Questions on a couple primaries and secondaries
Go elec melee. Not only does it provide a nice amount of AoE, it rocks. Build up, L-rod, placate, Thunderstrike=Fun. Energy is single target all the way, no if's and's or but's.
As far as secondaries go, nin would be a nice combo. For PvE I'd have to rank it as number one simply because yes in PvE the more tricks you have the better.
However if you do plan on going into pvp, my personal choice would be regen or willpower. Regen I am simply in love with and push it on people like a cigarette company on young kids.
So what is the general opinion of Energy Aura?
And what is the general opinion between Charged Brawl and Havoc Punch? I'll take them both early on so I have attacks, but should I respec out of one later?
To be honest I've never played an energy aura anything. I've heard it can be great but also have heard it's quite lacking compared to other defensive sets simply because it's based off of damage type defense rather than positional. With enough IO's it could be rather deadly I'm sure, especially with the small amount of secondaries you'd actually need to take, but ninjitsu can be just as deadly with more tricks. Which is why I favor /nin.
As for charged and havoc, I'd suggest only taking one or the other. I prefer more damage so I picked havoc punched, but if you plan on doing lots of out of hide combat then I'd say charged brawl is better simply because of the faster recharge. Yes you should respec one out later on simply because you'll probably have enough attacks to keep you busy without having both. Once again though you could technically keep them both if you don't mind losing out on another power option.
Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I'm not sure yet if I'll be doing a lot of out of hide combat, I imagine I'll figure that out as I go.
a. I enjoy Electric Melee, although a Stalker is the only AT I can recommend Energy Melee for anymore. If you want more single target (which shouldn't be an issue on a Stalker) go with Energy or Dark Melee. Dark is actually better than Energy.
b. Energy Aura Stalkers can skip Stamina; I just like the Fitness pool anyway for QoL. It's a fairly loose secondary for essentials, but Overload is mostly wasted because of the hp cap.
c. Ninjitsu is fun, plus has a loose build for essentials. Softcapping it requires a healthy IO investment, but no more so than Energy Aura.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Energy Aura Stalkers can skip Stamina; I just like the Fitness pool anyway for QoL. It's a fairly loose secondary for essentials, but Overload is mostly wasted because of the hp cap.
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I'm gonna go with Elec/Nin for this one, but I think I'm also gonna make an Energy/Energy Stalker. It looks like fun. Even if I don't take stamina, I'll still be taking hurdle to pair with Combat Jumping. I usually don't play melee characters without the combo.
what is the general opinion between Charged Brawl and Havoc Punch?
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Similar DPA when using Arcanatime. Once you have the other attacks and some decent recharge you only need one of them.
Even if I don't take stamina, I'll still be taking hurdle to pair with Combat Jumping. I usually don't play melee characters without the combo.
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I usually don't play any characters without the combo. I've been a fan ever since I first tried it. I keep meaning to try out the improved Hover on a squishy but immob protection is very valuable there.
I usually don't play any characters without the combo.
[/ QUOTE ] I usually only play melee characters. I consider my high level blasters at least as much melee characters as ranged.
re: Combat Jumping + Hurdle vs Swift + Hover:
I tend to go with CJ+Hurdle for the immobilize protection and fast positioning for melee. I have one character that has Swift+Hover (my Dark/Cold Corruptor), and she uses Teleport for a travel power so immobilizes aren't an issue.
Hover is nice after the buff IMO but you can stay out of melee range just as easily while travelling much faster with Combat Jumping. I'm just glad that I don't have to use Teleport in missions just to keep up with everyone else anymore.
Sort of on-topic:
Good luck with both builds and I definately think you'll enjoy your Elec/Nin; mine is level 45 atm and is lots of fun to play.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
So I'm getting ready to make a stalker for the first time in a long time and I can't decide between a few options.
For primary I'm looking at either Energy or Electric. What's the advantage of each one? Just glancing at them, it appears Elec is more AoE and Energy is more ST.
For secondary I'm having trouble deciding between Energy Aura and Ninjitsu. It appears from my reading of the forums that Ninjitsu is pretty popular. I assume because of all the neat toys you get and the ability to soft cap, although the def debuff resist isn't as high as SR correct? Energy Aura doesn't look too tough to soft cap either, but it has a psi damage hole correct? Also, would skipping stamina be easy to do for Energy Aura?
I will probably solo a vast majority of the time, teaming mainly for Strike Forces. PvP isn't a big concern for me.
Thanks ahead of time for all the help!