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  1. Im On Level 14 and a Trial Player and mother wont let me use credit card for online or i dont hav a job soooo im willing to be a sidekcik to any1 until my time run out im in justice server
  2. im a Scrapper and i hav the same problem with endurance even tho i put enhancements that lower the cost

    Hero Name: NeoMVP level 14
    Account: trial...probaly forever
  3. NeoMVP

    Peacebringer PvP

    can trial users use pvp

    Hero Name: NeoMVP
    Level: 14
    Account: Trial
  4. yea im on trial and did it so it sucks to be stuck on level 14 causse i cant afford to upgrade
  5. i play on jsutice server and im on trial and probaly will be until i get a job im on the max trial level and my name is Neomvp in the game
  6. easy just join a big team and do nothin