Master of Lord Recluse SF
hummm i am willing to join again but i am still a stalker
I'd be up for some runs. Best times for me are Mon, Tues, or Thurs nights at 9pm EST or later. I usually won't know until a couple days beforehand though whether or not I'll be able to make it.
My most useful characters for a MLRSF are a /kin or /cold corruptor, or a /stone brute.
I'm already have you in, I know you will help me get that badge on my stalker in future runs...
I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac
This Saturday after 8:30pm, any time this Sunday through Tues. Fire-Kin corr.
Post a time and i'll see if I can make it. I have an ice/ice corr
Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster
From the other post on MLRSF, I got:
corr - fire/rad or dark/therm or son/kin
MM - thugs/PD or bots/storm
(already got badge on ice/cold corr).
I will watch and see which day and time since it would have to be after 830PM EST & not free some days like Sat.
Still interested with my Widow.
Will have to see the day and time and I'm a stickler for the team being ready to go at the posted time (especially for a Master run).
Can do Tuesday @ 830PM EST or Friday @ 930PM EST. Weekends I can't commit a specific time for.
I've already forgotten about most of you

i am avalable any time other then on the 15th
Ok, I will run one tonight, Friday 12,9pm est
I won't be able to run one Saturday, I will go to a party, Will arrange one for Monday and see if a can run one Sunday.
I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac
Good luck tonight! I'm definitely up for a Monday run if you do one! And might be able to do Sunday as well depending on when and some RL scheduling.
sorry between the gf agro and the ex gf agro, i was not able to make it...or finish that other one but i will try to be there monday
Friday run wasn't a succes, In the last missh Heroes prove to be [censored] to sleep >
Will run it again Monday night 9pm
Also if a don't need to go out tonight will try one today.
I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac
Friday run wasn't a succes, In the last missh Heroes prove to be [censored] to sleep >
Will run it again Monday night 9pm
Also if a don't need to go out tonight will try one today.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fire-kin ready
Hello Victory!
I want to run a Master of LRSF, for that I need seven player willing to join. Post in here what time and toon will you bring if your interest.
I will try to set a time that everyone can join, if you can't come to a agreement i will select a time and run it with the on that can join. The team I make will have to be balance. We'll need a brute with taunt,dmg , AoE heal,Buff,debuff,and 2 widow
1)Mind/Psi Permadom
I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac