Fury, Effects on Damage output?

Chaos Creator



So, can someone help me understand the effects of Fury on Damage output?
I’m thinking that if you are able to work fury up to hover at a certain level or higher, then yer dealing just as much damage per landed hit, as you would with or without 3 slots of damage SOs. In other words, a higher level of fury can raise yer damage beyond the enhancement of SOs, which means, at that level, your SOs are no more effective then having no damage enhancements at all.

If this is the case, then the damage enhancements are useful during the moments of battle where you are working up the fury, but not after you hit that point. They would of course be useful in those cases where you just cant work up that fury for whatever reason.

So, if I have that right, then for a shield brute, using ‘Against all Odds’ might not be getting any real +damage benefit from that power if their fury is high enough. They still get the foe –damage, and the aggro aura built into it helps keep aggro on the brute to help get that fury bar filled.

Do I have that right? If not, can someone fill me in on how it works?

Thank you

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Fury caps out far below the Brute Damage cap.



Fury caps out far below the Brute Damage cap.

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Thanks Chaos_Creator, but I'm not talking about the damage cap.

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Well, the damage cap was the only context your question really made sense to me, too.

Basically, if you have an attack that does 100 damage, for simplicity 3 damage SOs make that attack to 200 damage.

50% Fury and no damage SOs make that attack to 200 damage. The near-mythical 100% Fury and no damage SOs make that attack to 300 damage.

Max Fury AND 3 damage SOs, and the attack would do 400 damage, so at no point are the damage SOs wasted.



Fury is only a damage buff. It only adds on to the damage you can already do. In other words, Build Up is a 20% damage buff. With each point in fury, your damage buff rises 2%. In most group battles, you'll usually linger around 80, which is a 160% damage buff. Simplified:

Stone Fist with no fury and no damage enhancements: 41.7 damage
Stone Fist with 100 fury and no damage enhancements: 125.1 damage
Stone Fist with 0 fury and 3 damage enhancements: 83 damage
Stone Fist with 100 fury and 3 damage enhancements: 166.4 damage

50 SM/WP Brute - D Block
50 FM/ELA Brute - Raging Daemon
50 Acher/MM Blaster - Dark Reiver
50 FM/SD - Firestorm Brigade

You were right to fear me...



Fury = +2% damage per point.

3 level 50 IOs = roughly +100% (= 50 Fury)

Brute damage cap: +750% (8.5x base damage)

A SS/SD Brute with Against All Odds saturated (+65%), double-stacked Rage (+160%), 100 Fury* (+200%), and with a saturated Fulcrum Shift from a Defender (+300%) still has 25% more they can gain before they hit the damage cap.

I wouldn't worry too much about wasting enhancements unless you're teaming with Kinetics all the time.

* - 100 Fury is impossible to maintain and you'd be very lucky just to spike to it.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Fury= Decent.
Fury+AAO + Damage Enhancements = Good.
Fury+Rage+AAO +Damage Enhancements = Better.
Fury+Rage+Fulcrum Shift+AAO +Damage Enhancements = Great.

Does that help?




like most everyone else here said, Damage enhancements don't add your global damage buff like fury does, so that added damage never goes to waist.

bottom line,

more Fury, more SMASH!!!™

V-Tronix - Angry Angels
V-Tron Elec/EM - V-Tron X EM/EA

To Build a Better Hero #53098 [Newly edited and looking for Feedback] - Renegade Robots: V-Tron's Task Force # - A Summer Song and A Winters Tail #104106



Thanks for the respones.
So, as I understand it then, if I were to get fury to the mythological cap of an absolute full bar, and had no damage enhancements in my attacks, then I'm doing less damage then if I had 3 slots of damage SOs in my attacks plus the full bar of fury.
That's what I wanted to know.

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Thanks for the respones.
So, as I understand it then, if I were to get fury to the mythological cap of an absolute full bar, and had no damage enhancements in my attacks, then I'm doing less damage then if I had 3 slots of damage SOs in my attacks plus the full bar of fury.
That's what I wanted to know.

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Well, the damage cap was the only context your question really made sense to me, too.

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Maybe your thinking of the cap on fury?
Cuz the Damage cap is way up there around 750% as I heard told. What I'm asking has nothing to do with the the damage cap. I just wanted to know how damage compared with and without damage enhancements and fury pretty much capped out. (or as close to capped as fury can get)

As answered, Capped Fury with Damage enhancements is greater damage then Capped Fury and no damage enhancements.

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Well, the damage cap was the only context your question really made sense to me, too.

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Maybe your thinking of the cap on fury?
Cuz the Damage cap is way up there around 750% as I heard told. What I'm asking has nothing to do with the the damage cap. I just wanted to know how damage compared with and without damage enhancements and fury pretty much capped out. (or as close to capped as fury can get)

As answered, Capped Fury with Damage enhancements is greater damage then Capped Fury and no damage enhancements.

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I'm sorry if one of us isn't quite understanding here but.. why wouldn't the damage be higher? Fury is a damage buff which can't reach your damage cap so more damage increases are good.. How does that have nothing to do with the damage cap?



Well, the damage cap was the only context your question really made sense to me, too.

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Maybe your thinking of the cap on fury?
Cuz the Damage cap is way up there around 750% as I heard told. What I'm asking has nothing to do with the the damage cap. I just wanted to know how damage compared with and without damage enhancements and fury pretty much capped out. (or as close to capped as fury can get)

As answered, Capped Fury with Damage enhancements is greater damage then Capped Fury and no damage enhancements.

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I'm sorry if one of us isn't quite understanding here but.. why wouldn't the damage be higher?

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I don't see how you got to "...why wouldn't the damage be higher?" I didn't say it wouldn't, nor did anyone else.

Fury is a damage buff which can't reach your damage cap so more damage increases are good.. How does that have nothing to do with the damage cap?

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My question has nothing to do with the damage cap because I'm not asking if I can reach the damage cap with any combination of enhancements and Fury. (Because I know I can't)

I'm asking how damage compares with damage enhancements slotted into attack powers plus a full bar of fury, and no damage enhancements at all plus a full bar of fury.

Answer: (as stated in this thread) With enhancements and full bar of fury: more damage.
Without damage enhancements but still a full bar of fury: less damage.
No need to even mention the damage cap.

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



if you are able to work fury up to hover at a certain level or higher, then yer dealing just as much damage per landed hit, as you would with or without 3 slots of damage SOs.

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This assumption that the SOs became meaningless can be explained one of two ways that I can think of--

1) The Fury damage buff basically replaces the enhancement damage buff, and as you clear 100% +damage the SOs aren't relevant any more
2) That Fury by itself takes you high enough on damage that you cap damage, and that since you've hit the cap, the SOs aren't relevant any more.

I'm guessing now that you were thinking the former?

In any case, it's additive. The Fury buff, the enhancement buff, the Build Up buff, all additive, and still short of the cap on Brutes.



if you are able to work fury up to hover at a certain level or higher, then yer dealing just as much damage per landed hit, as you would with or without 3 slots of damage SOs.

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This assumption that the SOs became meaningless can be explained one of two ways that I can think of--

1) The Fury damage buff basically replaces the enhancement damage buff, and as you clear 100% +damage the SOs aren't relevant any more

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I did think something very much like this, initially, and this is what I wanted clarified. (And it is now clarified)

2) That Fury by itself takes you high enough on damage that you cap damage, and that since you've hit the cap, the SOs aren't relevant any more.

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Theres that phrase again 'damage cap.' I never thought this at all, because I was already aware that no single toon by themselves could hit the 'damage cap.' It takes a lil help in the form of buff and such from other toons

I'm guessing now that you were thinking the former?

In any case, it's additive. The Fury buff, the enhancement buff, the Build Up buff, all additive, and still short of the cap on Brutes.

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Phosphorescency, I'm thinking neither now. Not sure why so many folks are trying so hard to involve the damage cap in this. My question, which has been answered, really had absolutely nothing to do with the damage cap. I'm not sure how to make that any more clear.

The question has been answered, and I have echoed the answer two or three times in this thread to ensure I got it right.
I feel confident I got it now.

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Fury, Effects on Damage output?

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Moar Fury = Moar better



To be honest your question wasn't very clear to me at all and I can see why it was misunderstood. Don't be offended because someone didn't understand your question.



2) That Fury by itself takes you high enough on damage that you cap damage, and that since you've hit the cap, the SOs aren't relevant any more.

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Theres that phrase again 'damage cap.' I never thought this at all, because I was already aware that no single toon by themselves could hit the 'damage cap.' It takes a lil help in the form of buff and such from other toons

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Ehhh... no Brute can hit the damage cap solo without using a lot of inspirations.

That may be what you meant, but in case it wasn't there are several builds that can cap their own damage: pretty much any Kinetic Defender, Controller, or Corruptor; my Warshade can and does self-cap damage on large teams using Mires, typically while at the resistance cap due to Eclipse as well; a few Dominators using stacked Domination were running at the cap most of the time; a Shield/SS Tanker needs enhancements to hit it but can, and Fire/SS can also but only for the duration of Fiery Embrace.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.