PvP Moments!!!
ROFL poor crime on first piccie
ROFL poor crime on first piccie
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what crime the phone was ringing and they asked me to help em
You're proud of ganking?
Not my cup of tea, but i suppose everyone is different.
Ganking is fun.
Ganking is fun.
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Apparently so.
You're proud of ganking?
Not my cup of tea, but i suppose everyone is different.
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cake kabbal?
LMAO TG!!!! hehe me in my PvP (statesman) costume with my nerfbat w000t was soo fun
poor crime hes just trying to make a call
cake kabbal?
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That you just figured that one out? Me being Kabaal ain't exactly a state secret
/em not surprised by hypocracy/attitude/ nonsense (lost interest in thinking up other words)
/em wonders how long before the new toy blows up
Feel the burn lmao.
One thing is for sure - money and PvP sure do bring out the worst in ppl
[...] One thing is for sure - money and PvP sure do bring out the worst in ppl
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Roger that.
/em not surprised by hypocracy/attitude/ nonsense (lost interest in thinking up other words)
/em wonders how long before the new toy blows up
Feel the burn lmao
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Lol what new toy? this is a perfectly fun thread and u come here flaming? i not see the reason for it..but i know is typical of you now save it plz because
1)in first pic the people inside the phone booth are friends of mine and made the screenie for fun
2) the other 2 threads we went there to dance the villains so no harm again. now save the flaming posts
ZOMG, please say your not taking those pics seriously its pure humour, as TG said phonebooth was a friend. As for
Me and TG in the base, you'll notice that we aren't blasted by arbitor drones (poor base design)
As for the 3rd notice the pets and henchmen dancing pure fun, we didnt even attack anyone, we were good if anything we were ganked at the end by the villains
Its all fun and games no need for the flames (woah that rhymes
/em not surprised by hypocracy/attitude/ nonsense (lost interest in thinking up other words)
/em wonders how long before the new toy blows up
Feel the burn lmao
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Lol what new toy? this is a perfectly fun thread and u come here flaming? i not see the reason for it..but i know is typical of you now save it plz because
1)in first pic the people inside the phone booth are friends of mine and made the screenie for fun
2) the other 2 threads we went there to dance the villains so no harm again. now save the flaming posts
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Hmm I'm NOT nor ever have 'flamed'(although am as entitled as you to post, just because i dont always agree woth you doesnt mean i'm a flamer unlike some...), this isnt a flame, I do however think the various nonsense thread of late are.
I didnt take those pics seriously simply because i never looked at them and I got boreed reading the crap the other dayas well, i did think PvP would be a great addition as I'd enjoyed it in other games but my first visit to BB I stayed in the air watching the behaviour of my fellow 'Heroes'. REmember they said i5 and i6 was to make PvP fairer???
The new toy i refer to is tp foe - a power not so popular before as it is now. I wondered how long before they nerf it too - not the supposed 'fix' its had but a proper nerf like so many others powers got.
I fail to see the flame except in your personal snipe at me but then i'm not surprised there really. I'm not a sheep never have been, it may suit others but not me, appologise profusely. I think esveral other ppl in 'that' thread covered the words i used in my OP but hey ho......
/em sigh - gaelic shrug
Hmm I'm NOT nor ever have 'flamed'
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/em not surprised by hypocracy/attitude/ nonsense (lost interest in thinking up other words)
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[quoteI didnt take those pics seriously simply because i never looked at them and I got boreed reading the [censored] the other dayas well
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and there is me thinking whats wrong with these lines
Now have fun and enjoy the game and hopefully they nerf tp foe so you can PvP although there is already a fix out there and several tactics that more than allow you to PvP without any problem.
I got bored once, quit team and killed Blue Shadow's Blapper 3 times in stealth attacks.
Did the same to disco king JR but was joined by Blue Shadow's Scrapper.
World of Jackcraft.
1)in first pic the people inside the phone booth are friends of mine and made the screenie for fun
2) the other 2 threads we went there to dance the villains so no harm again. now save the flaming posts
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That's funny since I could have sworn you just teleported my brute into a cargo crate with your hurricane on, right next to the Arachnos base, with about 4 other (probably lvl 50) heroes and tried (unsuccessfully) to gank me about 4 times. Other villains ended up in the crate but never came out alive.
It's a funny pic for sure but don't post here and try and pretend you aren't gangbanging noob villains with a bunch of heroes with that same tactic.
I got bored once, quit team and killed Blue Shadow's Blapper 3 times in stealth attacks.
Did the same to disco king JR but was joined by Blue Shadow's Scrapper.
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lol killing your own team now
It's a funny pic for sure but don't post here and try and pretend you aren't gangbanging noob villains with a bunch of heroes with that same tactic.
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never said that...i said the specific photo what is about...damn you for escaping the crate....
I think the point is that you are deliberately rubbing the fact that you are ganking people constantly in the PvP zones with these 2 latest threads of yours in peoples noses (that's my opinion of these threads, and my opinion also tells me these threads are merely carefully disguised flames, more fool me for posting on them), no matter how clever you think you are with words.
although there is already a fix out there and several tactics that more than allow you to PvP without any problem.
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Hold on a minute. I had thought that the devs view of this game was that you would NOT be required to be/have in team a certain AT or have a specific power to be able to play a part of the game. As it stands just now if you aren't a bubbler, haven't got Energy Aura/Entropy Shield or you don't have a kinetics defender on board, you and your gank squad make it nigh on impossible for us to PvP when you are there. Since the episode where i encountered you the other night i've taken to going to the PvP zones a lot earlier in the day and avoiding them like the plague at night. I'm sure i'm not the only one .... Well Done TG.
As annoying as teleport foe is, there are ATs that can't function without it. My stone/stone is pretty much grounded and immobilised by his own buffs. Can't switch off rooted because that would be a death sentence but can't chase people if they decide to kite me.
I am enjoying PvP though. Favourite moment was when I was happily pounding away on the scrapper that was just getting healed over and over. I don't think she realised that she was just my fury bot. She was the first person that actually stood in one place long enough for me to build fury on.
Hold on a minute. I had thought that the devs view of this game was that you would NOT be required to be/have in team a certain AT or have a specific power to be able to play a part of the game.
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You are not....but what you right now for sure is tactics and possibly to make teams instead of maybe soloing inside the PvP zone. Tp foe is just a power that allows the element of surprise and kills the range of ranged AT's. As for impossibility...once again regarding your AT i refer you to Gimpman (aka yo momma) who efficiently managed to kill 1 by 1 members of a team i was in and simply run away hide and repeat..was a good laugh too and enjoyed watching a good stalker in action...tp foe is an easy to break tactic and for that i can refer u also to Captain righteous, who with his hero last night in Warburg tried to pull this tactic on my team (having exactly same slotting as i do for the power) and simply didnt manage to rack a kill from it due to the counter tactics we got for this move....so apparently all u need is a little bit of planning...
Hmmmmm maybe i should start visit PvP zones earlier
Also i can certainly not claim i smart with words and in fact i know most of my posts give trouble to most people cause i am a foreigner so i am far from smart with words in English....As for disguised flames feel free to use notify moderator and Bridger i am sure will remove my posts if they are flames. And as for rubbing things in people noses well thats your opinion.....you are the only one that posted about griefing and ganking in the other thread and of course your other half and the thread was only supposed to be for fun plus it wasnt event written by me as u see by copied from US forums where the thread was a pure luagh to read.
If i remember correctly yo mommas stalker is or was lvl 34 whereas mine was lvl 20, not a good comparism. To be more clear, it's not Tp Foe by itself that annoys me, its teams of god knows how many lvl 50's ganking with it, i feel like i'm repeating myself here somehow.
As for your comment about how i shouldnt solo in PvP. I WAS in a team, not that it made any difference.
Really all it comes down to is you (and others) trying to show off a PvP rep gained by ganking while arguing in a much roundabout way that if the game allows ganking then it is a valid tactic.
I have learned a valuable lesson of late in PvP and am now changing my Stalker accordingly, after all I made it solely for PvP purposes (thanks to Tylantia showing me the hard way that MM's just aint very good in PvP ). But the main lesson learned is that i absolutely have to plant your [censored] at every available opportunity
[Edit -
Hmmmmm maybe i should start visit PvP zones earlier
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You know i've been put off entering PvP in the evening for the moment because of your Gank Squad (i seem to have a fondness for this term now ), so you also want to hound me out of it in the mornings too? Time for you to leave the playground and enter the real world i think
Hold on a minute. I had thought that the devs view of this game was that you would NOT be required to be/have in team a certain AT or have a specific power to be able to play a part of the game.
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You are not....but what you right now for sure is tactics and possibly to make teams instead of maybe soloing inside the PvP zone. Tp foe is just a power that allows the element of surprise and kills the range of ranged AT's. As for impossibility...once again regarding your AT i refer you to Gimpman (aka yo momma) who efficiently managed to kill 1 by 1 members of a team i was in and simply run away hide and repeat..was a good laugh too and enjoyed watching a good stalker in action...tp foe is an easy to break tactic and for that i can refer u also to Captain righteous, who with his hero last night in Warburg tried to pull this tactic on my team (having exactly same slotting as i do for the power) and simply didnt manage to rack a kill from it due to the counter tactics we got for this move....so apparently all u need is a little bit of planning...
Hmmmmm maybe i should start visit PvP zones earlier
Also i can certainly not claim i smart with words and in fact i know most of my posts give trouble to most people cause i am a foreigner so i am far from smart with words in English....As for disguised flames feel free to use notify moderator and Bridger i am sure will remove my posts if they are flames. And as for rubbing things in people noses well thats your opinion.....you are the only one that posted about griefing and ganking in the other thread and of course your other half and the thread was only supposed to be for fun plus it wasnt event written by me as u see by copied from US forums where the thread was a pure luagh to read.
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Ah that old chestnut, unfortunnately your use of english wasnt called into question, there are many folks in these parts whose native tongue is not 'Old Bessies Engerlash'. Personally a lot of what you post reads as though its dressed up to look smarter than it is. A flame by any other name.....(wee bit of doctored Shakespeare there lol)
The fix you refer to is not a nerf, a minor token but a start granted. My forray into BB was as a lvl 50 hero not villian - foresight being a lovely thing. I really enjoyed PvP in GW and WoW and yes ganking exsisted there too but not in comparison to what you are and seem to continue doing.
If its in the game then you will do it eh?
Thats where my 1st line about hypocricy came from, you are always so vocal on PL or GM pulling yet seem to think this ok? I wonder if the proverbial shoe were on teh other foot, but I think we can all guess that one eh?
I note also most of this takes place in BB and SC not Warburg (only rarely does it?)
The US supposed rules would have been funier had you and whoever not taken up this rather bullyish/tiresome practice nor added your little sideswipe, like i said I found that amusing for other reasons.
TP foe is not without its uses - but exploiting it then using it to stealth-flame is a tad off. Tp foe used in a sportsmanlike manner (for want of a better term) would be fine but Ganking repeatedly with it sure aint. Again i refer to my OP, i wonder how long before it blows up? Like almost all others it will get nerfed-to-hell.
LMAO @ your ickle profile tho. [ QUOTE ]
Hey all i am TG....i love COH/CoV and all my friends there and enjoy spending time with them online...
If u meet me in PvP zone prepare to get teleganked unless you are on my team...PvP ftw!!!
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A few things to say:
First for me, after having now played against Tg and the others in warburg last night, I dont think the tp foe thing is quite that uber. Most likely it is right up there with an assassins strike and or my own superior invis power. I managed to pick off a few of the players and Tg a couple times without any insps besides two small reds and several slots in my powers that had no enhancements in them, due to a recent respec (too lazy to go to peregrine). So the argument now is fairly valid that tp foe isnt that big of a deal, at least from where I am coming from. I would be more irritated (which I am not) over the fact that the team they had just simply plays better together, more envious then irritated over that matter. However I enjoy playing when the odds are stacked against me, and I left the zone with more points then I had when I came in. I apologize nova I wasnt much of a team player for you guys J.
There is however a problem that has been pointed out dealing with the last 2 threads about this issue:
I think the point is that you are deliberately rubbing the fact that you are ganking people constantly in the PvP zones with these 2 latest threads of yours in peoples noses (that's my opinion of these threads, and my opinion also tells me these threads are merely carefully disguised flames, more fool me for posting on them), no matter how clever you think you are with words.
I think this mostly deals with modesty and the fact you have modified you words ever so slowly as this debate has moved on Tg. Its understandable because you wanted to defend your position and did so by committing to it even though there were flaws within it (that is not to say you were/are completely wrong). One of the flaws you have made is that you are in a very slight of hand way insulting anyone who does disagree instead of showing respect for that side of the coin. You insulted me and Anya by responding to us with Tough as if we were small children, new to the game, even though we have been here for as long as you have. I think that if you want respect and to be seen as either that which you were before and or what you foresee yourself as now you would have to be more modest and contemplate the other side a bit more, even if in reality you could care less about it. Right now I think your approaching a level where more and more people will begin to dislike you as your posts progress, and also dislike the game itself. What will begin to occur is that there will be a bunch of people with bad attitudes here and in game and that kind of stuff will spread until the game dies.
I will apologize to you Tg for not being civilized in broadcast chat that first evening but I think you have an apology to make to a lot of others that you have slyly taken snipes at in these posts. You have reconfirmed what some of them wanted you to ( that is those who dont care for you have more reasons then ever to feel that way). When I played Call Of Duty online and was extremely good (had a 2 or 3 month reign of terror on the servers) at it I never said a word to the opposition. To do so removes and cheapens your status. Instead of players thinking Wow that guy is good and so nice they make derogatory comments and hate begins to build up in the game, some leave the server, some quit, some wont pvp and others will look for moves that they see as being exploits and adopt this attitude. Even if you think this is cool that people will dislike you, I think for the good of the game if it continues you should be petitioned by anyone whom, you have affected with said attitude.
Ill give a good example in parting: Swg used to have an uber class in Jedi. The first time a Jedi developed the attitude such as the one being displayed here it created a rift in the game. To combat this things where added or nerfed. Several things added were to bounty hunter, in effort to even things out, when peoples egos could no longer handle that they complained about it. 2 major upgrades later the game lays in ruins and the devs being some what smart, and also not being equipped to play ego management, know that porting it to the console is the only way to attract new players, desperately needed when hordes of people quit daily due to their in vain efforts to restore the original balance and feeling in the game.
Or on a more personal note, I used to play Magic the Gathering with my Gf and friends, now I sit with tons of cards because my ego got the better of me and I insulted them albeit in a very subtle way, only because I bought better cards and exploited game mechanics I knew I could (played and studied the game more then them). Now I have no opposition to play a game I enjoyed against. In retrospect I was not better just exploited my advantages. I welcome the debates against human nature in this respect but you can direct them to me via private tells as I dont want to engage in how this is not human nature upon these forums openly.
My attempt at closing the rift and preserving yet another game I enjoy.
Share your pics of PvP action here !!!
(keep petitioning please for dance griefing in villains base
Crowded Phonebooth
Wow thats a popular phone booth...thats 3 heroes in there fighting who will use the phone first...too bad they are all debuffed and miss miss miss
Me and Powernova getting jiggy at Sirens Call villain entrance.....awaiting to gank innocent victims (start petitiong me
And thats after we ganked them with our boombox and forced em to dance along with us