Shadow Step + Black Dwarf Step on one bind?
Just bind lctrl+lbutton.
Left Shift : tp in human form.
Left Ctrl : tp in dwarf form.
The two buttons are just under/above each other
Yeah, that's what I'd planned as I don't use the combination for anything else. I just can see me getting confused between the forms though.
Think the bind both powers could work.
Hm..pity it cant be done to bind both tps to one button..but eh I only ever use black dwarf tp in combat (so normal, non bind can suffice) ..for travel its nova or human tp
Dinged 20 last night and finally got Black Dwarf to add some versatility to my build and [thank god] some variety to my playstyle. It's been hard work living in Nova for 14 levels.
Anyhoo, I have lshift+lbutton bound to Shadow Step when in Human Form and I'd like to use the same bind when in Dwarf form if possible so that I don't have the inevitable brain-lag induced moments where I can't TP.
So, will the following bind activate whichever power is valid in the current form?
/bind lshift+lbutton "powexec_name Shadow Step$$powexec_name Black Dwarf Step"
Not at home at the moment so I can't test it out, would be grateful if someone can confirm. Thanks.
[/ QUOTE ]
Far as I can tell, that bind triggers BD Step only.
I have both bound to the same combination through my transformation binds (binds within binds! ), using U to go to Dwarf and H to return to Human, like so:
/bind u "goto_tray 5$$powexec_toggle_off Dark Nova$$powexec_toggle_on Black Dwarf$$bind lshift+lbutton powexec_name Black Dwarf Step"
/bind h "goto_tray 1$$powexec_toggle_off Dark Nova$$powexec_toggle_off Black Dwarf$$bind lshift+lbutton powexec_name Shadow Step"
Results in the combo triggering the appropriate teleport, as long as I shift into the form using the particular bind. (the tray switches are there because I have human powers in 1-2-3, Nova powers in 4 and Dwarf powers in 5.) It ain't absolutely perfect (for one thing, if I get planted in form or mezzed out of one, I have to press H to get Shadow Step working again), but it works.
Could just as easily be done as macros, of course, if a button is preferred.
EditReading that through, it seems to me to be a little patronising. Forgive me if it is, it wasn't meant. Not good at putting across a lot of information.)
Character references! Artz! Whatnot!
Actually looking at binding within the macro/bind would have been my next course of action, so that should help a lot. Thanks.
I'm using some bind files to change keybinds when changing human/dwarf forms, as well as having macros for the power tray changes.
Dinged 20 last night and finally got Black Dwarf to add some versatility to my build and [thank god] some variety to my playstyle. It's been hard work living in Nova for 14 levels.
Anyhoo, I have lshift+lbutton bound to Shadow Step when in Human Form and I'd like to use the same bind when in Dwarf form if possible so that I don't have the inevitable brain-lag induced moments where I can't TP.
So, will the following bind activate whichever power is valid in the current form?
/bind lshift+lbutton "powexec_name Shadow Step$$powexec_name Black Dwarf Step"
Not at home at the moment so I can't test it out, would be grateful if someone can confirm. Thanks.