hehe)
marathon - starting event probably, around yellow line starting from atlas
faceplanting - due to popular demand :P how many times can ONLY MINIONS kill you in 10 minutes
relay - still thinking of a way.. could be terribly exploited >< possibly an SO, a way of preventing cheating is having a watcher for each team, who they have to pass the enhancement to first then the watcher passes it to next player
window ledge race - simply a race up a building for SJers
many suggestions welcome like i said, ill need ALOT of volunteers for this hehe
watchers: making sure theres no cheaters, will need one for each team to prevent team tp etc
escorters: keeping the path, will need quite alot of these i guess, unless i get the help from devs to set up a track, which would be amazing
commentators: will need 2 active players to broadcast whats happening, probably will have to fly above or SS and follow, or something like that
secondary events manager: i wont be able to do this on my own :P will need another person, first come first serve
post if you wanna volunteer
um... im not to sure this will work.... i mean all of this could be exploited very easily... and with no prize i dont think people will bother. But if it does good for proving me wrong
its just for fun.. eh nothing ever intresting happens, so why not make something intresting?
I think it sounds awesome! I don't care about a prize. We could all use some good fun & it sounds like this has great potential. Count me in & if you need any help I'll be more than happy to do whatever
You can count Funk in as well!
The 50's
Ruby Dragon - ill/emp Troller
Rain Phoenix - fire/ss Tank
Seth Darkstar - rad/dark Def
Sorrow Phoenix - dm/reg Scrap
Por Siempre - ice/therm Corr
Prized Dragon - WS
Mari Darksoul - nrg/ice Blas
Nawty - fire/kin Troller
Macula - ice/fire Tank
Sounds like fun, will there be wrestling?
ty want to be second manager? as soon as i have that i can get started
wrestling.. hmm, can you think of a way to do it? :P i suppose i might use the arena
I was just kidding
but its the thought that counts!
I could help you if you want, just tell me what I need to do
@Magic Healing
if you want to contact me ingame
fine fine... im in
Send me a PM here or a tell ingame @ Phoenix Dragon & tell me what the job entails
The 50's
Ruby Dragon - ill/emp Troller
Rain Phoenix - fire/ss Tank
Seth Darkstar - rad/dark Def
Sorrow Phoenix - dm/reg Scrap
Por Siempre - ice/therm Corr
Prized Dragon - WS
Mari Darksoul - nrg/ice Blas
Nawty - fire/kin Troller
Macula - ice/fire Tank
If you want inf. prizes, I can assist there
Can we have monkey golf?
I used to love that with the few days I had the Nemesis Staff .
TP bugee. Someone jumps off a building and gets TPed before they hit the ground. Number of successful saves is the winner. Or best of so many.
There was a thread on this before somewhere. I think Commander Beet was talking about it but there were a good few events in there too. Forgotten them all now, as well as the location of the thread, its subject and anything else you could have used to find it. Can't even remember if it was pre or post wipe. I've a feeling it was post.
Glad to help though.
Sent you a PM jakku
eek :P i didnt know itd get such posative feedback, if you wanna contact me its @albino pyro.
4drenalin3 is second manager so if you have any questions PM me or him
Ok, I've remembered some of the suggestions we had before that you don't have.
A Wipeout style high speed race around the edge of Warburg. So a number of laps through a course marked out by Players standing as Flags (like the gates when skiing but less frequent). Wipeout style means you can gank / hold / slow /blast em. No teleporters allowed though, probably just Super Speed / Siphon Speed. People encouraged to go "Missile" in a deep robotic voice for added realism.
Repelion or varients. Storm Controllers, Kinetics, Dark Blast (assuming they were silly enough to get Torrent), nrg blasters and MA scrappers playing some form of football etc with Knockbacks.
AOE Competitions: Clearing as many wild monkeys from PI as you can within a time limit or the like.
Not sure what you mean with the first one, but the other 2 are great, but it would be better to do it in an other zone so low levels can enter too without being killed in 2 seconds when entering PI
lol i had a dream that the devs helped us with this one with a GIANT update, it was amazing wouldnt happen though i dont think ><
EDIT: me and magic have just had a big discussion about it, details to follow from magic its sounding pretty good
Yup we're having the Herolimpics on
April 15, 17:00 GMT till 20:00 GMT
More information will follow about the events and more!
If you have any question, want to help us or if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me or jakku!
@Magic Healing or @albino pyro
Heya and thank you for reading our first event update!
The first event I'm about to give you information about is.. To the top!
To the top!
This is a race on a building and you have to work up your way to the top, by jumping on windows and ledges.
You will race against one other hero and you will have to give an inspiration to the one who's standing on top of the building. The first one who gives the inspiration, wins!
You cannot use any powers except sprint/prestige slide. If you do so, you WILL be disqualified.
There will be 16 spots available, but you can already reserve a place by posting your ingame-name, global handle and the event you want to signup for. You can also wait a few more days until we revealed all information about the events so you can signup for more.
You can use this template for signing up for the Herolympics!
Ingame name:
Global handle:
Which event(s) do you want to participate in?
[*]To the top! [*] [*]
[/ QUOTE ]
Information about our 2nd event will be revealed tomorrow
now, im not sure this is gonna go well, but i plan to hold a herolympic event, possibly over the time of a week, where we will do many things like marathon(all the way through the yellow line) and races for travel-power specific players.there will be races for SS,SJ,fly,TP etc.

im not all that sure on how this will go but its just a plan, no prize or anything
anyone in? suggestions welcome(my first thing infact organized)