Feedback on my kheldy build




So first of all, this is going to be my LV50 kheldys I6 build (haven't done that yet ) and would like all comments and feedback, constructive type of that though
[The numbers inside the ( ) markers point the number of slots in the power]
Name: Avenger
Level: 50
Archetype: Peacebringer
Origin: Natural
01: Incadescence (1)
01: Glinting Eye (6)
02: Shining Shield (4)
04: Essence Boost (6)
06: Radiant Strike (6)
08: Gleaming Blast (6)
10: Thermal Shield (4)
12: Build Up (1)
14: Quantum Shield (4)
16: Luminous Detonation (6)
18: Incadescent Strike (6)
20: Swift (1)
22: Health (1)
24: Stamina (3)
26: Reform Essence (6)
28: Solar Flare (6)
30: Glowing Touch (1)
32: Photon Seekers (6)
35: Dawn Strike (6)
38: Light Form (3)
41: Proton Scatter (???)
44: Restore Essence (1)
47: Pulsar (1)
49: Group Energy Flight (1)
01: Brawl (1)
01: Sprint (1)
01: Energy Flight (3)
02: Rest (1)
10: Combat Flight (1)

EDIT: Just noticed a problem with this build, I can't cycle the attacks... From which powers should I pickt the slots for proton scatter?

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Well, i don't have a PB, but i'd tranfer the slots from Glinting Eye to Build Up and the pets, because i've heard you guys are mostly scrappers, and the human range attacks aren't so great in the warshade.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Well, i don't have a PB, but i'd tranfer the slots from Glinting Eye to Build Up and the pets, because i've heard you guys are mostly scrappers, and the human range attacks aren't so great in the warshade.

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i wouldnt do that. Pets SUCK, high dmg yes, but low accuracy, and while they are photon seekers, you'd rather call them photon [censored]. Their AI simply is worhtless, they go AWAY from the target and hover, instead of going to it and exploding. Only way to make them fire 'for sure' is to call them in mid-fight as just another extra attack. in which case you can better use the slots in build up and you r ranged attacks (which dont suck imho)

Shift 50 DM/DA Scrapper ][ TTL 50 Kat/Reg Scrapper ][ Shabriel 50 Peacebringer ][ Ion Shift 46 Rad/Rad Corruptor ][ Thermal Shift 35 Fire/Fire Blaster
"A Scrapper is a lot like a chainsaw. Somewhat hard to handle, incredibly dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane."



Photons are more useless now. Their sucky AI was offset slightly by the very high damage but now even that has been lowered due to ED. They need to fix the AI so you do actually get full damage out of them (rather than 2/3 as one ALWAYS wanders off somewhere and doesn't attack) and maybe raise the damage of each one to make up for the reduced damage output now.

Anyway, if you are looking for slots I'd say take them from the shields. The fourth in each shield isn't helping much. You are actually better off putting the fourth slot from quantum shield in incandecence (I think).

As for build up - I'm contemplating slotting damage buffs to make it easier to hit the cap when using Dawn Strike now? Anyone know if that is worth doing?



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort zu::[/color]<hr />
Photons are more useless now. Their sucky AI was offset slightly by the very high damage but now even that has been lowered due to ED. They need to fix the AI so you do actually get full damage out of them (rather than 2/3 as one ALWAYS wanders off somewhere and doesn't attack) and maybe raise the damage of each one to make up for the reduced damage output now.

[/ QUOTE ]
I play a 3form PB and focus on melee in human form. I would not want to live without my beloved "village idiots". I think of them as another - devastating - melee attack and they rarely miss with my current 1acc/3dam/1end/1rec slotting.

[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort zu::[/color]<hr />

As for build up - I'm contemplating slotting damage buffs to make it easier to hit the cap when using Dawn Strike now? Anyone know if that is worth doing?

[/ QUOTE ]
No damage buffs in this game, sir...



I play a 3form PB and focus on melee in human form. I would not want to live without my beloved "village idiots". I think of them as another - devastating - melee attack and they rarely miss with my current 1acc/3dam/1end/1rec slotting.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love them too and use them in the same way. It used to be nice to have the choice to go extreme damage but not have them up very much, up a lot but lower damage or somewhere in between. With ED, there is no choice really anymore - medium damage and medium recharge. Least with other powers you can buff them to the cap and still get max damage. Never going to happen with my seekers now.

No damage buffs in this game, sir...

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite right, I must have been dreaming that. Thinking about it, it would be nice tho.



Oh well, hanks for all the posts, but you didn't quite answer my question. I'd like to keep the pets, they are useful to have in emergency situations and for fun. The shields will stay 4 slotted as I can't perma hasten + perma light form anymore... Still couldn't think of the powers to draw the slots from...

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



They basicaly have.
Personaly I never slot travel powers so I'd drop them from flight. Having said that, as pointed out by a previous poster your fourth slot in shields isn't doing you a heck of a load of good so you could also consider removing those.



Really, that extra slot in the shields give at most about 0.7% resistance. Not exactly huge. Get about 2% if you use the slot in Incadescence.

The option of using the slots from glinting eye is a good one. The BI of the two attacks is about the same but proton scatter takes longer to recharge. It hits multiple targets tho...

Do you need all those slots in the attacks? Assuming 3 dmg, how fast do they recycle and could you drop a slot from one or two of them (the recharge) to form a usefull attack chain that way?



Would be helpful to know not the number of slots in your powers but the slotting too.
4th slot in a shield might be useless as a DamRes but very useful as EndRed.
6-slotting Attacks you really use in your attack chain is never a waste, I mostly go for 1Acc/3Dam/1End/1Rec in almost all my - useful - attacks, even in my forms and do quite well.



All the shields are 3 res, 1 endred. All attacks go for _AT LEAST_ 3 damage. I used to have them 2 acc 4 damage, and now I'm not sure whether to get one more attack and take away slots from somewhere OR to drop 1 acc and damage (the damage drop will be done anyway) and replace them with endred and a recred. I've been thinking to get one more attack and make them all 2 acc, 3 dmg and 1 endred.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



2 acc seems to be a bit uber to me, if you don't constantly engage reds and purples.
With 1 acc I normally have no problems hitting minions up to yellow (not sure about the hard facts here), for lts and bosses I use Build Up and then there's our innate Def Debuff in almost all of our attacks which helps quite a bit I think.
Nova uses 1 acc buff in itself and 1 acc in the area attacks but only damage in the single ones. Lets me drop the defense of an entire spawn with 2 areas a bit and then finish of with singles and recharged areas.
Before I6/ED I even used only the single acc buff in Nova and no acc enhancers at all and felt I did quite well.



Forgot to say something concerning the human shields:
I use (plan to use) 3 Res in Shining, 2 in Thermal and only one in Quantum. I am 3form so I have to skimp slots wherever I can.
Shining is maxed out - kinda - with 3 Res, so that's a no-brainer. Fire and cold attacks are less common and seem to do less damage than their lethal/smashing counterparts so 2 Res works for me. Same goes for Quantum and energy damage, but Incandescence with 1 Res makes up exactly for one slot in Quantum-Shield.
Slotted like this I reach Res-Cap (Lethal/Damage a bit over 85%, NRG/Neg/Fire/Cold a bit below, no Tox/Psi) with Light-Form (unslotted regarding Resistance).
This is a lot better than my Dwarf can do (apart from Toxic of course).



I always assumed that the energy shield at the very best barely protected you from Quantum Array weapons since they are designed specificaly against Kheldians. Anyone know whether this is the case?



It would be too nice to be true... and so it isn't.
The Quantum Shield is one of the most grossly misnamed powers in game. It protects solely from energy and dark energy. So it reduces the damage of the quantum gun, but only the energy (or was it negative energy?) part that's already neglectible but not from the special insanely high damage that only effects us Kheldians...



So I was right about something. Hurrah!
How much more common is energy based damage than Fire/Ice? ANyone got a sensible guess?



I know that Negative Energy is very common in the mid levels with the Circle of Thorns and Banished Pantheon summoning spirits and zombies all over the place. For Energy damage the Rikti have quite a lot with their swords and rifles, all of the Frekshow blasts are energy... it's pretty common.

Fire and Ice is rarer. I can only think of the Circle of Thorns Behemoths and Outcasts for fire, but maybe some of the Council have flamethrowers that I'm forgetting. Ice is pretty rare. Outcasts use it... umm... some of the Circle mages use it... uhh... and that's about it.



Think Nemesis and you'll find lots of it...
They are the reason why I skilled Thermal before Quantum Shield. You already have - albeit marginal - energy/negative protection, but Nemesis flamethrowers can be hell...

