Stryke Force Sketches
Whoa, awesome!
Say, any chance of requests/comissions? =P
Love that one of M00N
edit: at [/url] to the end of M00N (the first link for him) .that'll get the link to work..?
@Inkwave ..(darn merge)
they are really good, i like the Lunna L20 and L30 ones, really good
Very good indeed .
I think the lvl 30 Lunna is my favorite...
Good stuff!
Thanks all for your comments!
Lunna at lvl 30 is definitely my favorite too.. I'll have to finish the inking soon.
I don't mind doing requests at all! All I need are nice screenies of your character from all angles. Host them online using photobucket for example or mail them to me.
But because I work a lot these days, I don't want to promise any deadlines to be respected ¬¬'
It would be fun to draw other people's characters ^^ so yeah, let's give it a try!
Can't edit my first post anymore so here is the link to the first image:
Those are extremely good, do you work in an creative profession at all or is it just a hobby/self taught?
Thnx for the comment!
I guess you could call it a hobby for now. I need to vary my portfolio more before I go around selling myself.. But yeah, nothing profesional yet. Just a few jobs here and there. ^^'
Same place myself.
well done... love it all
((Really good stuff, I'm very impressed. =) Especially with the mood of the pictures. Excellent use of light and shadows. ^^))
Well, since my previous posts were deleted, i'll merge 'em both in to one!
You'll have to forgive the lined paper.. That's all I found at work. I personally prefer a proper sketchpad, but these holding hours come ond go so..
My main lvl 50 character M00N:
M00N unleashing his dark armor
Lunna, Warshade:
Lunna, lvl 30 after a fight.. never giving up
Lunna, lvl 20
Lunna at her early stages
Lunna and moonie
Principal D, keeper of kids:
Principal sketched
Chee'tah, the fastest girl in town! - well not so much since she respected to fly -
Manga version
So yeah, comments and criticism appreciated. I have so much more members to draw out >< and will try to keep this thread alive!