Moment of Glory
MoG used to be awesome....
Now hmm, it isn't bad, but I suspect that like Elude from the SR secondary its can be beaten by 2x ACC in attacks and Build up etc etc etc. I personally wouldn't take it, and I had it for awhile in I3 & I4. Basically it knock 75% (or 90% can't remember) off your HP then gives you insane end rec. Which sounds good, but you cannot be healed, or heal your self (not really a regen power then ). It has no resistance to Psionics or Autohits like caltrops. Not sure how many other autohits there are now.
Plus when the two minutes are up you have no health or end for 15 secs, same as elude I suppose, but they can have health I think...
MoG still appears to be OK but i tried to use it about 3 times in PvP and get pwnd big time - never used it since then.
Infact i am sure that the guys that I was PvPing against knew something I didn't, when I turned it on, they were like flies to [censored] and I was eating dirt big time.
My advice, use the rest of your regen powers to keep you alive and make sure your holds are as accurate as poss
what happened to the, "you loose a small amount of Hit Points" part in the description? When the next free respec comes around, i'll get it on the Test Server and see how well it goes. But i'm not keeping my hopes up.

One of the main problems with the power is that when you are at the high lvls you have the carnies and mother mayhems crazy kids. Hit MoG on that and you are just killin yourself.
Don't get me wrong though. I once used MoG, to push it to the limit, in a Malta mission. Hit MoG ran round the mission and killed all the sappers. The mission was a breeze from there, although not really practical.
Aim + 2 acc SOs > MoG
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
Its fine against anything but blasters, If you put 3 defence in it, that is
Or anything with Psi damage... also I think Corruptors with Aim will be really tough for a MoG:er. Scourge, scourge.
Is that really the in-game description? Misleading much?
One of the main problems with the power is that when you are at the high lvls you have the carnies and mother mayhems crazy kids. Hit MoG on that and you are just killin yourself.
Don't get me wrong though. I once used MoG, to push it to the limit, in a Malta mission. Hit MoG ran round the mission and killed all the sappers. The mission was a breeze from there, although not really practical.
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Well Captain Murphy, if anything, I'd blame the problems with MoG on Eggers and Pod Six. Of course none of that would matter if you were a sexy Adrian Barbeau-bot with the strength of five gorillas.
Use MoG in PvP and you become every Blaster's [censored]. Scrapper with Focused Acc will probably laugh at you too.
World of Jackcraft.
MoG is not that great even in PvE, but it is useful as a last resort to switch on then run like the wind. but in PvP i doubt its enough to keep you alive for long against decent opponents.
best thing about MoG is when your teaming with a healer and turn it on, scares the [censored] out of them trying to heal you
Also gives them almost unlimited endurance.
World of Jackcraft.
One of the main problems with the power is that when you are at the high lvls you have the carnies and mother mayhems crazy kids. Hit MoG on that and you are just killin yourself.
Don't get me wrong though. I once used MoG, to push it to the limit, in a Malta mission. Hit MoG ran round the mission and killed all the sappers. The mission was a breeze from there, although not really practical.
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Well Captain Murphy, if anything, I'd blame the problems with MoG on Eggers and Pod Six. Of course none of that would matter if you were a sexy Adrian Barbeau-bot with the strength of five gorillas.
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Well, The Jersey
You are the 1st person to spot and make comment on the hero that is captain murphy.
Because of that I am now away to make some cupcakes with te secret ingredient..... love
When i see someone with a red healt bar in pvp , i always target them!
MoG will turn you into a prime target :P
MoG is a death trap in PvE, with limited tactical use. The timer on it is way too long and, of course, there's only unofficial ways of telling when it's going to timeout. In PvP, I'd imagine if you aren't dead before it times out, you will be immediately after.
Look at Paragon Protectors. Now that ED is in, just about everyone must be slotting enough acc encs to punch through it when they use it. A hero or villain might slot it for +DEF, but that just means you pop some yellows. I think you can get somewhere up around 150% Def, but I have 150% accuracy, so I'm back to hitting you 50% of the time, and you have no hit points.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Actually MoG is pretty good in PvE. Malta Sappers hate it, actually anything that isn't Psi hates it.
And I don't get what you say about 'Now that ED's in'... since the best way to keep DPS as it was is to slot 1 acc 3 dam and 2 recharge. And your accuracy is lowered by 25% in PvP, RW.
World of Jackcraft.
I love MoG when playing my kin/psi defender. for some reason 1v1 the regens I've faught almost always MoG when I grind them down to low hp. They don't seem to learn that they are just making my life easier
Nerf Singh!! hes already got to much regen :P let alone dodge lol
Hehe maybe we should have a dual in Warburg sometime, now i'm sure that'll be fun.
(Downside - i'll have even more Hitpoints! )

ill do twice more damage :P and twice more dodge wahahah lol
Actually MoG is pretty good in PvE. Malta Sappers hate it, actually anything that isn't Psi hates it.
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I'll let you know. I've got it slotted better since last night, though I've yet to actually run into a mission where I needed it.
However, no matter how much I have it slotted for DEF, 5% of attacks are going to hit me. 60% of their damage is going to get through and hit my 10% hit points (I think those figures are about right). If, as is the case, I use MoG in emergencies, often when surrounded, I'm going to get hit more and I'm going to be eating into my diminished damage. Even with DP running, 20 points of damage getting through is 10% of my remaining hits...
And it's useless against an alarming number of higher-level mobs.
And I don't get what you say about 'Now that ED's in'... since the best way to keep DPS as it was is to slot 1 acc 3 dam and 2 recharge.
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Pardon me if I go with 2acc/3dam/1rec. The extra recharge is more or less useless on katana. The extra accuracy makes sure I can handle mobs with higher DEF, and means I make up for some of that drop in base accuracy you mention should I ever actually get into a PvP fight.
I said, 'now that ED is in' because more people are probably slotting accs now. In I5, a lot of people had 6dam in their attacks, and you know it.
And your accuracy is lowered by 25% in PvP, RW.
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I know JH.
And it's probably 20% for me, katana has a 5% accuracy boost inherent.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
The base resistance for MoG is 71%, I think. So 29% of their damage is gonna get you.
With 3 slotted moment of glory you can get a Defence of 125%, ish. With 2 slotted Accuracy you get 109% accuracy. (Assuming PvP accuracy and +2 SOs)
So that's not 50% of the time it's in fact 5% of the time.
I said, 'now that ED is in' because more people are probably slotting accs now. In I5, a lot of people had 6dam in their attacks, and you know it.
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Because of Focused Accuracy, if it wasn't for all the exemping goin' on at the moment I'd slot 3 damage 2 recharge and 1 end redux thanks to Focused Acc.
World of Jackcraft.
Fair enough, but Focussed Accuracy isn't available to scrappers until 41, AFAIK. Pretty sure they were still slotting for 6dam.
PS. I do find it useful for sappers, obviously. However, since I solo a lot, it's mostly of use if I get caught by surprise. If I can see them, they're dead before I have to worry about it; they're only minions.
Now what I could really use it for is Ringmistresses, but there it's useless.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I need to know if Moment of Glory from the Regeneration Secondry is worth getting for PvP. If you have it, how does it fair in PvE and if you've used it in PvP, is it any good? (as a last resort). This is its description:
"When you activate this power, you lose a small amount of Hit Points, but become resistant to all types of damage, recover endurance faster, and are highly resistant to Sleep, Disorientation, Immobilization, and Hold effects.
Power Effects: Self +Res(All),Extreme Dmg(Special)"
Now from the description it sounds great, and with a recharge time of 5 minutes (without any enhancements what so ever), it sounds even better.