Kheldians in PvP




Has any one had much exp of playing a PB or WS in PvP?

I can't really see an angle which would mean that they would own in PvP.

Can ppl post their exp of PvP with their Kheldians.




My experience so far is zilch. I went to bloody bay hoping to try out my mostly human build, but no-one was around.
I'd also be interested to know how 'human' builds get on in PvP.
I've gone up against the dwarf form a few times with my blaster and whilst they didn't do a great deal of ownage, they are fairly difficult to down.



I've gone up against the dwarf form a few times with my blaster and whilst they didn't do a great deal of ownage, they are fairly difficult to down.

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Maybe own was the wrong word.

Are they infact feasable for pvp might have been a better question.



Oh they're very feasible, but it can be tricky... Depends on the AT you're fighting really...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I've gone up against the dwarf form a few times with my blaster and whilst they didn't do a great deal of ownage, they are fairly difficult to down.

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Maybe own was the wrong word.

Are they infact feasable for pvp might have been a better question.

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Maybe it was..I don't do l33t speak...'i' know what i meant ...using it as a general term to say that, though they weren't dishing out the damage, downing everyone in sight, they were able to stand there and take a great deal of punishment.
So inferring they are in fact feasible in pvp, at least in dwarf form.



In a team, my kheldian did it's job of teleporting unsuspecting villains onto tip mines reasonably well. The hold I got is quite nice too.



I've gone up against the dwarf form a few times with my blaster and whilst they didn't do a great deal of ownage, they are fairly difficult to down.

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Maybe own was the wrong word.

Are they infact feasable for pvp might have been a better question.

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Maybe it was..I don't do l33t speak...'i' know what i meant ...using it as a general term to say that, though they weren't dishing out the damage, downing everyone in sight, they were able to stand there and take a great deal of punishment.
So inferring they are in fact feasible in pvp, at least in dwarf form.

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they are nice in dwarf form i must admit.. until somebody casts some slow buffs on you whereupon the only thing you can do is just stand there waiting for ages till your attacks recharge while you take a pounding

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright




they are nice in dwarf form i must admit.. until somebody casts some slow buffs on you whereupon the only thing you can do is just stand there waiting for ages till your attacks recharge while you take a pounding

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hehe. tp then for the get out of there quick.
personally, i've now respecced out the dwarf and am taking kronos x, which is now all human, into sirens call tomorrow night for the rumble. Will see how it goes and post back with some updated info!



true, but it kinda marks a "victory" for your opponent cause you dont pose a threat anymore

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Well i came, i looke around (kinda jerkily), and i didn't exactly conquer. However, my all human build stood up quite well. A few more levels and slots and Warburg will be the place for Kheldians to rule.
Just didn't do quite enough damage, which is mainly down to my current slotting.
Shields stop me being 1-shotted by assassins and i can take a bit of a pounding with them up.
Only problem is the endurance at the minute, but again, a few end reducers in the shields and it'll be grand.
Only other issue is a travel power other than flight is a must have...but that's everyones issue in pvp.



It was exceedingly funny to see a flying Squid, turn suddenly into a human and plummet to the mass chaos below in Siren's call the other night.

I'm lvl 35 now.... only a looooong shlep till I can get my warshade, but then at least I can join this thread officially!



in my opinion a pb can be configured nicely for pvp. i am using an all human form atm. before it was squid/dwarft and that was excellent as well (not tried since issue 5).

ws ... well in the human form u get stunned by almost everything and ur toggles (u have loads of them) drop and so on ... (but i am still thinking the all human is the best form for ws), the ws squid is not worth while and the dwarft ends up as 2nd class tank with endurance problems, this is of course my personal taste and experience and hopefully triggers a lot of discussions



I've had a fair bit of fun with my PB in PvP. Being tri-form has helped a lot. The firepower in Nova is good for chasing down squishies or for large group battles where the villians don't realize you are overhead hitting them with AoEs. Just look out for flying stalkers.

Human form is best for taking on single targets. I can stand toe to toe with Brutes most of the time (unless they have attacks that stun) although that usually ends in a stalemate. Using Essence Boost to increase HP is a good way of taking on Stalkers - they can't one hit you and you can often stun them with IS if you are quick.

Dwarf is just usefull when you get in trouble. I usually put its heal on auto so as soon as I switch form the heal goes off. The teleport is handy when you really get in trouble - one minute they think they have you and the next you've vanished. I really like teleporting next to a squishy target (masterminds are great for this) and switching to human form at the same time to hit them with IS - great sneak tactic.

I don't own but I think people find me hard to pin down and kill.