Targeting code for pets (not your own)?

Fleeting Whisper



Is there a way to target pets?

I play Bubblers, Kins, etc., and I live the support role. Lately I've been wishing my bubbler could have an easier time grabbing MM pets or Fire Imps.

I was wondering if anyone-- player, Mod, Dev, what-have-you... might know of a code that can be used for targeting a teammate's pet.



If you know the pet's name, you can target based on that (/targetcustomnext name). Otherwise, I believe /targetcustomnext notmypet will work.

In both cases, you can only target pets that are on-screen.



/target_custom_next notmypet might be what you are looking for.



/target_custom_next friend notteammate notmypet