Some might call it art




OW...sweet stuff...
I like it, and it brings up some new idea's...

Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more



I really like the second one. I wish I had photoshop! How much does it cost to download/buy?



I really like the second one. I wish I had photoshop! How much does it cost to download/buy?

[/ QUOTE ]
Couple of hundred? I think they have Student packages if you're in college which are less.

Paintshop Pro and, for Linux users, The GIMP are two shareware / open source alternatives though. Paintshop would let you mess around for a month anyway.



You can get The GIMP for Windows as well - never liked its interface though.

Best thing I ever did was go to University and do a computer engineering degree - the number of discount software deals was fantastic. I got pretty much all the Microsoft Software I'll ever need plus all manner of other apps for next to nothing; and it was actually all legal software too

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You can get The GIMP for Windows as well - never liked its interface though.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yep its terrible. You can create layers but I can never figure out how I'm supposed to switch between them. And I've about 7 years Photoshop experience. Of course Photoshop has the king of interfaces. Once you've used it everything else pales.



Of course Photoshop has the king of interfaces. Once you've used it everything else pales.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep its terrible. You can create layers but I can never figure out how I'm supposed to switch between them. And I've about 7 years Photoshop experience.

[/ QUOTE ]
n00bz00r! XD

it's really not that hard..



Of course Photoshop has the king of interfaces. Once you've used it everything else pales.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep its terrible. You can create layers but I can never figure out how I'm supposed to switch between them. And I've about 7 years Photoshop experience.

[/ QUOTE ]
n00bz00r! XD

it's really not that hard..

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure its not. I can't be arsed having to go and look though. The point is the interface is bloody awful on it. You can always tell the products where the interface was designed by hardcore techies because they're always obtuse, almost deliberately so.

Which is why the GIMP (and Linux until relatively recently) aren't as widely used as they could be.

They go to all that trouble making a pretty good image processing system, with all the complexity that involves, and then fall down because they can't arrange the interface properly.



Remember that the Gimp does not have the massive corporate financial ivestment and experience that Adobe has..

All I'm saying is that even after having used PS from the fifth installment, I have no problem finding my way in the Gimp. Sure it's not as nice looking but the concept is the same. Surely you aren't "stuck" without PS installed on a pc?



...Sure it's not as nice looking but the concept is the same.

[/ QUOTE ]
Aye I just wish they'd take a sec to steal some of Adobes interface ideas like the Paintshop crowd did.

*edit* Oh, just got some of the dialogs working. That improves things rather a bit. My next point still stands though /edit

Surely you aren't "stuck" without PS installed on a pc?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well i'm not stuck anyway because I'm a programmer so I rarely need em. The GIMP is fine for image resizing and the like but its like "Why did you decide to do it this way??".

I mean the Menus system alone is bizarre. You get File, Edit etc for the application and then every image you open gets its OWN file, edit menu system with all the other command on it. WHY? Why do this differently to every one application I've seen? Whats the point of that, theres no clear advantage and it just leads to confusion. A prime example of overcomplexity in the interface for no real reason.



PS is good and the breadth of the tools that come with it and can be got for it is amazing, which to my mind is its main problem, rather like MS is having with Office, getting down into the guts of something unless you're a pro is almost as hard work as actually doing anything.

I tried the Gimp before I tried PS, I needed to be able to edit the alpha channel directly. Both would let me do it, PS was easier to do it with.

However I still remain a loyal fan of PSP becasue it gives my the vast majority of things I need without the ten thousand things I don't, it doesn't cost the earth, last time I bought it it was IIRC £90 -staff discount . And I know it well, if I was ever to produce graphics professionally I would probably invest in a course of PS and work from that point, but until then PSP will do me.