Khelds spoil my tank!




The best thing about a 3-form kheldian is the ability to change forms blaster to tank to scrapper which has made me feel the other at's are dull. I mena when Im in dwarf mode and feeling blunt i just switch to nova and when im feeling squsihy i turn to dwarf. This means when i return to my tank Im always trying to switch to nova - which sucks cos i feel so blunt

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



When I play my Tanker, I try to switch to White Dwarf to increase my resistances .



I think I may have misunderstood, but I think other ATs are still very playable...I only properly played my PB up to lvl 21, and now I go on him every so often...I find other ATs more fun, especially the new CoV ones...but they'll be old news soon...



I'm not so sure about that.
With the I6/ED Nerf I'm normally tougher in human form than in dwarf form. Human Shields plus the bonuses from Blasters and Scrappers seem to do that... and of course the immensely higher damage output...
Problem is that we cannot compensate our lost Res with other powers while we're in dwarf form.
That and no use of temp powers make me spend a lot less time in dwarf than before I6...
The only plus it has for me now ist mez-protection without having to use Light Form.

To put it in a nutshell:
After I6 we are even less a competitor for the tank job than before... and lost a lot of fun being in Dwarf... at least for me...



I'm not so sure about that.
With the I6/ED Nerf I'm normally tougher in human form than in dwarf form. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
My Invulnerability has worse resistances than my White Dwarf.

Tanker: 57.68% S/L*, 34.72% F/C/E/N/T**
Dwarf: 62.48% S/L/F/C/E/N/T***

* 1-slotted Resist Physical Damage, 2-slotted Temp Invulnerability, 5-slotted Unyielding.
** 5-slotted Unyielding, 6-slotted Resist Elements and Energies.
*** 4-slotted White Dwarf.



I'm not so sure about that.
With the I6/ED Nerf I'm normally tougher in human form than in dwarf form. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
My Invulnerability has worse resistances than my White Dwarf.

Tanker: 57.68% S/L*, 34.72% F/C/E/N/T**
Dwarf: 62.48% S/L/F/C/E/N/T***

* 1-slotted Resist Physical Damage, 2-slotted Temp Invulnerability, 5-slotted Unyielding.
** 5-slotted Unyielding, 6-slotted Resist Elements and Energies.
*** 4-slotted White Dwarf.

[/ QUOTE ]

That slotting for your tank is old, it looks like an I4 capped resist build.

The Inv set isn't about capping resistances anymore. Its about a combination of good S/L resistance, low resistance to other damage and good scalable defence. Mine has about 20% defence when in combat with one enemy. With 10 around me I have around 45% defence. This is with 16% resistance and about 80% resistance to S/L.

If you were comparing him to a current fire tank build, you would have a better argument, they have about 50% resistance to most things.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



Sure Dwarf has nice resistance... and nice mez-protection in fact.
But we have zero defense and can't get any without outside help. It bothers me that I can have more resistance in humand form - and more defense - than in dwarf.
Give me a good team and I could tank better in human form than in dwarf form if I took the right skills form the presence pool.
The only thing that dwarf really improves apart from mez-protect is the 75% HP gain which works similar to an additional resistance, right, but even in dwarf form you have less HP than a tank of the same level.

Don't get me wrong, Kheldians are a nice concept and I had lots of fun levelling my PB to 47 now, but I asked myself why I spend so little time in Dwarf form now and the answer is: It does not feel the damage soaker I think it was meant to be.
Most of my time - solo or in teams - is now spent in human form. Mostly because this form is hit the least by ED.

And I don't call myself 4-form PB for nuthin'... even unslotted Light Form outshines Dwarf Form when combined with the human shields...



I'm not so sure about that.
With the I6/ED Nerf I'm normally tougher in human form than in dwarf form. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
My Invulnerability has worse resistances than my White Dwarf.

Tanker: 57.68% S/L*, 34.72% F/C/E/N/T**
Dwarf: 62.48% S/L/F/C/E/N/T***

* 1-slotted Resist Physical Damage, 2-slotted Temp Invulnerability, 5-slotted Unyielding.
** 5-slotted Unyielding, 6-slotted Resist Elements and Energies.
*** 4-slotted White Dwarf.

[/ QUOTE ]

That slotting for your tank is old, it looks like an I4 capped resist build. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
It's my I3 build I dinged 50 with. I am well aware of the changes to slotting and resitances/defences. Have tried several times thinking up a respec for him... to no avail.



I'm not so sure about that.
With the I6/ED Nerf I'm normally tougher in human form than in dwarf form. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
My Invulnerability has worse resistances than my White Dwarf.

Tanker: 57.68% S/L*, 34.72% F/C/E/N/T**
Dwarf: 62.48% S/L/F/C/E/N/T***

* 1-slotted Resist Physical Damage, 2-slotted Temp Invulnerability, 5-slotted Unyielding.
** 5-slotted Unyielding, 6-slotted Resist Elements and Energies.
*** 4-slotted White Dwarf.

[/ QUOTE ]

That slotting for your tank is old, it looks like an I4 capped resist build. [...]

[/ QUOTE ]
It's my I3 build I dinged 50 with. I am well aware of the changes to slotting and resitances/defences. Have tried several times thinking up a respec for him... to no avail.

[/ QUOTE ]
You're probably best leaving it, depressing as it may be. I imagine once you've experienced all 90% resists everything else seems poor... Somehow us active tanks soldier on though.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



CoV needs Epic Powers and At's and the ability to get to lv50 or it will plummet soon. Also, they should make PB and WS unlockable now at any level and bring in some new EPIC AT for COH

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze





Definitely shouldn't bring in a new epic at imo and definitely not let people play them from the off.
What they should do is improve slightly upon the ones that are there.

Those human shields are class. Combined with light form and you are hitting the res cap. Tank/scrapper/blaster in one.



CoV needs Epic Powers and At's and the ability to get to lv50 or it will plummet soon. Also, they should make PB and WS unlockable now at any level and bring in some new EPIC AT for COH

[/ QUOTE ]And maybe have every level go up as fast as the first 4 and have the option to turn god mode and quad damage on and off at will, as inherent lvl 1 power. °_°

Tank/scrapper/blaster in one.

[/ QUOTE ]Yup, all in one but with 1/3 of the power of each....(May sound "[censored] Tank/non-damaging scrapper/low-damage blaster in one")



CoV needs Epic Powers and At's and the ability to get to lv50 or it will plummet soon. Also, they should make PB and WS unlockable now at any level and bring in some new EPIC AT for COH

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm.. I've said it once.. and I'll keep saying it till people realise..


Epic ATs are that for a reason. Some of us don't exactly wanna see people, flying about with a PB/WS when they only have a level 30 or level 10, after sum of us have gone the full milage to "EARN" one.

EARN <--- Key word here.



after sum of us have gone the full milage to "EARN" one.

EARN <--- Key word here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Couldnt agree more mate one of the reasons people work so hard to hit 50 is because of these epic AT without them I think hitting 50 for the first time would lose something

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



Couldnt agree more mate one of the reasons people work so hard to hit 50 is because of these epic AT without them I think hitting 50 for the first time would lose something

[/ QUOTE ]




CoV needs Epic Powers and At's and the ability to get to lv50 or it will plummet soon. Also, they should make PB and WS unlockable now at any level and bring in some new EPIC AT for COH

[/ QUOTE ]And maybe have every level go up as fast as the first 4 and have the option to turn god mode and quad damage on and off at will, as inherent lvl 1 power. °_°

Tank/scrapper/blaster in one.

[/ QUOTE ]Yup, all in one but with 1/3 of the power of each....(May sound "[censored] Tank/non-damaging scrapper/low-damage blaster in one")

[/ QUOTE ]

Hardly. In human form, fully slotted shields and light form will give better resistance than any tank, incandescent strike hits harder than total focus, and photon seekers (providing they all hit the same target) hit harder than any blaster snipe. :P




the PB an WS are the reward for the 50 and should stay that way



Hardly. In human form, fully slotted shields and light form will give better resistance than any tank, incandescent strike hits harder than total focus, and photon seekers (providing they all hit the same target) hit harder than any blaster snipe. :P

[/ QUOTE ]
Uhmm....Afaik, the base damage for Total Focus and Incandescent Strike are the same, can't try myself tho, so I'll stick to what I read

Light form is the same as Unstoppable, only difference is that being Light Form from the secondary power set has lower base value: Invulnerability's Unstoppable base dmg res is 70% while Light Form base dmg res is around 53%.

Don't forget that Kheld human form dmg res cap is 70%, 75% for Dwarf Form iirc, so by simply putting a SO in Unstoppable you can have more resistance than a capped kheld..

But that's for just those 3 minutes, after wich both are left with 10% end and life and the kheld with less res than a fire tank and NO DEFENSE, while the Invuln has less overall res(but S/L almost at HIS cap) but WAY MORE defense..

A blaster snipe has a base recharge of 12 seconds, while photon seekers are around 5 minutes, so more like an additional Nova, more than a snipe...

Dunno the base value for Dawn Strike and Nova, so can't make that comparison



Ok, i was using hyperbole to emphasise my point.
But what you've just put down shows that they hit harder than a tank (not hard i know) and are miles more resistant than a blaster. The primary blast has a blaster level brawl index it think aswell.
Im not sure about dawn strike, but i don't think it's quite as powerful as a blaster nova. But is still pretty good.
And yes, recharge on photon seekers is very long and is more like a mini-nova.
It's still a good allround archetype that can tank blast and scrap all in one. Sometimes as good as the primary.



Point to note on the Kheldians after using light form, if slotted, which i'm sure most human types do, you have the inherent resistance power (can't for the life of me think what it's called atm). Which with 3 sos gives some resistance. Can't remember what the figures are either.
With conserve energy, pop a blue pill fire up the fully slotted shields and you have 50% resistance again. Plus you are comparing to an inv tank too. What about the others.



50% resistance from what? 0.o'
With only the PB shield u can have around 35%res to everything and 48% or so to nrg and negative..

A fire tank with fire and plasma shield has 47% res to all except 16% to Ice and 94% to Fire.

A stone tank has 25% res to everything but fire, cold and toxic but 39% defense vs fire and cold, with granite this changes in 78% res to everything but psionics, 94% res to smash lethal(stone skin 3 slotted) and almost 32% def to everything.

An Invuln has something like 63% res to smash lethal and 27% to other elements plus almost 33% defense from everything with Invincibility.

Ice tankers get almost 40% defense against every type of damage, but little to no resistance.

These values are without any power pool.

Now i reckon that you can be slightly better of a stone tanker pre-granite(due to PBs Dull Pain + Reconstruction)but since you're talkin of Light Form you have to be at least 38, so in full reach for Granite.

No doubt that you can get better res than a Blaster, but in human form you're no where near a tanker's def/res

As I believe you're no where near the dmg output of a blaster or a scrapper...

Kheldians are, as you said in another thread, jack of all trades master of nothing..



just over 50% res to energy and neg energy
35% res to everything else apart from toxic and psionics. 25% toxic if you use essence boost.
damage output is comparable to both a blaster and scrapper - least it is using the hero builder attack planner and as each attack gives -def and it can floor the defence.
dawn strike gives -90% def.
they are tho jack of all trades. still enjoy playing my pb.



Now i reckon that you can be slightly better of a stone tanker pre-granite(due to PBs Dull Pain + Reconstruction)

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm hurt Ji, i really am
Rooks' Non-GA armours are as decent as ne other tank, and i hardly ever use GA itself unless in the most ridiculous of situations (+ showing off to n00bs), I do wish every1 would stop slagging them off, sod the figures, I believe Rooks is as good proof as any of the decency of other rock tank powers, and yes i have played as him in I6. SO THERE

P.S. Rock Armour non-GA armours ftw!!!!!!!!!!!
P.P.S. I think this thread is going a little off the origional point, dont you


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



Kind of off point but related also.