Ice Slick knockdown work on AV's?
i don't know about ice slick, but my ice/ice blasters ice patch never seemed to work on AV's
i don't know about ice slick, but my ice/ice blasters ice patch never seemed to work on AV's
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Hmmmm... I just thought that the controll Ice Slick gives you is extreme, I love it - now I have it - I FEEL like a Ice Troller, and not just some Ice Blaster that can freeze you into place. I know you can't solo-hold a AV with Block of Ice, I was wondering if ya could use Slick on em...
I think the av's are resistant to knockback/down
The knockdown doesn't work against AVs - but I think the slow effect does (or at least it seems to... of course it could be a combination of Siphon Speed and Artic Air as well).
I think the av's are resistant to knockback/down
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Darn... that blows. Hmmm... you only think though? Does anyone know for certain?
Put it another way, I can't remember any AV's that fell over
I assume AVs (and EB forms of AVs) have resistance to knockup/down as well as resistance to other status effects. It would be interesting to get a number of ice patches under an AV to see how many it would take to make them fall.
I really should do something about this signature.
I've seen them fall over but you need to stack a lot of knockdown effects to get it to happen. My robo mastermind has managed it a few times, but only because all 6 of the minions can do knockdown with the lasers.
I've seen AVs fall over a lot as well - quite often when an AV is getting close to death and has been almost chain held for a bit it will often just take a scrapper/tank with air super to get them falling over. Not ice slick tho - never seen that make them fall over
With my Illusion / Storm, even with my Phantasm, Freezing Rain, Lightning Storm & Hurricane its rare I'd get a knockdown. But it does happen occasionally. So like all effects they are much more resistant to it but not immune I guess.
Well... I guess that's some end saved against AV's, oh well... *shrugs*... that's a shame...
I'd throw it out anyway. It may stack with Air Superiority or any other knockdown powers the meleers are laying down.
Plus it deals nicely with any minions Mr AV has got around him.
I'd throw it out anyway. It may stack with Air Superiority or any other knockdown powers the meleers are laying down.
Plus it deals nicely with any minions Mr AV has got around him.
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Good point: didn't think about that... thanks!
As a side note: Freezingly TINY made level 14 today! Finally got fly!
only one have i seen a av fall over, thats wen i full slotted my guy with knockdown with air supiroty he fell and it looked quite cool i guess it was luck XD
I watched for this, it looks as if the AV 'stumbles' a little but doesn't fall. He didn't attack while this was happening so its probably still worthwhile laying down.
Hey, I was playing around with Ice Slick on my Ice Troller last night, doing the Frostfire mission, and many people commented on how the bosses hardly got a look-in 'coz they where effectively - bouncy balls - as I like to call em.
This got me thinking - this would be ACE against an AV, but I heard about AV's resistances being changed so that some Trollers moves have no/use effect. So, my question is:
Does Ice Slick's Knockdown and Slow Effect work on AV's?