Rikti Mothership Raids-Rikti War Zone
Thank you to everyone that came out to the Raid tonight. Had 2 great runs... 2nd run was a little more exciting with all the magus and mez. But all in all great turn out. Thank you to all the team leaders for helping out on the Raids...
Dream Team is Hosting Rikti Mothership Raids on Saturday nights at 12 pm est
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Way, way, waaaaay too late for me. I have to be up first thing Sunday morning to go to work.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Well, we added the Saturday nite raid for the pacific coasters and late gamers because our sunday raid is earlier in the evening at 8pm est... So hopefully we are able to accomodate everyone at on point and time... Thank you to everyone that turned out for the sunday nite raid, lots of magus this time but everyone did a great job and Dream Team thanks everyone for their help...
Hey Guys!!!! Due to personal things going on during the month of July we will be postponing the Raids until the 1st weekend of Aug. We will try to keep the Sunday raids going as much as possible but there may be a couple that won't be run. We apologize for the inconvience, but we will be back at it strong in August...
No problem, just enjoy your summers.
Thanks to everyone on Sunday that helped with the Raid... As i said before we are taking a break this month, but we are trying to keep a couple of them going for those that need or enjoy the raids.. We definately will miss the Raid on Aug 1st and 2nd due to Double XP weekend... WEEEEE *HUGS to ALL* I will try to announce ahead of time when we will have a raid during this month...
I would like to add that Dream Team Raids are now better than before.
The problems with discrimination are over, and it all seen well. And you can bet i was watching for then... I took very seriously the problems that happened (almost too serious, i think), but it all is ok and good now.
Congratulations to Temptress... She deserves it.
** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.
Everyone that is in the group I normallly play with love doing the raids and appreciates that you groovy guys/gals/toons of many sizes put them on. Super fun had by all.
Hey Guys and Gals... We will be hosting a Raid tomorrow night at the regualar Saturday time 12 pm est/9 pm pst. Hope to see everyone out there ready to kick rikti booty... Won't be long till we are back to our normal schedule guys.
Well Guys and Gals, I know its been awhile and crazy, but Dream Team will be back in force running the Rikti Mothership Raids as usual... Can't wait to see everyone out there for some mad chaos... We are going to adjust our schedule just a little bit to allow members that are involved with PVP League... We will continue the raids on Sat. nights at 12pm est/ 9pm pst... But the Sunday Raid we are going to change that to Tuesday nights at 9pm est/ 6pm pst... Hope to see everyone out there for so fun... Can't wait to get back in the swing of things... Happy Hunting!!!!
Well Guys and Gals, I know its been awhile and crazy, but Dream Team will be back in force running the Rikti Mothership Raids as usual... Can't wait to see everyone out there for some mad chaos... We are going to adjust our schedule just a little bit to allow members that are involved with PVP League... We will continue the raids on Sat. nights at 12pm est/ 9pm pst... But the Sunday Raid we are going to change that to Tuesday nights at 9pm est/ 6pm pst... Hope to see everyone out there for so fun... Can't wait to get back in the swing of things... Happy Hunting!!!!
Home server: Guardian
My 50s: 3 scrappers, 2 tankers, 1 blaster, 1 defender, 1 controller, 1 warshade, 1 stalker, 1 brute, 1 corruptor, 1 widow, 1 dominator, 1 mastermind (on Liberty)

Current project
Well Guys and Gals, I know its been awhile and crazy, but Dream Team will be back in force running the Rikti Mothership Raids as usual... Can't wait to see everyone out there for some mad chaos... We are going to adjust our schedule just a little bit to allow members that are involved with PVP League... We will continue the raids on Sat. nights at 12pm est/ 9pm pst... But the Sunday Raid we are going to change that to Tuesday nights at 9pm est/ 6pm pst... Hope to see everyone out there for so fun... Can't wait to get back in the swing of things... Happy Hunting!!!!
Now I will have to do my best to clear tuesday nights. (not sure what night will be study night this semester)
Great Job Everyone on the Raid tonight. Had a great turn out for the raid. Was affraid that the change would mess up some ppl. We had a little rough starting out, but 2nd run went smooth as pie. Hope to see everyone out for the Saturday nite raid... Cya there...
i crashed last night during the first run, lag was really bad for me last night ive never had such lag during a raid before
I am up for doing this Sunday August 23rd. I will get Lazy Bone to join in!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Thanks for running these last night! Was a good time and went really well IMO! Went so well that I got excited and ended up playing till 5 am-ish...
Anyway, I finally got my mic working so hopefully next week I'll be able to participate in the banter. Take it easy till then!
Hey everyone! Thank you to all that showed up Saturday night for the Rikti Raid... Both runs went fairly well... LOTS of fun and merits... Hope to see everyone out there tomorrow nite for the Raid... *throws cookies out to server*
One of these days I'll remember to bring a toon that can actually earn Vanguard merits.... heh...
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
Thanks to everyone tonight for the raid... Great Run 1st time, 2nd run a little rough but did fairly well/... Science Phreak did his best with dark rez... Hope to see everyone out to the Tuesday nite raids at 9pm est/ 6pm pst...
Woohoo! Thanks again for running this, and so consistently. For a while there, I didn't think I would ever be able to get those Raid badges, just since I wasn't able to participate when Raids seemed to happen. Happily now there's some light at the end of the tunnel!
There's more light with I16. My main currently needs 8 more bombs, but when I copied her to Test, the changes gave her the badge.
Still, the raids are fun!

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Thanks to everyone on Tuesday nite for a great raid... Had lots of fun and had two fairly good runs... Hope everyone got lots of merits... Hope to see everyone out Saturday nite for the Raid, I may not be able to attend but it will be ran as usual... Please remember that when you run the raids you need to be a member of the vanguard to get more than 20 merits... To do this you need to talk to Leventara and she will give you several talk to mishes and you will need to kill 10 Rikti to become a member. This will insure that you receive maximum merits during the raids...
Continuing the Madness!!!!
Dream Team is Hosting Rikti Mothership Raids on Saturday nights at 12 pm est/9 pm pst... Sunday nights at 9 pm est/ 6 pm pst....
Heros and Villians alike are invited to come out and destroy the Rikti. Lvl 35 and above can get in the zone...
Here is our strategy so that everyone will know what to expect when they join a Dream Team Rikti Raid....
Once you come in the zone please come to Point Du Hoc, that is where all the teams will be forming up at. Leaders will be using REQUEST channel to call out commands to teams... Please be sure that you have request channel on when you come in the zone..
Once leaders are ready we will call out pylon numbers and as a group we will move to each pylon taking out each pylon. In the order that they are called out, once all pylons are taken down we will all move as a group onto the ship. Each team will need to place bombs to spawn the GM. A specfic person will be posted near the bowl to watch for the GM to spawn while each team is working on placing their bombs. All healers need to be spamming their heals and AOE attackers using AOE's to help the teams get their bombs planted. Once the GM spawns up the whole group will gather together on the rim of the bowl to prepare for all raiders to jump into the bowl and take down the GM. At this point all healers and aoe attackers need to stay in a tight group and spam your heals and aoe attacks. If everyone stays in a tight group the healers will be able to heal you and the group will stay alive. Once the GM is down all tanks and scrappers will go after the heavies and magus. All healers and squishy toons stay together in a tight knit group and attack from the middle of the bowl. Everyone is to stay inside the bowl expect for designated toons that are pulling rikti into the bowl.
If everyone follows the Leader of the Raid everything should go well and everyone should earn max merits...
Dream Team appreciates everyone that comes out and joins in the fun with them... Good Luck and hope to see you there...