I need suggestions or advice
I think you might be bound by the limitations of the MA, for NOW.
I'm in the same boat, I need to make an alien world thats got a purple sky and I'm just stuck :P
You're out of luck on bunkers, but as for the starting point. You could make the story be that they parachuted in and landed behind enemy lines.
You're out of luck on bunkers, but as for the starting point. You could make the story be that they parachuted in and landed behind enemy lines.
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Isn't there a map (I think it's one of the more popular PI farms) that has bunkers in it. Granted it still looks like a city, but you can say the city is under seige. It's still only one map, so I don't know if one could make an entire arc out of that map.
Or if that map is even available in the MA.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!
Check out @PW's arc "Axis and Allies" for inspiration. It is extremely well done. In my opinion it is one of the best arcs in the MA.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Well, the problem I'm trying to resolve is that I need a map with a good beach on it. I have lots of inspiration for stories (and not enough mission space to do them all - I'm planning at least two arcs of five missions...).
I tried using an abandoned lab for the bunker, but it's too high-tech. The sewers might work, except they're SEWERS.
The Grandville Beach map is adequate, I just wish there was a way to se the spawn position of the team to the beach rather than the hill. I also wish I could add ambient sounds (gunfire, explosions).
My plan for the arc goes like this.
1) Diversion - An attack at Calais. The Allies distracted the Germans with a false army under General Patton, on the pretense they would be attacking in Calais instead of Normandy. This mission is supposed to support that. The problem with this has been coming up with an objective.
2) The Beaches - The attack on the bunkers on D-Day. The problem here has been the lack of energy in the mission. You can wander peacefully all over with no sense of urgency or danger. I've been rationalizing the start position that you paradrop in.
3) Taking the Bunker - A simple mission, I've been using the Faultline map that bridges between the two areas of Faultline (if you know what I mean). It's like a big generator room, with a couple of levels. It's adequate.
After this, I would have liked to do a series of generic missions in occupied France and end on the assault on Berlin. Of course, it's hard to do that in two missions.
Right now I have:
4) Fight the super soldier - Help take a town. Fight and defeat a supersoldier and the allies will invade to help you clear it out. A decent, if simple, mission.
5) Berlin - A simple clear all.
The MA has so much potential, but it's just so limiting...
You're thinking too literally. Adding battles and patrols that attack each other might not give the level of chaos you're looking for, but it will get the point of "hey, there's a battle going on here" across to the player.
"A series of generic missions" would be best done through the intro dialogue to the final showdown, which would be the actual mission. Otherwise, it gets repetitive. Portraying just one in a series of missions is anti-climatic, whereas being present at the big battle makes your character more involved.
And a clear all on an outdoor map is always a bad idea. Have a few objectives to complete, and add a mission complete pop-up that the remaining enemies have surrendered. Real wars are about objectives, not killing every last soldier.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I've been fiddling around for ages trying to make an arc that takes the players through World War Two. I've found that there are a couple of maps that look great for the ruined cities of Europe (The Flush is one of the best in this regard). What I'm struggling with now is this:
I wanted to make a mission at Omaha Beach, but the only beach is Grandville. The starting point for the character is up on the hill. This would be fine if he was playing for the Germans, but as it is it's the exact wrong spot.
More, I have to put troops on the beach. The patrols saunter around blandly, engaging enemies as they encounter them. If I put battles in, they fight furiously 3 inches away from one another, then stand there when there's no more enemies. There's none of the urgency and devestation that should be there in an Omaha beach mission.
The next mission would be to invade the bunkers on the beach. However, there are no maps that I've seen that adequately resemble concrete bunkers. There's no gun emplacements to destroy.
What it comes down to is that I'm stuck trying to get the right atmosphere.
Does anyone have any suggestions how I might accomplish this?