How do you get lunitics with sledge hammers?




How do you get lunitics with sledge hammers?
That you can make then all either lvl 50, lvl 52, lvl 54
Like a all sledge hammer lunitic mission that are level 52 Lt's or bosses.

Ive looked through the AE list cad all I could find was malaise lunitics but when I tried to make them all lvl 54's by adding a 54-54 captive each mob had minions, lt's and 1 boss.



FYI This thread's going to become a flamewar. Not your fault.

But, to answer your question, I don't think there's a way to make them all spawn at level 52, since they're standard enemies that spawn from 45-54.



I'm glad someone knew what he was talking about. I had no clue



If you only one or two of the enemies in a faction to appear, you have to create a custom faction with only the ones you want.




Also, Issue 15 will give authors more control over the mission level.