Photon Seekers




Anyone have any tips of best use for the Photon Seekers??
I have just got em and would love some tips on how to use em best??



Easy.. Launch them at point blank range to the enemy you're attacking, and they MIGHT hit them...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Best to activate them when you are stood right in the face of what you want to hit as they usually all score hits straight away then. A small tightly packed group is great because of the small AoE they have - mini Dawn Strike. Some people activate them before attacking a group but you have less control of where they go when you do this and often they float around for ages before picking a target or just decide not to attack at all. Can be ok if you are not too bothered what they get up to and just use them as a 'fire, follow and forget' power.

Slotting wise, I've got damage and recharge. Have seen some discussion on whether any acc are needed or not but I don't know to be honest.



Best to activate them when you are stood right in the face of what you want to hit as they usually all score hits straight away then.

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I think this is really the only way to use them effectively, I have tried other methods, launching them then attacking and sometimes they're still hanging around trying to look pretty.

I just tend to think of them as another melee attack. I haven't had a chance to test the slotting on them as yet, damage definatly maybe acc and end reduction.



Best to activate them when you are stood right in the face of what you want to hit as they usually all score hits straight away then.

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I think this is really the only way to use them effectively, I have tried other methods, launching them then attacking and sometimes they're still hanging around trying to look pretty.

I just tend to think of them as another melee attack. I haven't had a chance to test the slotting on them as yet, damage definatly maybe acc and end reduction.

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Yeh, photon seekers should defo not be fired pre-attack, only in the middle of combat at point blank range. They have the IQ of a fried potato...

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"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



They have the IQ of a fried potato...

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I think that is being overly generous. I can safely say that Photon seekers are, without fear of contradiction, the single most stupid pet in the game. Point Blank FTW or don't bother, and even then it's a lottery as to whether or not they actually attack anything other than a piece of scenery. The amount of times I have fired mine off only to have them float about looking pretty is unreal. Is there any chance that the Devs "look at" the AI? Again, by "look at" I mean improve, not give it a damn good thwack with the 'bat!


Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire



I don't agree. They are very clever.

They really don't want to die if they don't have to.

Seriously though, used point blank they are devestating. Used pre-fight they are quite pretty.

Dead Calm's Defender Manifesto



i must admit when my peacebringer had photon seekers they were unbelievable stupid. for the time it takes them to relise they can go blow themselves up on some evil its not really worth the dmg tbh, they tend to hover around me and just float for a while i think the IQ needs a boosting.
if not i think a good throwing of a bread roll would be more effiecent. (or how ever u spell that last part)


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Seriously though, used point blank they are devestating. Used pre-fight they are quite pretty.

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Agreed. I usually use them as a mini dawn-strike while the real dawn strike is recharging. Jump into the middle of a mob and unleash.

Would be nice if they were smarter but they do work.



Would you ever consider taking Photon Seekers before Dawn Strike? I just hit 32 and am contemplating my choice. I like the idea of a mini nuke that doesn't drain my end, but is it worth pushing Dawn Strike to 35?

I guess Conserve Power + Dawn Strike + Catch A Breath would not disrupt the flow too much either.



I took Photons at 32 and DS at 35 with no ill effects!

I have considered respeccing the Photons out, but if do they work then they work spectacularly well, so until I hear a better idea, I'm happy I took them at 32. Besides it's another thing a PB has to impress your friends and neighbours!


Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire



Hmmm.. I have to ask...

How often, when fired from point blank, do you find them not working as intended? Is it frequent enough that you can't really count on them?



Hmmm.. I have to ask...

How often, when fired from point blank, do you find them not working as intended? Is it frequent enough that you can't really count on them?

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They're very hit and miss. I've seen them explode on a target almost instantly while other times they seem to take one look at the mobs around you and promptly decide to run off elsewhere. Think they hit more often than not if you release them right next to a target but you can't rely on them.



Dawn strike is a lot less powerfull than other nukes and usually won't kill everything you hit. The aggro you end up with can be a problem so I use it less often personally. That's why I took seekers at 32 and dawn strike at 35. They may be stupid but you can use them more often than your nuke and don't have the downside of leaving you with no end..



Thanks. I think I'll go with Photon Seekers, despite the unreliability.



I know this post is old but i would like to say thanks for the input i got.
I have now tryed the Seekers for a bit and i aggre what has been said. They rock when fired up close but tend to fly around looking really stupid when they dont have a target in their face. And as all pets need names i call em "three blind mice"



Another point to note is that photon seekers are quite good in pvp, certainly better than dawn strike.
Go 1 shot a squishy!



I love them, yes sometimes they are frustrating but the best time i find them usfull is when you are backed up in a corner with no support, like peeps have already said fired at point blank range, everything is thrown back from you and thier damage is good.



Damage is good...good?! Damage is fantastic.

Its the highest single target attack attack in the game! (providing all 3 photons hit the same target!)



Just not as good as it was when you could 6 slot them...
Roll on buffable photons.