Mission Architect Bugs and Problems list




Ive noticed some missions dont seem to award exp even though the mobs are equal to or higher level than you, am i the only one expirencing these problems?



Bringing back this thread for new i16 bugs.

An bug that isn't new: When editing standard critters, the "Disable particle fx string" option flat out doesn't work. It looks like it does, but the change doesn't save.

Allies now appear to super-sidekick to the player. While this increases your options (a Hellion ally will SSK themselves to level 50), it can cause problems on higher difficulty settings, as the allies will no longer match the level of the mission.

Oh, and some good news: THE GENERATOR IS BACK!!!

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Here's a funky (and annoying) one.

Make a custom group with Nerva Demon (CoT) minions and Lts., their level range is 25-40. Add all the minions, Lts. and Bosses from the group "Ghosts" (40-54).

Spawns at level 50 will be composed of level 40 grey Nerva Demons for minions and Lts., and the level 50 Ghost boss.

So... Frustrating...

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Bosses can no longer be set to "Single". Trying to use "Empty" for the "surrounding mob" option results in the level picking from the map's default enemy group.

Annoying, really.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Bosses can no longer be set to "Single". Trying to use "Empty" for the "surrounding mob" option results in the level picking from the map's default enemy group.

Annoying, really.
That's been happening since the "empty" option was introduced, or shortly afterward. The only way you can have a solo boss is to set the whole map to "empty."

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Just tested some more. Made the custom group with level 25-40 minions and Lts., and level 40-50 minions, Lts., and bosses available, at level 50, spawns will be composed of the level 25-40 minions and Lts. (at level 40) and level 40-50 bosses (at level 50, and if bosses spawn, i.e., 2+ people difficulty for spawn size). The level 40-50 minions and lieutenants, which are available in the custom villain group, won't be used at all.

But, if you're set to 8 people you get one or two 40-50 minions and Lts. at 50, but you still get most of the spawn being the 25-40 mobs, at 40.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post

This does not happen on all outdoor maps, so if anyone knows of specific maps with this problem that would be nice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hm. It happened on all outdoor maps I've tested, which include the now-unavailable burning forest, the Perez Park/Shadowhunter map, the Talos outdoor island-to-the-side map, the Dreck map, the Dark Astoria graveyard used in the TV arc, and the St. Martial causeway map.

I haven't tested any but the Talos map recently though, so maybe some of them got fixed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, sounds like all the maps you've had this problem on are the ones with the orange box entrance. Incidentally, the outdoor maps that I KNOW captives run to the exit on have other entrances, such as a truck...I've also done escorts on some of these maps, and they worked correctly.

Could be related to the "exit is somewhere under the map" escort problem with these maps...the captive wants to run to the door but doesn't know where it is?
I know they fixed at least one of these "orange box exit" maps' escort points; the Carnival Commercial map had that same problem (escort waypoint was placed so that it was almost impossible to not accidentally exit before dropping off your escort). They fixed that in the I16 launch. I had reported that a long while back and went back and forth in emails with support, then they passed it on as a bug report. It took a few months but it did get fixed, and I got to remove my immersion-breaking warning text.

I recommend you bug those maps in-game and get a support ticket going. It may take a while, but they are fixing that stuff if they are made 'officially' aware.

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



Ok this bumbed me out and I think the problem started after Issue 16. I was working on a mission before I16 using the Clockwork King Lair map and everthing was perfect. But after I16 I cant use that map because all of a sudden what I have planned in terms of mission objectives is too much for the map.

The thing is now it will not list what the limits for the map are. And when I go to the basic or advance mission settings most of them are grayed out.

I've switch maps to Freak-a-lympics and that works ok, but I would much prefer to have the Clockwork Lair map back.




* allies or captives with no surrounding enemies (e.g. so you just have to FIND them) give the messages and rewards wrong:
+ The 'Rescued Dialog' spawns correctly when you find and walk up to them, but
- the 'Inactive Dialog', 'Active Dialog' and 'Completed Text' come up immediately upon entering the mission
- the Recued Clue is given immediately upon entering the mission
- the ally or captive immediately counts as rescued for the mission goals as well.
(seen on a Tech:Abandoned indoor map)

* Setting Allies to 'do nothing' doesnt work
- If they are set to 'fight defensively', or 'no combat', they follow you directly.
- If they are set to 'agressive' or 'pacifist' they remain put at first, but if you go away and return to them, it gives the 'Reaquired' dialog, spawns the 'Ally Rescued' animation again, and if you walk away then they follow you.
(seen on an ally with no enemies on Tech:Abandoned indoor map)

* Allies cannot be rescued while they receive DoT damage from area attacks
Seen with caltrops. The ally ended up in the caltrop area, and didnt move nor count as rescued until the caltrops disappeared and stopped damaging him.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
* either allies or captives with no surrounding enemies (e.g. so you just have to FIND them) gives the messages and rewards wrong:
+ The 'Rescued Dialog' spawns correctly when you find and walk up to them, but
- the 'Inactive Dialog', 'Active Dialog' and 'Completed Text' come up immediately upon entering the mission
- the Recued Clue is given immediately upon entering the mission
- the ally or captive immediately counts as rescued for the mission goals as well.
(seen on a Tech:Abandoned indoor map)
This may be WAI. An ally or captive objective counts as completed when the last enemy guarding them is defeated, so if you have no enemies that happens immediately. Also, the Inactive and Active dialogue are based on the guards' reactions; if there are no guards, the "before rescue" dialogue still has to go off, and so it goes off when the ally is "rescued," ie when you enter the mission.

It's like a boss fight; if you take a boss from full to 1/2 health in a single shot, he will still say his 3/4 health line.

* Allied cannot be rescued while they receive DoT damage from area attacks
Seen with caltrops. The ally ended up in the caltrop area, and didnt move nor only count as rescued until the caltrops disappeared and stopped damaging him.
This happens whether the ally is standing on the caltrops or not. All "pets" (caltrops, earthquake, that sonic debuff thing, etc) spawned by the guarding group must be gone before the group counts as defeated and the ally, captive, or escort can be rescued.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Several animations have disapperaed from the Escort/Captive sections of the editor. Most notably, the majority of the Captive set such as Captured: Cowering

EDIT: This could just be a funky lag problem since I was able to get this working. Could someone else please confirm?
I've noticed this too. One of the main points in having a captive/escort is to show them being afraid, right? So why is it I can't get any standard mob characters to cower as a captive/escort, but I can make the same character/character group cower if they are guarding the captive/escort? Custom characters will cower as captives, but that's a memory hog and I'd like to avoid that. Am I overlooking something?



* 'back' placement for collectible items seems to generally end up in middle placement instead.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
* 'back' placement for collectible items seems to generally end up in middle placement instead.
Only for some maps. If you have this problem, please note the map.
And usually if it is true for a map, the reverse is also true, middle will put them in the back. The only way to know for certain is to test object (and boss encounter!) placement. The boss encounters can also be messed up that way, although it seems to be less common than the object placement, and it is entirely separate from the object placement problem.

The most effective way to deal with the problem is test both placements multiple times, and don't use the random map selection. If you do, someone will get a map that messes up the spawns, it will mess up your story, and they will rate you low for it.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
And usually if it is true for a map, the reverse is also true, middle will put them in the back. The only way to know for certain is to test object (and boss encounter!) placement. The boss encounters can also be messed up that way, although it seems to be less common than the object placement, and it is entirely separate from the object placement problem.
Some of the small Tech and Abandoned Tech maps have the issues you described: boss and escort placement works fine, but collections reverse middle and back. In my tests of these maps at least they were consistent, if wrong: "back" collections would consistently spawn in the middle, and "middle" collections would spawn in back, as long as there was room for them.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Some of the small Tech and Abandoned Tech maps have the issues you described: boss and escort placement works fine, but collections reverse middle and back. In my tests of these maps at least they were consistent, if wrong: "back" collections would consistently spawn in the middle, and "middle" collections would spawn in back, as long as there was room for them.
Sort of, this issue also happens in Oranbega maps but what's happening is that the layout of the collection spawns is inverted on the map. So take a map that has 10 middle and 5 back collections. If I put 5 in and set them to back, they will appear in the middle area. If I put 5 in and set them to middle, they appear in the back area. If I put in a 6th or 7th and set it to middle, it they will show up in the middle area.

Apparently the Back is covering part of the Middle but the Middle if covering the Back and the remainder of the Middle. The only way to have middle collections show up in the middle is to fill up all the middles that are in the back area first. I discovered this by experimentation before the spawn points were put on the map and I was trying to figure out what was going where. When the spawn points were added to the map it confirmed my suspicions.

If this ever gets fixed I hope it gets mentioned in patch notes so I know to fix my arcs, cause I have a lot of missions that are affected by this bug.



Thanks. Back were indeed switched on all that maps.
I hope they fix this and most of all TELL US when they fix it, so I can switch it back then...



As of today, it does not seem that this problem (objective spawn point locations) has been fixed.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



I have already /bug'd one of these but I'd like some corroboration from the general populace.

Mission Failed from Release Captive Objective
On a timed mission (30 mins) within one of my arcs, the mission will fail when the NPC saved (designed with powers as used elsewhere in the arc) during the Release Captive objective exits the map. Didn't have time to test last night, but I theorise that this may not happen on non-timed missions.

Custom Groups: Strange Spawn Levels
My arc involves two custom groups made up of exists mobs from the game, but selected to give a full spectrum of levels from 15+ (one has a mix of custom mobs and game mobs from one faction, the other is just game mobs from various factions). They will no longer spawn to their full range. Seen this mentioned elsewhere but thought I'd pull it in here too.



The first is a known issue from before I16, the second is a bug introduced with I16. Getting both of them fixed would be very nice, but hasn't happened yet.

Edit: And for the first one, it only fails on timed missions, so if you remove that, it will work. You just lose any sense of urgency on the mission.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



low level villains can't buy recipe rolls in RWZ AE building.

Tested on a level 8 dom (and again at lvl 13), also a level 22 corruptor.

A level 22 tank *was* able to buy a roll.

I had 0 recipes, and went to cap AE and was able to buy a recipe roll.



Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
I have already /bug'd one of these but I'd like some corroboration from the general populace.

Mission Failed from Release Captive Objective
On a timed mission (30 mins) within one of my arcs, the mission will fail when the NPC saved (designed with powers as used elsewhere in the arc) during the Release Captive objective exits the map. Didn't have time to test last night, but I theorise that this may not happen on non-timed missions.
My tests suggest this happens any time you do a timed mission with a rescue, whether the rescued person is a custom or standard character, Person or statted. The only workaround I am aware of is to take off the timer.



Originally Posted by HighRoller View Post
My tests suggest this happens any time you do a timed mission with a rescue, whether the rescued person is a custom or standard character, Person or statted. The only workaround I am aware of is to take off the timer.
I have never had this NOT happen on a timed rescue, whether in testing or in people's published arcs.

Another workaround is to make the rescuee an escort, as they don't seem to suffer from the auto-fail issue. Of course they sometimes have issues of their own, where they just don't want to leave.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World