vid driver upgrade Q
Looking at Tom's Hardware Hierarchy chart, the 7900GS you currently have is on par with the 9500GT (meaning they should perform about the same).
Not worth the upgrade.
-Wolf sends
Just to help on this, the reason the 9500 is the highest they offer is because of your power supply, do not try to go higher unless you change the power supply to a higher wattage model. If you were to get a, oh, 550 watt power supply, then you could, possibly, get any NVidia card you'd care to.
Googling about seems to indicate that model Dell can take any standard ATX power supply, so you have more options if you desire... and if you do, get an x6xx or x6x or better card, ok?
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
ATX? Whats that?
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So then whats the best thing here...;chassisid=8236
I dont think i can upgrade my power unit for this computer. Cant find any, at least not on Dell's site for this computer... and the computer is still under warrenty and I do not want to break that.
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Aside from the ridiculously priced refurbished 7800GTX, your current 7900GS is your best option.
-Wolf sends
how is a 7900 better than a 8400 or 9500?
Those are newer and higher cards....
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Introductions, Obey,
Sin, try not thinking of the 7900 as a "79", but instead think of it as a 7,9. The first number is the Series. Not every card in the series is faster than the previous serioes its only a board designation. Then the second number is its processing capability. You need to be 6 or higher on both the first and second number to run this game half decent. 6600, etc. In the second digit, anything under a 5 is not for video/gaming/etc. For gaming you REALLY want to be a 7 or above in the second number.
So by that token, a 7-9 is better than an 8-4 or 8-5. Hope that makes sense. (Those 8 series cards dont have the processing ability your 7-9 does.)
K. I thought the 8800 and 8900 cards were better?\
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Introductions, Obey,
They are. A 285 would rock so hard, if your CPU could keep up, too. And you don't have the power supply for them. Hence the reason they don't show up on the list.
Believe it, Wolf speaks truth on your options.
Now re: What's ATX, it's simply a standard for computers for various components and mounting in the chassis. In this case, it means a power supply you can get off the shelf at Frys or whatever to replace your current one. Allegedly. Dells are weird, please research and/or consult before pulling the trigger on any power supply upgrade, because you WILL KILL YOUR COMPUTER if the wiring is wrong on the motherboard.
But if you did, and got a hefty enough wattage power supply, the world is your oyster in regards to picking a video card, instead of a crusty clam of limitation.
/nothing against clams, but they don't have pearls.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
so pretty much I dont have the power supply for even a 8700, 8800 or 8900?
Perhaps I should just starting making plans for a new computer...
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Introductions, Obey,
My 7900 GS card is AGP, but didn't know they also made them in PCI..hmmm

ATX? Whats that?
[/ QUOTE ]
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Hey all. Now that my computer is doing better again I was going to look into upgrading its graphics card.

My computer is a dell XPS 400 with 4gigs of RAM and currently has a Geforce 7900 GS in it.
I am going to buy the card off Dell since I have a 75 dollar gift card.
It also has a feature of listing off all the ones they say are compatible for upgrading my system.
I would like to get another GeForce card but unsure about what to look for and I dont want to get something that doesnt work work CoH.
So far on the list, these are the two highest numbered GeForce cards with the highest ram also:;chassisid=8236;chassisid=8236
Other than there numbers being different, i really dont know.
I remember something about how in each series, X700 and above are more for gaming, X300 and below are low end and x400 to x600 are midrange. Is that correct? :/
Anyways, any advice on the issue would be great and if there are more options from another site that still work with my specs that any of you kojnw about, I may just use the dell gift card for something else and get the vid card someplace else.
Thanks for your time and opinions.
Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,