Peacebringers vs. Voids




Anyone care to share their PB anti-Void tactics? At the moment (lvl 14) when soloing I'm adopting a hit-and-run strategy (or, where possible, an avoid-like-the-plague strategy ). Is there a better way?

"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."



You have no protection against them other than healing and defence inspirations, so hit and run is probably the best.

Running up and hitting them hard with melee attacks is usually very effective. When you get Dwarf form, you can usually keep them from attacking you by chaining knockup attacks.



Actally, there is a trick. At melee range the void hunter will use normal melee attacks rather than his Q-gun, so get in close and pound him.

I really should do something about this signature.



Level 14 PB melee potential is rubbish I think we have like one melee attack, but yeah range works just aswell.




Actally, there is a trick. At melee range the void hunter will use normal melee attacks rather than his Q-gun, so get in close and pound him.

[/ QUOTE ]I think the Void melee attacks still does nictus damage, actually... I know some do. Quantums are much easier in that respect.



They got changed a while ago so that they did.

Before this never used to be the case.



Void's punches are full with nictus

Anyway, once you hit 18, take the Extreme Melee attack, IS, and it will solve your void problems for good. it has a Hold that will be enough for LTs, which will drop their toggles and allowing you to kill them with ease.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



In the Early days, i sniped them with Nova, pop and damage, accuracy and Damage resistance insp and smack

In the later lvls, charge them Incandescent Strike, Radiant Strike then when they get knocked back smack em from a a treat



Up until level 18 voids are a royal pain, then you get your holding attack(Incandescent Strike)and you'll have no more problems with them



Up until level 18 voids are a royal pain, then you get your holding attack(Incandescent Strike)and you'll have no more problems with them

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless you get lazy and dont bother to check mobs for void beforehand Though thats what quantum flight is for

Although once you get Quantum Flight you'll be able to go right to voids and if you're lucky they'll just brawl you but more liekly they'll keep firing at you but once you see the pattern between shots you can unphase and pwn him with IS and Radiant strike no problem at all

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



My experience has been like most everyone else's (use meless attacks) except...

I use Radiant Strike before Incandescent. This is mainly for the knockback, which seems to go off 60-80% of the time, but also because it's very quick and makes a better attack chain (and even if it does KB, if you queue the IS before the Radiant hits, the IS will still go off even though the enemy is now 20 feet away).

Usually it's something like this:-

Radiant Strike, Power Dunk (Incandescent Strike), Ranged Attack, Ranged Attack, Radiant Strike.

That takes down just about any Void in normal circumstances.

Power Dunk for the win!