New Vet Reward "Revealed"




I wouldn't use it. I do know the layout of most maps, but I use the fog of war to show me where I've been. Remove that, and it'll be much harder to find that last hostage or glowie.

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Same here. I like the Fog of War as a tool to show where you haven't gone yet.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



That's a pretty useless little power.
Yeah, unless it shows glowies on maps. Sometimes, just sometimes, you'll still have a headache finding a glowie...but most of the less visible spots that used to hide things in maps were deactivated a long time ago. Remember back when those little mail rooms would have a stack of TNT in a nook you overlooked, or there was a hostage hidden between floors in a column bunker's blue room? arggggggh



I think we know what's coming for long-time players later this month...

[/ QUOTE ]Old news

We've known Reveal was coming since March.

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Fleeting is right--this has been in the game for forever, and there has been zero indication that it will ever be implemented. I'm not stupid, I mean it probably will be, but I'm getting tired of seeing (and I know the OP isn't explicitly doing this) "OMG, 63 MONTHS RWRD SUCKS!!" I could write a laundry list of things that "exist" in the game, but were never implemented and don't do anything.

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Annnnd I'm wrong.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I had hoped that they'd stop the vet rewards at 5 years.

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My personal opinion is that if vet rewards continue to be added then they should be temp powers, costume pieces or the like that can also be unlocked/acquired in game by non-vets.

As for Reveal: it interests me only to the extent it can remove fog of war from zone maps. On mission maps i don't find that a useful ability.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



It's a fun little power. Nice vet reward. Not everything needs to be combat-applicable.



Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? Beside the fact that we have pretty repetitive maps in the game right now, what about when GR hits and we (I'm hoping) get a large number of new maps? With a click you can just see the whole layout? Where's the mystery? The sense of discovery?

This game is easy enough as it is without nerfing the FoW.

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Maybe if the sense of discovery is that important to you, don't push it?

When I was a kid, I used to go hunting for Christmas presents. I would even unwrap and re-wrap presents multiple time during a season. I've never been big on surprises.

But if I were, I'd have no one to blame but myself. I couldn't blame my parents for not hiding the gifts better or for leaving me home alone and giving me opportunities to hunt for them. I certainly couldn't blame the manufacturers of scotch tape for allowing me to hide my activities.

You should probably also avoid visiting vidiotmaps when the expansion comes out, cause I'm pretty sure those guys will have a detailed map, with all of the badge locations, zones identified, mobs in those zones, etc all printed on the actual map texture. That'll be done before the end of beta.

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"



Now that I think of it -- it is only useful IF i've done the badge sweep for the zone -- otherwise it would HIDE the fact that I need to do it...

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