Emp/Dark/Power pure support build.




And the entire Medicine pool. You can never have too many rez powers!



And the entire Medicine pool. You can never have too many rez powers!

[/ QUOTE ]

And you'll need them, because unlike a real Defender, your team mates will constantly be faceplanting!



miracle are more expencive. one of them enchantments in miracle cost 100m, i cant afford that.

I tryed to 6 slot fortitude but it gimped my recharge no matter how i twist it.

i dont want to do damage at all, i dont have time to do damage when keeping people alive, so i might aswell skip most powers.

Who says you have to be a average defender, if i want damage i log on my fire kin or blaster, i like to keep people alive so i want to make a defender that does excatly that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can I team with you? I need to see the magnitude of suckage that would require a build like this to keep a team alive.

I bet it would be funny to watch.



Can I team with you? I need to see the magnitude of suckage that would require a build like this to keep a team alive. I bet it would be funny to watch.

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Any team that sucks that much, he's better off going Dark, slotting Howling Twilight for recharge, and grabbing Vengeance, also slotted for recharge.



No comments by the OP since the first page...I smell the bridge dweller....decently fed one at that.



Heh! Dogpile on the Rabbit! Dogpile on the Rabbit! Dogpile on the Rabbit!

(if the op ever reads this)
Seriously though you wanted some feedback re: a heal-bot build. As a build designed to act something like the I love Lucy episode where the assembly line keeps coming, it works well enough. Not ideally certainly and some valid suggestions have been made in the thread already. The key distinction though is that defenders in this game have access to sets of abilities that slow the assembly line down, or stop it all together. Team up with a Trick arrow defender and watch how a set without any heals at all can be a very effective support character.

What I think many of the posters are trying to communicate to you is that capable and effective defenders are not “Healers” rather they use a variety of tools to ensure the safety of their team. By failing to consider the additional effects of a defender’s “blast set” you are missing out on what will make your build seem like a better “healer” while doing a lot less healing.



No comments by the OP since the first page...I smell the bridge dweller....decently fed one at that.

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Actually, he didn't strike me as a troll, just a bit of a newbie. He seems to be severely underestimating how some of his secondary powers can be used to help keep his teammates alive. People basically pounced on him when he said he might as well not take his blasts because he wants to be "pure support".

Fortitude + Maneuvers + assorted to-hit debuffs in Dark Blast = Totally Awesome



I think part of the problem is that new players think that the mid to high levels will have the same rate of healing as the low levels. They don't realize that the higher they go, the more their teammates have their own defenses and abilities that make them far less fragile. The team doesn't need full-time healing anymore, and they are just setting themselves up for boredom.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



I don't get why the concealment pool is such a popular choice for a pve build. Stealth and invis aren't that useful when you can stealth cap yourself vs npcs with super speed and a stealth IO--which can go in sprint so it doesn't even cost you a slot or a power choice.

Phase shift is of marginal utility in pve and grant invis is also marginalized because so many people stealth cap themselves.

Seems to me that the cost of a pool and power slots could be far better spent.

[/ QUOTE ]

But they're good spots for a LoTG +7.5% Recharge IO, and are sometimes situationally useful. I have Invisibility on one of my dudes for concept reasons only, but I have used Grant Invisibility on the occasional Scrapper or Blaster. Blasters sometimes want to get their nuke off early, so they need to be able to get close; similarly, Scrappers are by-and-large nuts, and need all the help they can get.

So, they're situationally useful, and a couple good spots for LoTG IOs in a powerset that would otherwise have few places to put them.

I'm not even going to touch the original build.