Badge hunting for new badges in pvp zones
I'd be up for that. Badge hunting with the rsik of PVP
With Ms. Freedom I think...she's my badge [censored] character.
if any team is up for going out and getting in one day all 3 pvp badges for rep points (cause i need the 3rd one for 1000 i think) uhmm count me in with Talin
What PVP badges are there? I have the kill 20 heroes one on my villain (and possibly on Ms. Freedom actually)...not sure about others.
Me me me! Always up for some badge hunting and it might force me to do that respec I keep forgetting about.
20 heroes/villains badge the 400rep points and there is one for 1000rep points (possibly) which i am missing and got close before the rep was rest the 1000 badge will be tough to get and will prolly mean making a 2 day event spending all day in BB or Sirens call as it requires around 2000-3000 frags considering a full team with splitting reputation
I'm up for that TG. say next tuesday evening from 7.30? Or this saturday maybe? Tho it'd have to be an early(ish) start...
1. Venture
2. Tainted Greek
3. Ms freedom
4. Pyra
TG, does pvp rep reset itself each day?
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
i would say better timing for such a thing would be a weekend so i ll need to check up on that but as far as i am concerned Tuesday sounds good to me.
Hmmmmm i dunno what goes on with PvP rep but i managed move around for days before it was suddenly reset....But once u get the badges is all good..I got the Forward Observer for 400PvP rep and then i saw it vanish which was annoying but at least i got it....Will be tough to get all 3 though
Me me me! Always up for some badge hunting and it might force me to do that respec I keep forgetting about.
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Tell me about it. I've been planning on doing a respec for ages now...I still have my I5 builds on my heroes!
I'm up for this on my tank
I'd be up for this with WarEngine.
Btw, you can earn the PvP badges by doing missions in the PvP zones. All we'd need is someone to start us off.
"I know 653 ways to kill a man. Fist to the face is #56."
Would like to join this.
I'm definitely up for this as well.
any idea which missions and in which zones?
It really bugs me that you get auto exemplared to the level of the zone but still cant pick up the missions within those zones... grrr
1. Venture (Empath)
2. Tainted Greek (Empath)
3. Ms freedom (Blaster?)
4. Pyra (Blaster)
5. War Engine (?)
6. Solid state (Tank)
7. Korvek (Scrapper)
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
Warburg are good missions but the Sirens call hotspot take over (30 times) is fun too as it involves large scale engagement. Finally BB gives some nifty powers as well so we can do all...i would prefer the most packed with people zone to kill a lot
If there's still room I wouldn't mind joining ya's
WarEngine One is a blaster, sorry.
any idea which missions and in which zones?
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I think you can earn the Reinforcement badge for completing a mission that strengthens your side, and the Disruptor badge for completing a mission which weakens the enemy. One of these two also unlocks the Longbow Warden 2 gladiator. I don't think the zone matters. You get Forward Observer for a patrol mish.
"I know 653 ways to kill a man. Fist to the face is #56."
Lokks like you've got a full team allready. But I'll stick my name down as a sub in case anyone can't make it. If not- good luck guys and have fun.
WarEngine One is a blaster, sorry.
any idea which missions and in which zones?
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I think you can earn the Reinforcement badge for completing a mission that strengthens your side, and the Disruptor badge for completing a mission which weakens the enemy. One of these two also unlocks the Longbow Warden 2 gladiator. I don't think the zone matters. You get Forward Observer for a patrol mish.
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Could be an easier way of doing it than getting 2000 pvp kills...
1. Venture (Empath)
2. Tainted Greek (Empath)
3. Ms freedom (Blaster?)
4. Pyra (Blaster)
5. War Engine (?)
6. Solid state (Tank)
7. Korvek (Scrapper)
8. Window Licker (Controller)
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
although 2000 PvP kills would be more fun lol
but i am good anyway u choose i not mind just tp ing along the way some villains on sight to get some nice extra kills
Damnit, had to work late and missed this
Anyway, put my name down as a sub, if there's room
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

its next tuesday coin
i'll put u down as a reserve
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
That will teach me to leave forum reading till late. I need these too. Well known badge [censored] here.
Irony is I left forum browsing till now to sort a badge mission earlier tonight.
well. I say its next tuesday but can everyone on the list make it this friday?
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender
well that shivan one i cant try as in BB when exemp'd down all i get is snipe ¬.¬ :: the arachnos one ive killed hundreds and hundreds of them in sirens call and got no badge :: smae for that fortunate one killed at least 150 of them as i go in sirens every day
so i'm either bugged or hated lol
There are 3 new badges for killing 100 shivans, arachnos and fortunates.
These are all found in pvp zones. Is anybody up for forming a team to specifically get these badges and possibly the pvp ones as well?
I'm thinking of arranging this for sometime next week...
Proud Member of the Liberty Legion
Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender