Stone Tank Questions
Which armors does granite shut off? Also, does the auto resist power (stone skin or something like that) still work?
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Granite Armor will turn off all the other armor toggles in the set, EXCEPT Rooted, which can work with Granite on. Stone Skin will still work, and Mud Pots can remain active.
If i IO slot for +speed, how close to normal run/sprint speed can i get while running rooted or granite? I would combine with swift slotted as well.
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There are a couple of guides in the Tanker Guide section that show IO slotting that can get you back up to basic run speed with Rooted or Granite on. Not sure if they go far enough to counter both at the same time.
Brimstone & Crystal armors - Do i skip these? or take them early on until i can get granite, then respec out?
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It's up to you, but they can be useful on the way up, and if you exemp down below Granite at any time (remember, dual builds can be good for this).
ight now i am level 13. So i have a ways to go.
Current build is
rock armor,
stone skin
earth's embrace
TP foe
Any advice on what to take on the next couple of levels to make the grind easier would be a help.
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Well, starting on the path to Stamina can be a decent help. Swift will be handy, or course. And of course Teleport (which you look like you're doing already. Then KO Blow at level 22, and Rage as soon as you can get it.
Good luck!
Edit -> God =/= good, when wishing somebody luck.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Might want Hasten no?
Might want Hasten no?
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Possibly. I haven't checked the Stone Guides out to see if the high +runspeed IO builds also grant a good degree of +recharge or not.
It's certainly useful if he can fit it in, and it goes with the character concept.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Thanks for the clarification. I did not realize rooted remained active when granite is on. I thought granite offered those protections. It makes sense that it does not of course. Yeah, I definitely need to get swift ASAP. Right now, it is looking as though the fitness pool will be 16, 18, and 20. Then rage and KO shortly after. I have to say, I can tell already this set will be a late bloomer.
I will be taking Hasten, just not until i can slot SO's and IO's. Downtime for that power is crappy with Training and dual origin enhances.
You can get to a reasonable run speed with granite or rooted. I'm sure you can probably build up enough run speed for both of them at the same time but I'm not entirely sure it is worth the other area's you probably end up lacking in as a result. It's pretty rare to need both rooted and granite at the same time as a tanker and even then you probably don't need to move when you have both.
I waited a while in my build to get hasten but you're probably going to want it before granite. I was so end hungry before granite that I really couldn't afford to run hasten all that much but mileage may vary.
I would also recommend getting the fighting pool for tough and weave pre-granite. I hang on to them post granite as well but that is a personal preference to just how insanely difficult to kill you want to be. They also are great places to mule IO's since really the only thing you need to run is weave after you get granite (as long as you keep stone skin and slot it a little bit).
Hope you enjoy it. My stone tank was the funnest char I leveled up.
You really want Hasten for a good Stone build. I usually pick it up just before Granite, but you'll also want it for faster recharging EE, not to mention Rage if he's Stone/SS. In fact, you really want stacking Rage to avoid the -def from the crash w/a def-based set.
Two other "armors" that stay toggled w/Granite are Tough & Weave. Yes, laugh if you like, but for really high-end, survive the end of the world type of builds, Tough & Weave are actually useful. Tough let's you skip Stone Skin (though SS is still handy out of Granite), and Weave & a few IOs lets you hit S/L def cap running Rock (and psi cap w/Minerals), which in turn lets you stay out of Granite a whole lot.
And w/S&L and Psi def, you're actually taking care of prolly 90% of the damage out there, since most exotic damage (F/C/E/N) have a smashing or lethal component to them (this is why Crystal & Brimstone are usually skipped). Stuff like Flamethrower will hurt, but that's why you have high HPs and good regen. That and Granite.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Tough let's you skip Stone Skin (though SS is still handy out of Granite), and Weave & a few IOs lets you hit S/L def cap running Rock (and psi cap w/Minerals), which in turn lets you stay out of Granite a whole lot.
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I agree completely with everything else but I've always found getting my S/L cap with granite with just stone skin is much better. I still take tough, but not having the extra end usage of another toggle certainly helps, and having more powers that give you +res for the great IO's you can get is never a bad thing. Of course weave is the jewel of the set and is what gives you 40+ def to all with granite running out of the gate before you get any IO's at all.
As you said outside of granite it also makes you that much more survivable.
I will be taking Hasten, just not until i can slot SO's and IO's. Downtime for that power is crappy with Training and dual origin enhances.
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Very smart ... I usually hold off on Hasten till L24 (or there abouts) for just that reason (and also because of the endurance drain the crashes and faster recharge rates cause).
Unless of course if I'm taking Super Speed as a travel power.
any advice on APP for the stone/ss?
Two words: Fire. Ball.
Wait, no, three workds: Rage. Fire. Ball.
(Actually, they're all pretty good. I took Arctic on my Stone/Ice--BU+Ice Storm works pretty darn well w/Mud Pots already slowing things down. Energy Torrent is KD, not KB, so just in case you didn't have enough mitigation, there's some more for ya. And I hear Earth is very good too, though I've never played w/it. I happen to really like my ST holds (Char, BoI) for annoying Sappers and the like, though w/Rooted, you can sorta laugh at them.)
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
I was leaning toward fire. Though i am considering body for conserve power and FA. Really depends mostly on how my endurance plays out once properly slotted, and getting some rares in the build.
Not having taken a Stoner to APP levels (I've ended up deleting all my Stoners before that point because they were just too slow and clunky for my tastes (this was before IOs however)) my assumption would be that the more attacks in your chain would be another way of offsetting the -recharge penalties of Granite.
In that regard I would probably think that Pyre would be best which offers the most damage and gives you them at range (a Stoner's blessing as well) including an AOE.
A higher level Stoner would probably be your best choice for advice here however.
I can only suggest what I've got experience with... which is on my stoner who is level 50 I took Pyre and am very happy with it.
I got char... which I never use and haven't slotted at all.
Melt Armor... which I put a set into. I think it has 5 of Analyze Weakness.
And Fire Ball... which I have 5 Positrons Blast in.
I replc Positrons Blast with Ragnarok's Just an idea.
My Stone/Stone tank is currently lvl 47 and I chose to go with Conserve Power for my lvl 41 power. It helps quite a bit during longer drawn out fights especially with hasten running, even though I do have end redux slotted all around. It was very nice having it last night going up against the Malta. Had a few sappers tag me before we could dispatch them and it made end recovery a non issue. But as always, YMMV.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
Here is a somewhat expensive build (3 LoTG +rech and numina's unique), but no purples.
This build moves at 26.2 mph in granite form, has soft capped defense for S/L and close for everything else except psi. It also has huge recharge bonuses.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5944B6F52511080E7F290D252288F42A12F28140A2D1 4922E7C1B636D62D22|
|6B460572A223D065A7A2140A275E50F70E5C655E32331BA70 A7468D7FC4B70B7F86|
|0F9CC72971EF0D77BE3973E6CCCC9DB9978DDBAB2E80BBE7C 0705D6856BBDD4AB96|
|AEEA98EA3546B28B3A6DCC5834EABD9E8D5A36B0DB3DA7400 40443C2AABEAA632BB|
|2A57EAB54C5539DFD96F7526F4D6866A2A955B6BA8CE81E8D E4B665D7594D9CB1D2|
|9AE62ABD544979EA9BA5D1F2FCAE8D96E757AD55EA3650EB3 A9D4566AC7C3EABAAA|
|EEA84EB7DE687B2FB61BB51C16A62A1BD56E0F934C605969B CBF3851187843DF022|
|BA8C4C15240E421114284C13B0CFAEADB402196616887E1AB 31825546FC3AE3AB53|
|8783BED52871204B99613B8D98866367187E0C6B153FBBF5A 705A000B65F8CE1DF0|
|CD71F419FE123E73C7CC3E876A9D6668F01ED1CBB03B4E3BE C5ABB11706E339E33B|
|BA3B2489E1D8E42A862E33EC6876EAC77666F9E8B0C02D984 78711390A238B6C4AA|
|169544C96D1B0954C91082331C99843078F04353C72262070 E08E57D7EDDD462505|
|012924225D9939CB2824D87D08DDFDBA3A7F944DC1FBDC87F 403441282D8BD715DC|
|AF853DE9978C6C8EABCE810D2ED0DD5C5A1C198DA15EC3132 4D0B5591DDE79517F3|
|867599E171549620215D4ED9B8E834F52C09993183661DC22 4933AC9A40C6F46863|
|723C38BCAF0A2C0ED89D298A7C18749A67597A6257A52F003 C7352B3BF6D9719E60|
|CCC97963014416621936C657B875F13C2380F1E6F490E7C83 D01693A3C0761AC6F5|
|EBFBAF34520537253B0C548950465C607AC7241075A6872A6 CC2EE323EE2CEA408B|
|4FB8D6A5C7824782878CEC21E313BAE7745F722FD9B4FC4AF 05AF08651782B90917|
|D76D2D3C81B97973E4FD906DF1EFEF082F57F2DF2A6166D83 2F0E0C764ADB06DFF4|
|7F5DEF5C47719C5BF42F50265144616C937685C4555A5E23A D4ADA0D12355AF6DF0|
|F4E7B8E534127489C24718AC43D7272D0273642C245629484 9B84078531469A9F44|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
I replc Positrons Blast with Ragnarok's Just an idea.
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I don't use purples. Ragnarok is 100 mil per on my server so 600 mil for one set I don't care what it is... not worth the cost IMO. I'll use almost any other set depending on the current prices, but I won't even bother looking at anything purple.
I took Pyre on my stoner as well. Conserve Power is pretty overated since if you run in granite you will be running 2 toggles. Even in extreme circumstanes I run granite, weave, rooted and mudpots and dont have any issues. Be sure to slot plenty of end reduction in mudpots.
I did not realize rooted remained active when granite is on. I thought granite offered those protections. It makes sense that it does not of course.
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Just wanted to clarify here, Granite does provide protection to mezzes, knockdown, repel, and defense debuffs. Rooted provides these as well to stack in tough situations, as well as granting substantial amounts of regen; and recovery debuff and endurance drain resistance.
Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.
I rolled a stone tank last night. I have never played one before, so its rather new to me. I have a decent idea of what to take and what to slot, but i have a couple questions i was hoping you tanks can help with.
Which armors does granite shut off? Also, does the auto resist power (stone skin or something like that) still work?
If i IO slot for +speed, how close to normal run/sprint speed can i get while running rooted or granite? I would combine with swift slotted as well.
Brimstone & Crystal armors - Do i skip these? or take them early on until i can get granite, then respec out?
Right now i am level 13. So i have a ways to go.
Current build is
rock armor,
stone skin
earth's embrace
TP foe
Any advice on what to take on the next couple of levels to make the grind easier would be a help.
Thanks in advance for any help