New Award?




Is CoH looking to win the "Buggiest Game Out There" award? I got the new booster pack, and my toon's wings don't show up in the login screen. Between that and the 'cannot enter' message that comes up every time I enter the AE, I think they are shooting for more noticeable and annoying bugs.

And it seemed like they left a ton of bugs in place from I14. I mean I know they are steaming ahead to update the game to compete with Champions and DC, but taking care of the bugs, particularly the obvious ones that everyone sees, makes the game look like 'not a piece of crap' and will help people to want to buy and play it.



The bug you mentioned in your first paragraph is being fixed tomorrow.


Also on Steam



And the "cannot enter" message was supposed to have been fixed yesterday.



Ever played a free to play game?

Yeah, CoH's bugs aren't even close to getting The Buggiest Game award.