Trial can't team?




Forgive me a search didnt find what I wanted to know. Today my son heard about city of heroes and decided that we should try it. Me and him always duo together in games when we play and we always try the trials before we buy. However upon creating our characters and entering the game I recieve "Trial players can not start teams"

Is there any particular reason for this? We dont generally enjoy soloing so there is no reason for us to continue trying the game. It looks enjoyable but I would rather not spend money outright on it until I have tried it. Is there any way around it without buying up front?

Thanks for any assistance.



First off, Welcome!

That said, you can join teams with a trial account, but you can't invite people to team with you. See if you can find someone to invite you to a real team, and please, stay out of AE for now... your experience with the game will be better for it.



the restrictions place on trial accounts(found here) are there because of the RMT "Gold Sellers" who were, and still are, doing their advertising in game. they would send tells, emails, team invites, broadcasts, the works. now trials are limited to only a few channels, can't join Super Groups, cant' form teams, etc

An alternative for your teaming issue is to ask someone in Atlas Park or Galaxy if they could help form a team by inviting you and your son to a team and quitting, leaving the two of you on a team together.

Most people would be happy to help.



It may be easier to ask in the Help channel. You can use the command /hc to send your message there. The people who team the two of you together don't have to be in the same zone to do it.

And let me echo the welcome to CoH/V.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Than you for the advice we will try that.



i play on jsutice server and im on trial and probaly will be until i get a job im on the max trial level and my name is Neomvp in the game