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  1. I mess with and pretty much tear up their minds until they are gibbering wrecks.


    Your mind is mine!!

    I make my enemies wish they were robots so they had no minds to break.
  2. A plague on the damned Seeds Of Confusion!

    - a disgruntled Mind Controller
  3. TheFrozenSoul


    Well thats the flaw im afraid with drain psyche. There is no accuracy slot, so your best shot is to use it in a big group of enemies. At least then theres a good chance of catching 2 or 3. Like most Psi powers (not mind), there seems to be a slight accuracy handicapp. So if ur fighting enemies higher than yourself all the time, i would suggest using it in close proximity to a big group. If they are just 1 or 2 level higher then it should be hitting half the time. and yes, if it has worked you will notice green and blue rings around yourself to show the health and endurance boost. and of course the little symbol.
  4. Can I just take 5 minutes to pile on some praise for the dominators throughout Rogue Isles.

    You know we are a rather fantastic bunch of super villains. Bloody god damned fantastic.

    You know, these "Corrupters" (twists his mouth in distate and spits the word out like venom) - sure they can heal you and help you ONCE youve been damaged and im sure they do have a lot of good advantages to a team. However, is it not supposed to be about prevention? Rather than cure? Surely preventing the damage is far better to curing any damage done?

    Us dominators are undermined and not appreciated to the extent we should.

    We ARE fabulous!
    We ARE highly useful.
    We ROCK

    I mean who makes enemies cower in such a strength of fear in such a HUGE area and makes them unable to act? Who can make the very fabric of our world turn agains you.
    Who can make em all swoon in disorientation and choking in fumes so helpless? Who else can send em flying into the walls and held there by invisible forces? Who else can command the forces of nature to keep his allies safe from harm? Who else can summon the elements to protect her allies? WHO else can cause the very mind itself to become the bodies greatest enemy!

    WE CAN!!
    Oh sure the....."corrupters" can try and immitate us, with their sub "controlling" abilities. But its us who protect the stalkers and the brutes. Its us who hold the fury of the longbow at bay. Its us who pay for it in blood (most of the time).

    So we are fantastic. I take my hat off you you. Dominators everywhere, you might not be appreciated out there, but I thank you and praise you.

    (Im a mind dominator by the way )
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    It's true, if you find you're teaming with someone who is fairly new to controlling/dominating, all you can really do is take matters into your own hands and make sure your powers don't conflict with theirs.

    I have teamed with different types of Dominator/Controllers with my Dominators/Controllers and didn't have any problems most of the time - in fact I think we managed the mobs quiet well together.

    It all boils down to the players ultimately and how they use the powers they have.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats what i feel. More than one dominator in many cases (not all) do seem to be more than enough. I mean min doms use quite a variety of forces to manipulate enemies. Fear, gravity (for TK), confusion, sleep and mass holds. Its just a shame that a lot of other doms skills do negate a lot of our skills.

    They either negate the sleep, hold the foes or immob the foes to completely nullify the confuse effect. Plus there is no need to do anything to a group of cowering foes except mash them into the ground. Why apply a further hold? Its not needed. Save your endurance Ice and Weed doms, try a bit of damage next time instead of ruining my work.
    The only power I can see having a complimentary effect on other dominators in the team are Telekinesis and Domination and possible mesmerise when there are lots of enemies spread everywhere.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    My word of advice is, dont team with Weed Dominators or Ice dominators. They ruin all your hard work.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Care to elaborate?

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    Well you cant do much with a foes mind if they are entangled in weeds of encased in ice, can you. Theres been times ive used Mass Confusion and had fun watching chaos unravel only to have an utterly incompetent ice dom or plant dom cover the whole places in weeds or blocks of ice. Rather inconsiderate if you ask me.
  7. TheFrozenSoul


    Just thought I would give you my thoughts on Psi since ive been a Mind/Psi dominator for some time:

    Drain Psyche is a good power, however it does need some slotting to make the increase in health and endurance noticeable. However ive slotted it with 2 Heal, 2 Endurance and 2 recharge. It saves me having to waste skill points in the Fitness pool as whenever Im low on endurance I just drain my enemies psyche and voila, my own pools replensih pretty damn quick.

    Mental blast really is a power to take with the thought in mind "Respec out at earliest opportunity". Its moderate damage with a hellish animation and seemingly quite poor accuracy makes this a bad choice of skills to be keeping. Subdue is far superior in everyway and if possible you should hold off until you can take it. However if you need a damaging skill early on, its all youve got really. But its a dreadfully inefficient skill.

    Psychic thrust is really only a bit of eye candy. Another skill to take if you really dont have anything else to take. Its mildly useful in solo but in groups not really that fab. Its fun but not does not make you any more of an effective dominator

    Psychic scream is amazing and very cool to watch. Get the hang of the cone arc and your sorted. Moderate damage which is of course boosted by most living creatures makes the damage rather good. Plus it slows the enemies attacking spee even if slightly. The group you have just screamed at would normally get 2 attacks off at you on all other aoe damage skills, where as the with scream they only get the one before your able to deal with them.

    Ive all ready mentioned subdue, it really is a super skill. Quick firing, good accuracy and more often than not it immobilises the enemy. THe damage potential is quite good to with the inherent Psi boost against living creatures.

    The last 2 powers in the set ive not picked up yet, but from I can tell they are both rather juicy skills to have. A long range psi snipe with fantastic damage once slotted and an even better AOE psychic blast which recharges at a great rate and does huge damage.

    Hope this helps.
  8. I have played with a Mind Control Dom for quite some time and aggree that its a superior choice. I did send an enquiry to the devs about the inbalance i thought was present between Seeds of Confusion and Mass Confusion. I was told that Mass Confusion has a few advantages over its poor red-headed step-sister power. It affects an entire area while SOC affects only a cone area. It does not cause aggro where SOC does (im not sure about this as I do not team with other plant doms to verify this). Plus its duration is longer than SOC (as i sa i cant verify this either,)
    THe rest of our powers are pretty good as well. Telekinesis may be situational, but when the right situation arises it will prove itself to be far superior than anything those Weed Dominators can throw out.
    Fear is another fab skill, its huge cone range is quite impressive and it does do a "minor" amount of damage which gets a nice boost of foes weak agains mind. Plus when they are cowering in fear they also get a good hit to accuracy, which if slotted properly means they will not hit you or your team mates. So its a pretty amazing skill.
    Mass Hypnosis may be another power that may seem pretty useless. However, if you cannot carry out a simple strategy, then you have no right in my eyes of being a dominator. Mass Hypnosis when used directly after a devastating or possibly not, AOE damage neutralises any aggro you may have picked up. Now how fabulous is that? Also if your playinig with a good team, then it can be used to put minions and LT to sleep while your team can take out the Boss smoothly and efficiently. Impatience has no place in my teams and those who continue to use sloppy AOE to wake up sleeping mobs will be shunned and im afraid receive a verbal humiliation. Its all in the strategy.
    Each power in the mind set in my opinion is amazing and when use in conjuction with good teams or used with skills, you really can rock.
    No set is perfect mind you and it does deserve a few tweaks.
    The animation of confuse needs to be decreased. The AOE hold recharge could be decreased from Very Long to Slow, and Levitate could use a little bit more of a damage boost.
    And remember that Mesmerise, Dominate, and Terrify all do rather good damage because they are Mind based and can cut foes to ribbons.
    My word of advice is, dont team with Weed Dominators or Ice dominators. They ruin all your hard work.