The Adventures of Star Jewel
Beat em Jewely! Beat em, and arrest em and do nasty things to their insides! they must be punished! Lol, great story .
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from
EU, Union mostly.
Great Stuff SJ...
I too was working today no office, though, so no writing! Good to see you're keeping yourself occupied!
What is it with all these stories that Rangers write! Honestly we must have so much time on our hands to write them. I mean, they're all just SO long, who has time to read em!
*sarcasm ends*
GJ SJ... keeping up one of the traditions that has set the Rangers apart. Stories... LONG stories!
Really cool, keep it up .
v good story jewely, keep em coming :P
I'm liking this,
Don't ask me about joining Honourable United, I'm lazy. Ask Captain Cathode.
"If I had a punch, I would so hit that guy." - Millenium (because drinking nail varnish remover is for real men)
**Update 30-12-05 (11:15 GMT)
I'm glad that so many people like my story.
Unfortunately, due to the large amount of work at my job, i haven't been able to continue the second part of the story. So it will be delayed a bit.
I'll be working on it a bit this evening, and hope to finish it up tomorrow and post it before the end of the year. But i'm not sure is that's possible.
Thnx to all for your support!
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
**Update 03-01-06 (12:25 GMT)
The new part of the story (part 2 of X ) is finished and is getting it's final checks. The first part has undergone some slight (hardly noticable) modifications.
The first part will stay on this forum. The other parts (and including the first) however will be posted on a seperate website due to the style and length of the parts.
Links to the website and the stories will be up here ASAP.
Please also check the Precision Rangers website, as it contains the background story on Star Jewel's powers. be continued.
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
**Update 04-01-06 (16:00 GMT)
- The 2nd part of Unstealable Jewel is finally finished and checked. It will be posted on a seperate website due to the length and format of it. This will be done tonight as soon as i get home
- Both parts have been revised for easier reading.
- 3rd part is coming up and will probably finish this first story in the series.
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
**Update 04-01-06 (18:35 GMT)
The new fansite is active, although it isn't much at the moment. I'm still working on improving it.
The stories have been posted.
the link: Click here
Although it might say Dutch-CoH-Fansite, it's english
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
**Update 18-01 (12:55 GMT)
I'm working on part 3 of Unstealable Jewel.
And it's looking good, but will probably be a bit longer then the other parts because it'll be the last part of this story.
Ideas for a new story are starting in my mind. It will be related to Unstealable Jewel. But in a different context.
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
This is the first story in a long line of stories telling the adventures of Star Jewel - hero of the city - and her friends.

I'd prefer to post the original Word-document, but unfortunately i haven't found a good host to put them on.
As soon as i have, i will only post links to the stories instead of the stories itself.
Bit of background info:
Star Jewel is my main hero character on the Union server.
She's a blaster with Energy powers.
Normally she's a sweet and lovable girl, but when you mess with her friends and family, you'll get to know a completely different side.
Don't mind the typo's, I'm dutch so my english isn't that purfect
it's a long story, so you better have some time to spare.
I hope you enjoy it, and plz...comments are welcome. It'll only improve my story.
Unstealable Jewel Part 1
Denise looks out of the window of her apartment towards the streets below. Its turning pretty dark outside, and she knows that these hours are the most dangerous moments in the city.
At this height the lights of the cars on the streets look like fireflies. People on the streets can hardly be seen, and if so they look like breadcrumbs on a plate.
Just occasionally a hero flies past the window not noticing her in anyway. Its a busy city, and not a day goes by without any action. And with all these heroes running and flying around, its a miracle that none of them ever had an accident by running of flying into each other.
Just the thought of that happening makes Denise laugh in her self.
Nathalie walks into the room wearing a beautiful dress. The diamonds on it sparkle like stars. Denise turns around.
Wow, you look gorgeous little sis., Denise says while she examines the dress.
Youre not going boys hunting tonight are you?
Nathalie looks at her sister somewhat surprised by the comment.
Im not like you. Youre the one flirting with all the boys in town., she says and sticks out her tongue to indicate that her comment was a small joke.
Denise laughs as she straightens the dress a bit.
There you go sweetie. Now be a good girl and dont do anything foolish. I dont want to hear any complains from the teachers oké?
Sure sis, Ill keep out of trouble, dont worry.
Whos coming to pick you up?, Denise continues while handing Nathalie her jacket.
Jamie is. Shes a good friend of mine from school. Well keep an eye on each other to make sure we wont get into trouble. Well be oké.
Nathalie puts on her jacket and straightens her hair once more before heading for the elevator to go down.
She gives her sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Ow, wait!, Denise shouts while running back to the living room.
I forgot to take a picture. Hold on.
Denise grabs the camera and flips it on.
Stand still and smile a bit.
Click and a bright flash appear as Denise takes the picture.
Perfect., she says, Now go on, get going. I dont want you to be late. And have fun.
Denise directs her sister out the door and watches her as she moves into the elevator. She thinks back to the time that she went to her prom. It turned out to be a disaster.
The evening started just perfect. She had a nice partner and a beautiful dress, just as her sister did now. They danced and talked with their friends. Everything went perfect. Until some older guy started irritating her. He got physical, started to touch her everywhere. Her partner tried to defend her and get the guy away from her. But instead the older guy started pushing him, and he fell. Denise could clearly see the other guy was drunk. She asked him nicely to leave them alone but the guy clearly didnt want that. He pushed her so hard that she stumbled and fell, ripping her dress. This made her so angry that without thinking she tightened her fists and hit the guy. She hit him so hard, that he flew through the air for several feet.
Several students gathered around Denise and looked at her with confusing and shocking faces. Denise looked back at them thinking why they were looking at her like that. Her partner got up from the floor and tapped Denise on her shoulder. She turned around holding her fists in front of her, ready to punch someone else.
What?!, she shouted to her partner.
He shocked and moved back a bit looking at her fist. Denise looked at her hands and saw they were glowing red. Then she looked at the guy she hit down on the floor. She looked back at her hands and realized she had used one of her powers to thrust the guy away.
Now she knew why the other students gazed at her. Confused as she was, she walked to the guy on the floor. As she approached he crawled away from Denise. He hit a wall and stopped. Denise pointed at him with her red glowing hand.
Get away from me you freak!, the guy said to her while covering his face with his arms.
Looking furious and angry, Denise opened her mouth to say something, but instead she turned away realizing what the guy had said. She looked once more to the crowd in the hall.
Freak?, she thought.
Im a freak? Do they really see me like that? A freak?, the faces in the crowd in front of her would answer that question.
She turned towards the door and ran out of the hall.
Denise doesnt recall what happened after that. Al she knows is that she could never face her prom partner again. He was a boy she really loved and perhaps could have been the love of her life.
Nathalie arrives at the bottom floor of the building and walks out to the street. Her friend Jamie is already there and waits for her with her parents car.
Isnt this cool!, Jamie shouts at Nathalie full of joy.
Oh my god! They let you borrow the car?, Nathalie asks with a surprising look.
Yeah. I got it. Way cool dont you think.
I think its super cool!
The two girls hug each other, step into the car and drive off to a night full of fun and dancing.
Do you think we can get some boys to dance with us?, Jamie asks.
With these outfits, they better dance with us. It cost me a fortune to hire this dress., Nathalie says while straightening her hair again.
What do you think of mine?, Jamie asks curiously.
I think you look beautiful. But you might want to show a bit more of your front., Nathalie teasingly says.
Some lucky boy might see more then a bit of my front, if you know what I mean., Jamie looks at Nathalie with a big smile and a naughty face.
You bad tease of a girl. Youre seriously going to let a boy touch you tonight?
What do you think? That Im just going to sit there drinking juice while watching all the other girls dance with the boys?
I think not!, both girls shout at the same time, giggling afterwards.
They turn up the volume on the radio and start to sing along with the songs they hear.
The drive to the prom isnt that far, and within thirty minutes they arrive at the parking of the building where it is held.
Jamie parks the car like a professional would do and the girls get out of the car.
They leave their jackets in the car so they wont be troubled by them once inside, and they walk towards the entrance of the building spotting several other people on the way.
Look, its Susan and her boyfriend., Nathalie points towards a young girl and a boy who are few feet away from them.
Yeah I see them, and there? Isnt that Ronald approaching?, Jamie says while pointing to a red Porsche driving up the parking lot.
I think it is. Isnt his car way cool?
Jamie looks at Nathalie who immediately recognizes the look on her face. Jamie always looks like this when shes up to something. And most of the times it isnt very nice.
No, youre kidding. Youre not planning on hitting on Ronald are you?, Nathalie asks with a lightly concerned tone.
Well why not? You know hes the hottest guy in the school.
Thats exactly why. He must have had almost every girl in the school by now.
He hasnt had me yet, and Im sure he wont have another when he has me., Jamie proudly stated.
Both girls laugh as they join the queue in front of the entrance to the hall. Other classmates join and greet them. The boys around the two girls admire their dresses and Jamie is seducing some of them with her charming smile.
Nathalie gives her a small push with her elbow to indicate that she should stop it.
Come on, Im having fun here. Would you just let me for a minute., she whispers back to Nathalie.
The queue slowly shrinks and the girls follow it into the hall.
As they enter the big hall they are overwhelmed by the size of it.
Its huge!, Nathalie shouts while looking around.
On the left side there are tables and chairs, all beautifully decorated and made from the finest materials that Paragon has to offer. Massive amounts of flowers and other decorations span the entire hall. A huge chandelier and some wonderful paintings of angels decorate the roof. And a giant replica of the famous Globe statue in Atlas Park can be seen on the far front of the hall, next to the enormous stage which houses the orchestra. On the floor there is a painting of the city-seal.
Birthplace of tomorrow it states. Nathalie asks her self what it should mean.
People are slowly gathering in front of the stage while the orchestra plays a soft and smooth melody.
The girls spot a few classmates within the crowd and walk towards them.
Im getting tired of just sitting here alone at home., Denise speaks to her self.
Its time I got out again and start having some fun.
She gently slips into her hero outfit. Although shes not planning to do anything heroic tonight, she still wants to be prepared incase some Hellions start harassing some citizens or the Council decides to try and steal some equipment from a lab, again. She already stopped the Council on one attempt. She smiles in herself thinking back at that moment.
After putting on her supersuit she gets into the elevator to get to the roof of the building. Once there she walks to the edge of the roof and prepares for her jump. She looks over the edge.
God, how I hate heights., she says to her self while stretching her arms and legs a bit.
Within the next few seconds she dives over the ledge, arms pointing towards the ground. As the ground gets closer she concentrates and with just few feet to spare she swings her arms back and moves her chest upwards. In one smooth motion she swoops upward and flies towards the sky. Several citizens on the street jump back as Denise passes by with high speeds.
Sorry!, she shouts back to them.
I hate heights, but I love flying!! Woohoo!!, she shouts while doing a loop high in the air.
She accelerates her flying as she sets course towards the train station in Talos Island. Suddenly her mobile phone rings.
Hi Jewely, its me Babel. Care to join me for a dance in Atlas Park?.
Sure sweetie. I dont have anything to do at this moment, so Ill join you for a talk. Is anyone else I know there with you?, she says as she avoids a collision with another flying hero who apparently hasnt been flying that long or is a complete drunk. He isnt flying straight one bit.
Well, Infernius is here, Paragon Starlet says hi and I think I just saw Capt. Inferno running around somewhere.
Oké. Im just going to make a quick stop at the tailor in Steel to drop of my cape. Then Im heading to Atlas to join you guys.
Thats oké hun. See you in a few.
She puts her phone back into her belt as she lands on the platform of the station.
The train stops in front of her and she enters it. Its crowded and she cant find a nice spot to just sit for a while.
Somewhere during the journey towards Steel Canyon a little girl comes up to her and looks at her with curious eyes. Denise kneels down in front of the girl.
Well hello there, little one. How can I help you?, she gently asks.
My mom says that you are Star Jewel. Is that true?, the girl answers shy.
Well yes, I am Star Jewel. Your mom is correct.
You are one of my favorite heroes. Can I have your autograph so I can show it to my friends?
Yes you can, hold on., Denise smiles to the girl while she takes out a small card from her belt.
The mother of the girl comes up to the two as Denise hands the girl the card.
Shes a sweetie., Denise says to the mother.
Yes she is. Shes very fond of you and always looks out of her bedroom window to see if youre around somewhere., the mother responds as she opens her bag to get a camera out.
Would you mind if I took a picture of you and my daughter?
No, not at all if your daughter likes it., Denise looks at the girl who has now opened her eyes even more. A bit of pride can be seen within them.
Denise puts the girl on her lap and holds her tight to make sure she doesnt fall of. A tiny click can be heard while the mother takes the picture.
There you go little one. Be a nice girl oké?, Denise tells the girl while she sets her back on the floor.
Oké., the girl responds, When Im older I want to be just like you, a hero.
Denise smiles to the girl while she and her mother walk back to their seats. The response of the girl concerns her a bit. The girl obviously has no idea what costs are involved with the life of a hero. She probably sees only the nice things about it. Having superpowers, being able to help people and fly around in a costume.
Those things are nothing compared to the bad things a hero must endure during the struggles against evil. Hardly being able to have normal friends and fighting against street thugs all the time. Getting beat up and hurt by villains you must stop at all costs before they can take over the city, or maybe even the world. Not to forget that even with so many heroes around in the city, youll never have some spare time to do what you like.
No, the life of a hero isnt all happiness and fun these days., she says to herself while she walks towards the door of the train, preparing to get out.
A guy next to her looks at her with a confusing look.
Approaching Steel Canyon. Next stop Steel Canyon, a voice speaks through the speakers in the train as it slows down.
A few seconds later the train stops and the doors open.
Have a nice day and stay out of trouble., she says to the guy while walking out of the train.
With a small dash she runs out of the station and jumps up to engage her flight. Its a straight flight to the Icon store and within minutes she arrives at the door. She enters the store.
Hi there Star Jewel, back again for a make over?, the store employee greets Denise with a wave gesture.
No not really. Im just here to get my cape cleaned. Think you can do that before the weekend?, she responds while unhooking her cape.
She hands the cape to the employee.
I think we can, its not that busy at the moment, and most heroes go to the store in Independence Port these days. You want a replacement until you get your cape back?, the employee asks while folding the cape.
No thank you. Ill work without a cape until then. Im meeting some friends in Atlas in a moment.
The employee hands Denise a ticket with a number corresponding to the number on the ticket from her cape. This way the correct cape will return to the correct hero when its been cleaned or fixed.
Thanks. Give me a call when its ready?, Denise asks.
As usual, it will be ready in two days I think.
Thatll be nice. Well, Im meeting some friends in Atlas Park, so I gotta fly. Thanks again.
Denise walks out the store and flies off to the gate connecting Steel Canyon with Atlas Park.
Once arrived in Atlas Park she heads for the Globe statue to meet her friends.
Babel One, Paragon Starlet and several other heroes are dancing on the beats of the Paragon Radio Station. Infernuis and Capt. Inferno are showing their flaming powers to some new heroes. Its a busy day at the Globe and it looks like a new batch of young heroes has arrived.
Denise drops down next to Babel One giving him a scare that interrupts his dancing.
Hi all., she greets the group.
Hi Denise, how are you today?, Babel One responds.
Im doing oké., she says and looks at Paragon Starlet, Infernius and Capt. Inferno.
Hi there Angie, Marc, Captn. Nice to see you all again.
Hi Denise., they respond in chorus.
The dancing resumes and the heroes start to talk a bit about their day.
Good evening and welcome to the annual prom of the Paragon City University., a man on the stage starts to speak. It is the principal of the school.
The students in the hall turn towards the stage and some try to get a bit closer to it.
From the point where Nathalie stands she can easily see the principal.
Tonight will be your night. But there are a few rules we need to keep in mind, to ensure that this night will run smoothly and everybody can have a lot of fun., the principal continues.
Jamie turns to Nathalie and whispers a small comment.
I hope he doesnt start mentioning every rule in the schools rulebook. Because then well still be standing here by tomorrow morning.
Will you shush for a moment, Im trying to listen., Nathalie responds lightly irritated.
Oké, I was just joking., Jamie says and she turns back to the stage.
The principal continues his lecture about the few rules for the evening.
And last but not least, the most important rule of all. Have fun. I want all of you to have as much fun as you can tonight. No sad faces, only happy ones.
For a moment there is silence as the principal looks at the crowd to see beautiful smiles all around him.
Now go and dance, talk and make friends, its party time!., he shouts as a final remark and gives a signal to the orchestra which then starts to play some up-tempo beats, completely different from the classic songs they were playing before.
Jamie again turns to Nathalie.
Apparently they do know how to play some popular music. Now Im off to hunt me a few boys. Bye bye., she says as she walks off to a group of boys in the distance.
Nathalie shakes her head as she walks towards the tables and chairs. Some of her fellow classmates are sitting there and she decides to join them.
Hi Nat. Come and join us.
Its Michael and hes holding out a chair like a real gentleman. Nathalie straightens her dress and slowly lowers herself onto the chair.
You want something to drink Nat? Im getting some for the group., he asks her.
Could I have some apple juice please?, she responds.
Anything you like., he says with a proud smile, followed by a wink.
Just a few seconds after Michael left for the bar, the other girls at the table glance at Nathalie with sparkling eyes and large smiles.
What?, Nathalie asks a bit confused.
One of the girls moves closer to Nathalie.
Cant you see hes hitting on you?, she asks.
On me, youre kidding right? I mean
No serious, I think he likes you, maybe even more than a bit. I think you should take advantage of it for tonight.
I cant do that., Nathalie says, You know Im not like that.
Oh come on Nat. Youve always been the sweet type of girl. Just for one night, be a bit naughty.
Yeah come on, just for one night Nathalie., another girl says to her.
She looks at both the girls and for one moment she likes the idea of taking advantage of the situation as it is.
Here you are, one apple juice for the beautiful young lady.
Its Michael who has returned with a plate containing several drinks.
One by one he hands the drinks to the classmates around the table.
The eight youngsters start to talk about everyday things, listen to the music and watch the other students dance. The girls admire each others dresses and the boys talk about football and baseball.
The first two hours of the night pass fast. And somewhere during that time Michael asks Nathalie to dance with him.
The other girls encourage Nathalie to dance with him and cautious she takes Michaels hand who then gently guides her to the dance floor. The orchestra plays some slow romantic music at that point and Michael and Nathalie slowly dance along with it.
Although Nathalie doesnt feel completely comfortable, she is at rest. Her heart beats just a bit excited. It is the first time that she ever danced with a boy this way. And what a boy it is.
Hes good looking, hes gentle, hes funny well, sometimes. And he knows how to dance and dress., she thinks while resting her head on his chest. She closes her eyes and enjoys the way he holds her in his arms.
I think Im falling in love. Is one thought that flashes through her mind.
The gentle music continues as Nathalie slowly drifts away into heaven enjoying every moment with her new found love.
The door of the hall explodes and a huge fireball rises towards the top of the building.
Everybody in the hall rises up scared by the loud sound of the explosion.
A few dozen men enter the hall holding sticks, bats and guns.
Nobody move! Or theyre dead! You hear me!, shouts one of the men holding a machinegun in his hand.
He moves towards the stage while the other men scatter throughout the hall grabbing several students and throwing others to the ground.
The man with the machinegun grabs the microphone on the stage. Apparently he is the boss and the others are his henchmen.
Oké, now everybody keep quiet and move to the left side of the hall near the tables! That way we can keep an eye on all of you! Get moving!, he shouts shooting several bullets in the sky.
All the students and teachers in the hall move towards the tables, some are being pushed by the men with sticks. One teacher opposes a man and gets beaten with a bat, falls down on the floor and gets a kick in his stomach.
Two of the men grab the teacher and tow him towards the tables.
Nathalie sees a chance to hide behind some students and grabs her mobile phone while the boss and his henchmen gather on the opposite side of the hall.
The boss continues his speech.
We are here to collect some goods! We want jewelry, watches, money, and anything valuable! My men will collect it all in these bags!
He points to one of his men holding a grey bag.
If you all cooperate, nobody gets hurt or killed!
He waves to his men who start walking towards the crowd with their bags and sticks.
Meanwhile Nathalie has been able to dial her sisters phone number as she quietly hides behind a group of friends.
Unfortunately she hears the voicemail message of her sister. Nevertheless she decides to take the chance and leaves a message hoping that it will be heard within the next few minutes.
Sis, its me Nat. We are being held hostage by some thugs. Theyre robbing us and beating us with sticks. Please help us and warn the police. And make it faAAAAH!, she screams through the phone as she is grabbed by one of the henchmen. Her phone falls to the floor still connected to her sisters phone.
Shes being dragged away from the group towards the boss.
Well, what do we have here? A stray, a rebel perhaps? Or maybe an ally?
He grabs Nathalie by her arm, hurting her in the process.
Auw! Your hurting me!, she cries.
Well, thats one of my qualities little girl., the man laughs.
Now tell me, what were you doing back there? And please, amuse me with your answer.
I was calling the police. Theyll be here any minute.
The police, gha, they wont even get a chance to set one foot in this building without getting a bullet in their bodies.
They will, and they will arrest you and all your men!, Nathalie shouts back.
Ah shut it lady. Youre not even worth listening to., he says as he throws Nathalie back on the floor.
Michael comes running towards her to help her, but gets hit by a man with a stick and falls to the floor right next to her.
Nathalie turns towards him getting as close to him as she can.
Ive called my sister, shell warn the police and theyll get here very soon.
Now listen up! Ive got twenty men here and another thirty outside surrounding the building. Nobody gets in or out without me knowing about it. Now start losing those jewels and watches, and put them in the bags. Anyone who doesnt listen will be shot or beaten. Get moving!!
Again the man shoots a few bullets towards the roof while the other men start collecting the jewels and watches from the students and teachers.
He then bows towards Nathalie holding his gun against her head.
You better be quiet now little lady, because Ive got some other plans for you.
The mean smile doesnt look good and Nathalie scarily crawls closer to Michaels unconscious body.
to be continued.
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more