Khield Colors?

Dark Ether



They haven't said anything, but wouldn't it be cool if khields got power color changes? Like a green squidy ^_^



I sure hope so. I've always wanted to make my assorted forms (including other costumes meant to represent other species of humanoids the Khelds have learned to mimic over the years) have different colored effects, to better differentiate them. And I'd also like my Warshade stuff to tend more towards a good deep stable-event-horizon-electromagnetic-anomaly Blue or a nice faded dead-planet-at-the-end-of-time/space Charcoal than Purple. Purple makes me think of Mixed Berry Smoothies, which is neither cosmic or intimidating.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
I sure hope so. I've always wanted to make my assorted forms (including other costumes meant to represent other species of humanoids the Khelds have learned to mimic over the years) have different colored effects, to better differentiate them. And I'd also like my Warshade stuff to tend more towards a good deep stable-event-horizon-electromagnetic-anomaly Blue or a nice faded dead-planet-at-the-end-of-time/space Charcoal than Purple. Purple makes me think of Mixed Berry Smoothies, which is neither cosmic or intimidating.
I beg to differ. If someone was to chuck a meteor-sized mixed berry slushie at you it would be both cosmic and intimidating at the same time.



Originally Posted by RobMan View Post
I beg to differ. If someone was to chuck a meteor-sized mixed berry slushie at you it would be both cosmic and intimidating at the same time.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Kheld powers are not in the current list of customizable powers. I am hoping that is because we cannot customize the squid/lobster colors (for the same reason BaBs gives for Granite Armor here) and so they figured we would be disappointed if we could change one and not the other.

Besides (and I just thought of this) you'd have to recolor the Nova/Dwarf attacks, as well. While that should be the same as any other power in principle there may be complications the devs will have to address. After all, they aren't "our powers", they're the form's. (More specifically, the powers are not in our Primary or Secondary, they are Inherent) It'll also take up more space in the character definition file that probably hasn't been allocated for it.

Anyway, I'm hoping these issues are eventually resolved and we get the ability to recolor everything. Someday.



No color customization for any EATs, APP/PPP, temp powers, veteran reward powers, inherent powers, accolade powers, and Pool powers in Issue 16. Maybe in a later Issue though.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
No color customization for any EATs, APP/PPP, temp powers, veteran reward powers, inherent powers, accolade powers, and Pool powers in Issue 16. Maybe in a later Issue though.
Also weapons. But they're already color customizable.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Uhh... what about color customization the powers in use by AE critters? any word?
most definitely not this issue. It would increase the file size of each custom critter and it wouldn't be the same kind of transition as the costume creator was.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
most definitely not this issue. It would increase the file size of each custom critter and it wouldn't be the same kind of transition as the costume creator was.
That's what I figured, but just wanted to confirm... thanks.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati