Mr Hyde - Gratz on big 5-0
Woo, well done Hyde! Always fun to team with ya, even if you are a little chubby
Woohoo! Well done Hydie-Wydie!!!!
Wish I could have seen it - it's been loads of fun since that first time Proxy introduced us "I've invited Hyde - a big, strong man to protect us", little did I know she actually meant porky, but hey, I still loves ya!!
lol, and Prox knows about porky
Gratz Hyde, was fun teaming with you even if you did need to sk me
Iam not fat prox and u know it!!!!!!!
well what can i say. I should of been 50 weeks ago, if it was not for those time consuming things called girlfriends.....
anyway i would like to thank a few ppl
ebon wing
aurora night
super k
black icikle
Pink faery
all those sexy lil femmes, who are so many to name
everyone in the SG
oh and some blaster called prox something.
and a special thanks to lythanda
oh and me daughter Hydee, who will be taking over her dads role as the great one{ well untill lvl 50+ missions start}
with luv Mr{the Greatest tank ever} Hyde
all those sexy lil femmes, who are so many to name
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You slacker!!!! No wonder you are carrying too much weight!
fine ill mention the femmes in my life
pyra{ that lil sex on legs}
mindflux{the mad one}
caereen{the best thing since sliced bread and jam}
amora{the mute} lol
proximity{well what i want to say about her is illegel in some countries}
and them other ones that i cant remember
Grats man, I've had a great time teaming with you
Nice one Mr Hyde - always fun teaming with you
Congrats. Big up to anyone that levels now CoV is out.
Congrats mate - now maybe I can stop worrying about keeping your fat ar5e alive!!!!!
No really well done buddy..
Congratulations Big Boy!
Black Icicle LVL 42 Ice/Ice Blaster
Congratulations Big Boy!
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Oh Please! You'll only encourage him!
hehehe to late, iam very encouraged now my little sex thimble you are caereen
Mr Hyde
Gratzs on the big 50!
It has been an honour to heal ur hyde!!!(not that u needed healin much)
Thanks for the great missions and top Supergroup
Aurora Night
Lvl 42 Defender
It has been an honour to heal ur hyde!!!(not that u needed healin much)
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Lies! Hi Aurora
oh yeah few ppl to add that i have forgot....
jana frost,international sex on legs}
hydee, me daughter
dr jekyl, me creator
erm tiberuis, for giving is life for mine
oh and proximity......
The self-proclaimed Great One has done it.
It's been tremendous fun for the last 15 or so levels of mayhem.
Mr Hyde, the biggest, strongest (read: fattest) Tank of all has hit 50.
Well done to you Hyde