A couple of questions about Peacebringers





Just a couple of things:

1 - What's the endurance recharge rate like with Light Form? My hero planner is missing a couple of the numbers for Kheldian bits and pieces. Is it worth slotting more for damage resistance or endurance regen and putting the extra slots in the 3 shields?

2 - Do Photon Seeker hang around if you spawn them then Dwarf, or do I need to stay in Human form?

3 - Has anyone had any luck in finding an "eye aura" in Icon that matches the ones on the Peacebringer NPCs?



1. Recharge rate is truly awesome, from my short runs, its like a personal mini-RA that is more then enough to recover end.
2. They hang around for 1 mins or so, no matter what (unless they go boom boom). Mistake me if i'm wrong
3. Fire Aura?


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Yup, the keldians have the Fire aura with locaton set to eyes.

However when you use most Keldian powers your eyes blaze like that anyway (try looking at yourself from the front with one of your shields on).

I really should do something about this signature.



Seekers will hang around for 1 min but wouldn't recommend summoning them out of combat. They tend to just float around doing nothing much. Best to bring them out when stood right next to your target although I have occasionally activated them first before going in to attack a void in the hope that they will do something useful as I fight for my life.

Endurance on lightform is good - never really had any problems. Best to slot for recharge over endurance so it will be up when you need it.



Ok, thanks.

I know that you get the eye aura when you use powers (in fact, it stack so the more powers you use the brighter it glows).

Another quicky - does Build Up transmit to Photon Seekers, or is that just greedy?



Another quicky - does Build Up transmit to Photon Seekers, or is that just greedy?

[/ QUOTE ]

Currently i don't think it does. Although with the buff changes coming (i.e. powerboost and blizzard et al) i did ask on that thread but no reply. I'm hoping if it doesn't now it will do. I always activate BU before or after photon seekers anyway just on the off chance.



Yes, the new changes make it possible for build up to affect photon seekers. Some dev still has to go in and edit the power, and I think keldians tend to get overlooked sometimes.

I really should do something about this signature.



Hehe. good point. why i said 'hoping' it will with the changes!



Isn't the aura tendrils? It always looks peacebringerish to me.



There isn't an aura that match exactly the one from the PB/WS powers, the closest one is Tendrils IMO, as Accel said, but that kind of effect is only available trough the activaction of khelds power(with Group Energy Flight everyone in the team gets the PB eyes )