Looking for some good arc recommendations
Can't answer on the ticket count, because that's not something I've ever cared about, but I'd suggest:
Wholesale Soul Sale
Two Chicks at Once
Try here. In fact, peruse that whole section. It's full of exactly what you're asking for. This forum section is more on the mechanics of MA rather than story arcs.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Well, if you are going to solicit arcs from arc-writers...
Shadow of Kings Row, #144416 by @fantastic foe is a great story, 5 missions that can be worked through quickly or leisurely. Read the clues and feel like a darknight detective, or don't. It's fun either way.
As for ticket count, I have no idea. Probably way under your metric of 500/mission, since that sounds like a number that would require some mission design specifically for tickets. I think 200 tickets per mission might work out more likely, I think I consistently get over 1000 for the arc.
I don't recommend it for lower level teams, or solo characters who can't handle largish mob sizes. The final EB is defeatable, but is a tough fight.
Best regards,
Virtue Server-
MA: (All SFMA, all technically long/very long, but all play quickly)
#200411 "Exploding Planet" (I apologize in advance for the final mission, but in all likelihood, the planet will explode.)
#144416 "Shadow of Grime Alley"
#161003 "You Don't Know Beanstalk, Jack"
These 3 are a set of 3 missions, the guy did them seperately, im not sure why, but they seem like something you'd like Evilryu
These were not written by me, but I just enjoy these as they are challenging.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
MA: 101857, "A Ghost Story....."
From the slums of the Rogue Isles to the highest levels of Arachnos. A tragic love, unforgivable betrayal, a web of lies & a truth long buried is uncovered! The untold backstory of how a Night Widow named Belladonna Vetrano came to be the Ghost-Widow and the man she loved then died for.
From the slums of the Rogue Isles to the highest levels of Arachnos. A tragic love, unforgivable betrayal, a web of lies & a truth long buried is uncovered! The untold story of how a Night Widow named Belladonna Vetrano came to be the Ghost-Widow & the man she loved then died for.
If I might suggest, MA 101857, "A Ghost Story....."
Suggested level range is 45 - 50.
It is VERY storycentric.
Engaging from start to finish!
And tightly woven into the established COH cannon!
It has both established villan groups and some customer critters for people that like that sort of thing!
Please give it a try and tell me what you think!
From the slums of the Rogue Isles to the highest levels of Arachnos. A tragic love, unforgivable betrayal, a web of lies & a truth long buried is uncovered! The untold story of how a Night Widow named Belladonna Vetrano came to be the Ghost-Widow & the man she loved then died for.
Anyone know of some good 5 mission arcs that are fun, well written and have decent ticket pay out without actually being a farm of some sort? When I mean decent ticket payout I mean more than 500 tickets in a single mission. Level range doesnt matter.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!