PowerSWAT: Final Part!




Okay, here's the last bit. No fun cameos here (apart from some name-stealing) but I hope it wraps things up nicely. Maybe now I can get around to writing my promotion story!


The metallic monstrosity loomed over PowerSWAT, the blaster in its fist pointing unerringly at his head. SWAT’s optic implant assessed the strengths of the robot, analysing its structure and displaying it all in a heads-up for his perusal - but all he could see was the barrel glaring at him.

Attack the machine? Wait for certain death? What choice was there?

In his preoccupation with the synthetic beast, the arrival of a second robot came as a little bit of a surprise. The name plate proclaiming this one as “HALO,” the second clacked a wicked looking pair of pincers in the hero’s direction.

There was no way, from his disadvantaged position, that SWAT would be able to take both of these. Still, there was a chance (however remote) that death would not be at their hands, so he resigned himself to wait it out. His inaction was proved wise when the small speaker on DOULOS’ chest issued forth the single word “#FOLLOW#”

Carefully, so as not to antagonise his captors, Baker rose to his feet, hands well away from his body and still as he could make them. Hero and robots made a small precession as they led him fore and aft around the side of the warehouse - though not toward the main entrance as expected.

PowerSWAT’s day was rapidly getting worse as robot DOULOS led him into another makeshift clearing of crates at the rear of the building. A third robot waited in the yard, larger than the others. It stepped toward him, seemingly unarmed, and came to a stop just short of actually walking over the hero.

As Baker stared at its nameplate - this one was apparently designated “AFROSTORM” - the whole front portion of the robot began to move, rotating to reveal what appeared to be a monitor of some sort. Digits scrolled across the screen too fast to follow, to be replaced by a crystal clear image of a woman, face shrouded by a cloth mask. He was about to speak when the “face” revealed itself to be nothing more than a recording, speaking through the robot with disturbing clarity.

“Greetings, Hero of Paragon City. Rest easy, for you will not be harmed. If you are perceiving this recording in whatever form, then you have been identified by these automata as a member of what is colloquially known as the “One-AT Coalition.” These robots are not permitted to harm you at base programming level, and therefore bring you this message: whatever activities brought you to their attention must cease forthwith, as you are obviously very close to infringing on a very in-depth long term undercover operation. Your discretion is requested - required - in order to preserve the sanctity of the operation and so as to not put the operative - that’s me by the way - in jeopardy.
“Whilst my mechanical minions are not permitted to harm you, they are quite capable of pacifying you should you opt to disregard this message, and so it would be best all ‘round if you acquiesce. Rest assured that any activities perpetrated in my presence are being documented for court proceedings, and that the mission is sanctioned by the Paragon City Police Department, the Freedom Phalanx Judiciary Committee, and Statesman himself. Should you wish to verify this, contact Nathaniel Emery in PCPD special ops, reference code 8300632A-711. Note that a security clearance of at least level 48 is required to access sensitive information.
“My thanks in anticipation for your cooperation.”

SWAT stood in stunned silence as the screen closed itself away. He didn’t know what to say, what to do - the whole idea that there was a mole in whatever group had taken Price was ridiculous - if that were the case, then why had they not notified the authorities of his whereabouts?

A scream - pain and anguish rather than fear - pierced the failing light. SWAT knew that something had to be done, despite the canned message. Surely no hero, undercover or not, would risk a life to maintain their mission. These creatures were working on their basic programming, having been left to guard the warehouse’s perimeter. He addressed the big grey one.

“Robot, are you going to stop me entering this warehouse?”

There was a pause before it responded. “#AFFIRMATIVE#”

“Have you been left specific instructions to that effect?”


“Can you request updated instructions from your controller?”


A shadow fell over AFROSTORM mid-speech. She (for Baker considered the female aspect to be appropriate given her rather attractive namesake) never made it to the end as the massive form of PowerSIEGE landed right on top of her, driving her metallic bulk to the ground, his weight and the force of his jump shearing her “head” from her torso.

SWAT spun, ready to take out the Ranger-named drones, only to find them hovering in mid air. He could see the two remaining PowerMed officers beyond them, Kat’s petite form maintaining a gravitic hold on the robots. Ever one to avoid an actual fight, Jon slipped off the gauntlet of the original Med armour and daintily deactivated the pair, removing key power relays from each. As the ‘bots were lowered as soundlessly as possible to the floor, all four team members moved in close to the wall.

“Hey there Kenny… you call for help?” Jon was sorting items from a large carryall onto the ground at their feet - the upgraded SWAT armour.

“It’s Pete. Kenny Baker’s a dwarf actor you schmuck.”

“I know, but once we’re done here SIEGE is probably gonna’ compact you down to R2-D2 size after that stunt you pulled at your place, so I thought I’d get ahead with the name calling. Get your glad-rags on, we’ve gotta go rescue Bruce Lee.”

With SWAT suited up, cybernetics interfacing seamlessly with the new armour’s systems, the four Powers made their way around to the entrance of the building. The screams from within were becoming more frequent now, and they needed to act quickly.

Elementary hero teaming 101 - tank first, holds next, shoot third and heal later. Matters were complicated by the presence of the undercover operative, but they couldn’t risk blowing her cover by going easy on these crooks.

SIEGE’s massive fist made kindling of the ageing wooden door as he announced the team’s presence. Storming into the building, the reactive blast-plate of his helmet equalised the lighting within to make the interior a safe place to fight. He was ready for a horde of enemies, but there were only three people in the room.

First, centrally placed in the large space, Matt Price sat tied to a rigid metal chair. The Med-RS armour had apparently been stripped from him, and without its computer systems to control them, the Nanites in his body lacked a “brain” to focus them on his wounds. Several viscous looking cuts criss-crossed his upper body, and an intravenous drip met both arms, a bag of sickly green fluid sagging on the table to his side, next to a wickedly big syringe. Blood trails ran from eyes, ears, nose - but for the barely perceptible breathing he might as well have been a corpse.

Just beyond the chair, where darkness would theoretically shroud them, stood two others. One was the woman from the recording, sporting figure-hugging metallic armour not unlike the Power-team, she hefted a large energy weapon. The other was a man, attired in bikers’ leathers. An assault rifle was slung from his shoulder, but otherwise he appeared unarmed. Slowly, passively, his hands came up, removing the Arachnos-style helmet he wore.

“Hold it right the… Unwin? Is that you?”

The villain dropped the helmet to the floor. The clang punctuated Baker’s question, its echoes resounding off the walls momentarily as the rest of the team linked the name to the original PowerSWAT beta-tester. “Officer Baker. How are you? Don’t you look all resplendent and heroic - a real poster-boy. Now, STEP THE HELL BACK, or I blow your chum into little chunks, you scan?”

Unwin had raised his hand for all to see, a small remote control glinting in what little light was available. “The techs were kind enough to leave some of your prototype toys in the lab, and I thought I’d give them a new home. I’m almost out - Longbow have been giving me a good run for my money - but this little baby’s linked to a good old fashioned boom-boom hitched right up under your buddy’s backside, so just take yourselves a chill-pill or three and keep yourselves on that side of the room, huh?”

Baker raised his hands in the international gesture for “okay, you win,” taking a step back. The others followed his lead. “Who’s the lady, Kyle? Your new girlfriend?”

“I don’t go by that name anymore, I live again - but I won’t fill you in on the gaps that easy. Lets just say that this young lady and I have some things in common - foremost a distinct dislike for you and that grey-haired pratt Professor Gill. She agreed to help me out once she’d heard about the modern art I’d made of your armour vault. See you went to a new tailor, by the way…”

Baker removed his own helmet, dropping it to the floor. He threw down his gauntlets too, as he spoke. “Whatever you’re calling yourself these days, and whatever your beef is with The Grey Man, I don’t really care. We were told you were dead - killed in the first Beta-test failure. I have no issues with you, and neither does Price here. Let’s all just calm down and we’ll ta…”

“NO! No, there’s nothing to talk about. That colour-challenged pillock and his cronies sent me to hell in four walls and I’m gonna make them pay good and proper! You haven’t felt isolation until you’ve experienced life for a cop on the inside. It not just the body, they try to kill your mind!” He slowed for a second, collecting his thoughts and steadying his breathing. “Lets put it this way, Officer. One second in the Zig is too much. I’m going to kill that grey-haired pencil pusher and everyone else I feel like disposing of along the way. Including all of you. But not tonight baby, oh no. Right now I have exactly what I wanted from your little scrapper, and a chummer of mine’s grabbed me some other bits and bobs from one of Crey’s Reverant labs. I’m all set for my big comeback. So, if you’ll excuse me…”

Unwin began to back toward the door, the female moving to open it for him as she backed out too. Unwin chuckled, waving the remote about like a magic wand. “We’d very much like to make ourselves scarce without being followed. If you’d be so kind as to stay put, that would be just peachy. If not… well, Izzy Wizzy Let‘s Get Bitty is gonna be all over the place, and I don‘t think the young lady wants to be washing bits of her boyfriend out of her hair, what what?”

SIEGE let out a growl. Kat whimpered slightly. PowerMed was trying to see if he could assess Price’s condition. SWAT pointed out the glaringly obvious, as he was wont to do. “Unwin, you’re totally unhinged.”

“YESSIROONIE! Barking mad, that’s me. And it’s gonna get a whole HELLUVALOT better! Watch this space… PowerSWAT.” He made his way through the door with a parting comment. “Oh, and you’ve got about fifteen seconds or so ‘til that mine goes off anyway. Tee Tee Eff Enn!”

The door closed with a thunderous bang. The team members swore if as one, jumping into action.

For his part - all he could really do - Coombes fired off the “last ditch” energy transfusion incorporated into his suit, healing Price for whatever it was worth. Kat’s input was to raise the whole chair with it’s occupant still attached into the air where Baker could get to it.

“Damndamndamndamn…” Even with his gauntlets already off, it was fiddly and time consuming trying to prise the limpet-like mine from the chair. Precious seconds were lost ripping at the haphazard mess of cloth tape holding it in place. Time ticked away with gruesome inevitability. The tape fell away, revealing the mine in its entirety, showing them that Unwin had almost comically etched the word “Boom!” into the surface…

Probably just before he’d glued the mine to the chair.

Under five seconds, at a guess.

Dan Malcolm struck a concealed toggle within his helmet, dumping all remaining power to the suit’s systems. Snatching the chair out of mid-air, he wrenched the thing apart, tearing the base and rear legs away, dropping the bleeding body to the floor. Crouching down, the newly installed Gravitic Repulsors strained with the influx of power. More and more energy streamed into their capacitors as the offensive and defensive systems drained to fuel just one leap.

One second left maybe? SIEGE went hurtling upward, bursting through the ceiling, the remains of the chair clutched tightly to his chest. Out through the roof he went, old tiles raining down behind him in the night like darkened, cutting confetti.

Up and up he travelled, until the capacitors could not eke out a single graviton more.

Kind of like flying, he thought… so peaceful…



Two days later, the team was reconvened in Atlas park for a meeting. Many things had changed in that time, most notably changes in the team roster. Although Sergeant Malcolm had lived through the explosion, his quality of life was now in some doubt. His armour all but obliterated in the blast, his rapid fall back to earth had injured him severely. Although he was in a stable collision, he’d be in no condition to get back out on the streets any time soon. Likewise Matt Price, although technically alive, had been transferred from the Chiron centre to a specialist care home where he would be looked after, the ordeal seemingly having had terrible repercussions on his psyche.

The Med-G project had been scrapped when Kat Harper had refused to don her armour again, citing minimal combat effectiveness as a reason for her trepidation. She’d promptly transferred to the SWAT program and was working in conjunction with the tech heads on creating a new defensive unit. More plans were on the table, all bearing in mind this threat to the team specifically.

Baker, although officially reprimanded for his actions, was permitted to stay in the project, and along with PowerMed - who had since applied to join the SNHS following his epiphany in Skyway City - formed the core members of the new team.

With the destruction of their labs in Atlas, the project had moved to a new base of operations in a renovated council base. Within the rough-hewn caves beneath Kings Row they now conducted training and testing in as much secrecy as they could manage, all further heroic duties now being carried out under the auspices of the One-AT coalition, working with the Group Commanders to effectively integrate the program with the other Heroes of Paragon City.

In the large central hall, they convened. Professor Gill, the Grey haired scientist, now a fully fledged member of the Union Overlords himself under the guise of PowerSWAT-RC, headed up the meeting.

The subject? Kyle Unwin - the truth about what happened - and the mysterious undercover agent they would come to know as PowerCORE.



Very nice work mate, very nice.

It suffered a little from lack of Stainless Steel I thought, but on the whole, very good indeed.



Very nice work mate, very nice.

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Yeah, I missed Steel too . Nice story .

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org

EU, Union mostly.