Kneel down and worship us.
Ha do not speek of the feeble Corruptors, whoconstantly cower behind the Brutes and only take pot shots at thoes enemies who have been greatly battered by others.
For it is us who stand shoulder to shoulder with the brutes in the front lines and it is the choas we rain down uppon the enemies so that the brutes can wade in the knowldge they need not fear thoes who stand before us.
(A front line plant dominator, with the debt badges to prove it )
Hmmmmmm? Sorry, must have missed this post *lets Ice Sword dissolve and steps away from the army of, now sadly deceased, longbow*
Dominators, as far as I'm concerned, are some of THE scariest villains around. I mean, come on....
Brutes? The name says it all - muscle, nothing else.
Masterminds? Cowards, hidind behind flunkies.
Stalkers? What are they all about? I mean, are they actually afraid to let their opponent see them coming in case they get their [censored] handed to them?
And Corruptors? Don't evern get me started on them....
Dominators are in the front line (at least the ones I've teamed with) regardless of team size, mob type, doing their thing. And when you see that BOOM, you know that for the next 90 seconds, things are gonna be sooooooo ridiculously easy....
So yeah, Dominators rule
P.S. This post has been brought to you by the tongue-in-cheek society. Please don't assume that any of this was serious. Apart from the bit about Dominators ruling. That was.
well there was a very good regen scrapper camping by the base in Sirens call who's hopefully learnt not to mess with Dominators. I turned up, they squared me up straight into the zone - they lept at me and I pinned them to the wall with TK whilst everyone got their revenge. Ah sweet sweet Domination lol
Domination rocks my socks.
Gotta love it when you hit that button too - and way more fun that a controller or corruptor.
Can I just take 5 minutes to pile on some praise for the dominators throughout Rogue Isles.
You know we are a rather fantastic bunch of super villains. Bloody god damned fantastic.
You know, these "Corrupters" (twists his mouth in distate and spits the word out like venom) - sure they can heal you and help you ONCE youve been damaged and im sure they do have a lot of good advantages to a team. However, is it not supposed to be about prevention? Rather than cure? Surely preventing the damage is far better to curing any damage done?
Us dominators are undermined and not appreciated to the extent we should.
We ARE fabulous!
We ARE highly useful.
I mean who makes enemies cower in such a strength of fear in such a HUGE area and makes them unable to act? Who can make the very fabric of our world turn agains you.
Who can make em all swoon in disorientation and choking in fumes so helpless? Who else can send em flying into the walls and held there by invisible forces? Who else can command the forces of nature to keep his allies safe from harm? Who else can summon the elements to protect her allies? WHO else can cause the very mind itself to become the bodies greatest enemy!
Oh sure the....."corrupters" can try and immitate us, with their sub "controlling" abilities. But its us who protect the stalkers and the brutes. Its us who hold the fury of the longbow at bay. Its us who pay for it in blood (most of the time).
So we are fantastic. I take my hat off you you. Dominators everywhere, you might not be appreciated out there, but I thank you and praise you.
(Im a mind dominator by the way