CoHMR Aggregator (a review thread)




Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

Playing this one on a high 30s archery energy blaster, diff settings 1 hero +1 yes bosses no AVS.
Caveat: I know nothing about Queen, other than that any casette tape left in a car for long enough will become a Queen album.
You don't really need to know a great deal about Queen, or even the song (I Want It All, if anyone is interested!) it was just a quick arc I put together after listening to the tune on my iPod.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

"see the terrible future" is a 75% chance of Red Atlas.
Oh! Marchand's Office!
...the "back" spawn doesn't work in this one though. Just so you know. Since the map is part outdoors it can just drop it anydangwhere.

Huh. Custom Arachnos? Some "Crab Spider LB", which I guess stands for "longbow" archery/SR with stat resists. Kind of an odd choice given Arachnos is pretty techno. Also no crab backpacks. Maybe call them Wolf Spiders?
Ah, wolf spiders are melee, crabs are range. Kinda odd given that the actual ones are capable at both distances.
Missing like crazy because every lieut's SR. Also completely unable to apply any kind of crowd control. I can connect with Total Focus, Bone Smasher, and Energy Punch and they're still up and attacking.

The lottery strikes and Amanda Vines actually shows up on the roof. She tells me what I've picked up from the patrols - someone killed Arachnos from the inside and then took out most of the world's heroes under the pretext of a peace talk.
...but if that's the case, why is the new Arachnos even bothering to use the old one's nomenclature and costuming?
Anyway, this all came to pass because somebody got hold of a dimension-hopping being of pure potential and misused him.
I've gotten the impression that people aren't fond of Red Atlas, so I went for something a little different. Didn't know the back spawn didn't work though for this map, but it's mostly putting Vines on the roof, which I can live with. The patrol spawns don't quite spawn as I'd like, but spawns are just annoying. I can tweak the New Arachnos descriptions and just tidy it up a bit. They're designed as they are because Mad Albert is... well, mad, in the mad scientist vein rather than the total cuckoo type.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

So let's go play Child Protective Services, shall we?

Aw. Not much going on in this base aside from one dude who's an investigator. I liked the copious chatter in the first mission and I was kinda expecting it to keep up.

These first two missions have had basically successive clues showing up on complete - there's only one thing to do, so it drops a clue, which completes the mission, which drops ANOTHER clue...
Why bother? It's not like they're separate bits, either. One usually ends up restating the other in part or in whole.
Clues can do a bit of tidying up, or at least making sure they have enough difference to make it pertinent. The chatter is nice, but the map seemed a bit small for my tastes to have lot more patrols spawn in. I can look at that though.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

So, on to the final boss fight.
Apparently you weren't planning on this to be some kind of rock opera...
But I really have to ask why not.
Anyway, "Youth" is as mustachioed as the guy who's been sending me on these missions, and he has no description at all.
...and I thought he was kneeling, but it turns out he's just very very small.
So about half this map is completely unused, as the boss just shows up right by the portal when I tag back to it. He's Thugs/Fire, and mad enough to sport a giant pumpkin head for no apparent reason.

Fortunately my squishy pal who's rad to be with has things under control there, with an assist from my AoE self. He rezzes, but by that time the mission's complete and I fly the coop.
Unfortunately somebody bugs me to look something up and I misclick and miss the ending text.
Yeah, this is a short arc as I Want It All isn't quite the rock opera classic, and also doesn't have enough lyrics for me to adapt.

The spawning on this map is an annoyance. I set Youth to back, he appears a room a little way off from the entrance. I set it to front, he spawns where the AV spaws, I set it to middle he appears at random. Annoying as hell, because I like this map... Youth's lack of description is interesting, I thought I'd done that but obviously not! It can be tweaked and made better.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

Storyline - ****. Not that I expected the ending text to be worldshaking. The storyline was pretty straightforward and nothing I haven't seen - madman acquires being with cosmic power, attempts to take over world, you put the kibosh on his plans, sail on star travellers. It seems like this "great power" of Youth was just what Magic was doing for me - Mad Al just had more capacity to take advantage of the visions of the future. The title led me to expect something more, like for Mad Al's troops to actually be created from Youth's imagination, or his own mad scientific perversions thereof.
The storyline was pretty simple, nothing too flash as it wasn't called for. The adapted lyrics astext will be interesting to get the opinion of a Queen fan of and see what they think

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Design - ***. The last map is 50% unused space - I scooped up Youth right on the first floor down, took him to the portal, and the boss fight was right there. While a nice touch overall, it left me wondering if something hadn't gone wrong somewhere. The custom Arachnos... really aren't "out there" enough. They're basically HK Arachnos - recolors with off-brand armor. I thought this guy was supposed to be MAD.
The last map's spawns are a pain and I may just have to change the map, or wait until the Crey map comes back. Is annoying as the AV spawn works fine. Mad Albert is Mad Scientist mad, as he did strange experiments on the Fir Bolg and ended up with a pumpkin for a head. I'll look at the New Arachnos powesets though - I didn't want to stray too far from having normalish powers as a comment I had when testing it was along the lines of why would they have these powers, and my answer was because Mad Albert likes them!

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Gameplay - ***. They are pretty maddening to fight, at least. SR makes the hard to hit and shrugs off crowd control and knockaround. Add the rocket boots and any melee lieutenant is practically guaranteed to be in your face beating... uh... your face in. I could understand if this was one lieutenant's gimmick, but it's the same for all of them.
The New Arachnos are on a fine line between too hard to beat (maddening isn't over-powered!) but hard enough to have taken out the old Arachnos and put the smackdown on the signature heroes. I think the balance is met, though maybe a little more variety wouldn't hurt.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

Detail - ***. No bio on Youth just made me a bit sad. No specific variation on the New Arachnos bios for powersets (or even to explain the difference between Crab and Wolf) was a bit of a letdown too. The restated clues for the first two missions just didn't make any sense to double up on... and while I'm not taking points for this, I really got the hankering to see this done up as a rock opera.
Detail can be worked on, I know what bits are missing, what needs tweaking and what needs removing! The rock opera thing didn't quite fit the song - you can check it out here at - but I do have ideas for a follow up, I just need to work them out a bit more before I start to create a new arc.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Overall - ***. An arc that doesn't exactly swing for the fences but is fairly solid for what it is, which needs a little more attention to detail, powerset variety, and objective placement to really shine.
Some good pointers, and things that can be worked on. Thanks for that.




It's rereview time! Running this on a low 40s sonic/rad defender with a decent solo build. Even level, no extra heroes, no AVs all bosses FINAL DESTINATION


M1: Some grammar strangeness in the opening briefing. The opening text has two paragraphs crammed together (the second one starts "obviously, we can't let this sort of research") when there should be a blank line between 'em, and it looks like you went and did some grammar cleanup puttin' emdashes in for commas but forgot to take a couple of 'em out. Just keep an eye out for stray punctuation.

M1: Agh! Death arena! Can you pick map without death arena pretty please? Not that it matters for completing this particular map but still.

M1: "It must not be allowed to fall into the hands of Crey and be used to fuel their dastardly plots." This from a guy who was a Crey scientist until Internal Affairs looked at him funny. I mean, we the players know Crey never met a puppy it didn't kick and then strip for parts to use in the new Puppagon Protectors toy line, but to its own employees it can put up a decent front of LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. ...oh, right, checked the briefing again. Eriksson is Janet's inside man. Might be nice to have a mention of his nature in the opening popup as I glossed over it.

M2: Okay, "warning -- timed mission" sounds really off. Especially since Janet is doing something with what is likely a known fixed duration (shutting off power), she can just spell the time limit out in large red friendly letters. Or, y'know, normal-sized ones.

M2: Even though you can put logs in the correct order no matter what order you added the objectives in now (grab the icon, drag and drop) I'd still like an entry number in the logs, if you've got the space for a little "Entry 52:" prelude.

M2: I don't think you need to do any kind of trickery that indicates the boss here is speaking Russian. Just have him speaking in English and mentioning he'll be glad when deep cover is over and he can speak the proper mother tongue.

M3: . . . I just had the most terrible idea. It's a shame you can't go ALL the way with it as the Winter Horde isn't tintable. The ice cream machines are still escorted by the same models, but they're "Frosted Freaks" who have decided to hang out in the subzero spray too long and been covered in ice that they rip off and throw at you. (all the way would involve chocolate frosted freaks, strawberry frosted freaks, pistachio frosted freaks...)

M3: That aside, new smaller map is much better.

M4: The chaining works much better, mostly because it isn't there. But I run into everything in just about the right order anyway, so even though Aurora mentions Igor and Molotov I'll let 'em slide. ...also, was this map in better repair the last time I was here?

M4: Hmm. I could swear I heard the actual Paragon Protector name bandied about over the course of the arc. The final debrief shouldn't be talking about it like it's something mysterious.

M*: Careful with your verb tenses in the souvenir. You're talking about past tense, and the verb "to have" should always be conjugated "had".


Storyline - *****. It was last time and this time there's nothing to ruin it.

Design - *****. End boss is much less with the stacked slows, and she doesn't show up out of nowhere on yer head either.

Gameplay - *****. New smaller outdoor map is much better.

Detail - ****. The revision of the arc left a little detritus behind. I think I've caught most of it in this rereview.

Overall - *****. Much Improved.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Running this on a DB/fire brute, 2 villains, +1, no AVs, all bosses.


One mission? Okay, this should be fun. Let's see what I'm walking into.

Huh. Some generic security guy is gonna let me off the hook if I mess up somebody else's plans.

Can't be that simple, but let's roll with it.

Huh. Freakshow.

Well, it's probably gonna be that simple.

Okay. Three identical hostages with three identical descriptions and three identical conversations leave me a clue about what's going on - the Freaks are trying to spring a blood relative of one of their bosses.


So I get up to the boss, he talks about a chopper on the roof (which, okay, is practically impossible to implement) and then calls for Johnny to back him up... but Johnny never shows.

So... where's Johnny? The mission's over.

And the arc's over.


Storyline - **. The entire reason the Freaks show up and we never see hide or hair of him? C'mon now. Maybe he's another hostage who never asked for this crap? Maybe he's the cleaner's big bro and he's like Metal Shift or t3h s00p3rfr34k with a different name. I was expecting more than just Freakshow, too. Some crazy over-the-top thing where the Devouring Earth brought the donuts and the Carnies spiked the coffee and Arachnos is going overboard to restore order and the judge is a Nemesis automaton. I do admittedly expect more in terms of complications from single missions than from individual missions in arcs.

Design - **. I do admittedly expect more in terms of complications from single missions than from individual missions in arcs. Like chaining objectives - the mission sets up to be a normal day at the DMV and then there's this hostage in the lobby with Freakshow and when I rescue him the place goes nuts. Or "choices" - maybe Johnny promises me a fat wad of cash if I let him run away. This is pretty much just any filler Freakshow mission I could pick up from a hero contact with the text slightly changed.

Gameplay - ****. What can I say? It's pretty fun to fight the Freaks.

Detail - ***. Pretty simple stuff all told. Nothing really wrong with it, but it's all rather generic. The Cleaner doesn't even have his own bio.

Overall - **. Okay, I'll admit: I talked this up to myself a bit. I was expecting some kind of insane bureaucratic runaround that'd take me through a bunch of villain groups, or an offer from the villains to join forces with them, or... well, something other than a filler Freakshow mission. In every arc I expect something I can't get from the game. For a 5-mission arc that can be a plot thread. For a single mission, not so much, unless the mission's a big one and the plot's created through chained objectives and the like. Single missions are also a good showcase for complex mechanics or custom groups, neither of which are present here.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



So since I've been too busy to run this for the last 3 days, tonight is a night for 3 arcs:

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Testing this one's lowbie chops on a level 12 BS/shield scrapper. Default difficulty (one hero even-level, no bosses or AVs).


Okay. While this mission is not quite the pain it might have bee before I16 (I can use powers up to level 6 now!) there's one very, very important thing you need to know about the Contaminated:

They never give experience or drop inspirations, enhancements, or salvage of any kind, ever. This means no MA tickets either.

I'd recommend making a custom group out of the Infected (a villainside equivalent, running from 1-10) and tweaking the names and bios appropriately. They're not significantly different from the Contaminated, but they actually drop rewards of some kind.

Speaking of, it'd be nice to find something in the sewer about how the Infected got there, or hear them talking about... well... anything (they're quite vocal in Outbreak) or see them tangling with the usual assortment of sewer-levels or a random hero who got separated from his sewer team, or... well, anything.

...also if that's supposed to be Dr. Miller from the tutorial he's not a little old lady.


Okay, advanced Infected. So how do these guys hold up?

Weird blue and green-colored skin. Hmm. And there's a lieut who looks like a Troll, a lady lieut mind-controller with pain backup, And among the minions there's Macebatman, the obligatory claw girl (with some empathy), a gunner (who seems to be missing a description), and a... dual grav/mind controller?!

Whoa whoa whoa, brakes brakes brakes. Here's what control powers single-digit heroes generally contend with from the Lost, probably the faction you should be taking as your inspiration here: a percentage chance for a short-duration stun from the lieutenants, and a sleep or area immobilize from the bosses. Holds are right out not just from the Lost but in general, at least until the mid-teens when the melees have status protection.

Also, elite bosses in a group don't show up unless you specifically spawn them in as a boss detail, and this is another mission with no details at all, aside from the defeat all.


Storyline - *. The progression of the story runs counter to what I did - I contained an outbreak of Outbreak, but not only did the Contaminated get INTO the city, they got more powerful. And there's never an indication of how the Contaminated are developing into these more powerful forms.

Design - *. If this IS supposed to be an arc for single-digit heroes, the control powers are decidedly inappropriate for the customs to have. Also if you actually WANT the EB to pop out, he needs to be set as a boss detail -- and the arc could really use some detailing in general. Also, and I can't stress this enough, the first mission should really have enemies that actually give some kind of reward.

Gameplay - **. Chugging through a sewer crawl with a limited selection of powers for the grand prize of NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! isn't a happy way to start my MA day.

Detail - **. There's not much to look at in general. Most of the custom enemies have a description that at least tries to explain their powers, but the lack of any kind of supporting detail in the missions really hurts.

Overall - *. Drop some details in the missions that aren't defeat alls and might actually explain what the heck is going on here. Strip out the controls from the customs if this is really a single-digit target level arc, maybe replacing them with a blaster manipulation set. And give half the arc some freaking XP.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Playing this on a mid-40s earth/emp controller, 1 hero +1 level all bosses no AVs.


Huh. You know, somehow saying "this is a pirate signal in the MA" doesn't really work so much as just making the plea for help. I mean, everything's all equally unreal here.

So there are Midnight Squad, some Arachnos, and some Legacy Chain running around here.

...aaaaand none of them are actually in my level range so I get a giant pile of greys. What the sprout?

Oh, there's Wyvern and Longbow too.

Huh. Okay, there's some Arachnos here that are actually in level range but there's also a scattering of weird grays.

...and some PPD in level range as well. What the what now.

So this was all a weird alternate universe... why should it be applicable to this one, ex nihilo? I mean, maybe these were the guys who were planning to destroy the multiverse or something.


But okay, let's ride the plot train over to the Rogue Isles.

Abandoned lab, okay... oh, and some Vanguard in this alliance too.

Clicking the tapes (a fast clicky with no interaction or system text) summons a boss... dark blast/invuln? Okay.


So I go over to the guy who's gonna analyze these tapes, and... it's Snakes.

You should be aware these guys have a giant level range where there's a dead space and they'll either be mega gray or mega purple.

These are apparently not the actual Snake snakes, they're just hyperintelligent snakes created by MAD mad mad SCIENCE science science.

So... what's on these tapes? I should apparently know but I guess I'll have to wait for Esc to tell me.

(Also it's really weird to read about these guys as "cleans" and "dirties". Sounds like a detergent-sponsored version of shirts vs. skins.)


Okay, how do logs of the attack give us a clue to the next target? That'd be interesting to know.

Esc says I go in first but when I get in I find him held captive.

Huh. There's 60's Arachnos in with these guys? (they're the 25-33 version of Arachnos)

Hang on. We're getting information from the Alliance but there are Handprints here? I thought we were raiding a base.

...what is this place we're in, anyway?

So I beat Mynx and Kalinda... and the end mission clue seems to think Kalinda was Hequat, or something.

So apparently if the Handprints ever team up they'll enslave the world and slaughter the hell out of everybody. And this alliance is devoted to stopping them. By slaughtering the hell out of them wherever they show up.

Okay, that's a little extreme, but it's not like I can't sympathize.


So now the Handprints are going to unite and destroy the Alliance! And this time it'll work, even though the Alliance punched their clocks the first time around and the Handprints are at greatly diminished fighting strength!

And they'll become exactly what the Alliance feared!

...I don't know if that's intentional or not. Esc doesn't appear to notice, or in fact care.

So this is some solo allies scattered all around the map, versus... the Freedom Phalanx, the Vindicators, and Arachnos. Large portions of all of the above, at any rate. Feels like a giant game of whack-a-mole, really. One takes damage, another pops up, another pops up, three more pop up...

I'm running all over the map here, and I must cross this thing half a dozen times, mostly because this map has a giant multi-pronged middle and I ping-pong between the various ends of it.

Having three elite bosses following me around makes quick work of the one elite boss at a time I end up fighting. Several lieutenant allies die as a result of splash damage. None of the losses really adversely affect my ability to get stunned by the alpha strike and recover in enough time to maybe peg a boss twice before it goes off to that great memory register in the sky.

Pretty much everybody just goes down with versions of the same spiel. You don't know what you're doing, how can this be, do you realize who I am, etc.

But... I really don't know what I'm doing.

I mean, there's probably another universe out there where the Handprints have wrecked the place and are now ready to start taking a hammer to the timestream.


Storyline - **. You know, you could have broken off mission 5, called this thing The Alliance - Part 1, and it would have been okay. But my reaction on learning why the Alliance is doing all this is more along the lines of "we must learn to understand this creature" than going alongside Esc and his merry band to wipe them out of existence. I mean, I can definitely buy the "freedom fighters" from one world in the multiverse deciding to stomp out the seeds of their own personal tyranny wherever, and the nature of the opposition is a nice, climactic reveal that could set up a more involved second half than "base invaded, everyone dies".

Design - ***. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that the custom group deciding to "go grey" is a new bug introduced with I16 or even the latest patch. They do represent an alliance pretty well, and the last mission is somewhat of an appropriate slugfest, with the boss monsters popping in spread out enough so that I don't get three at a time breathing down my neck. But the Snake mission is going to present a problem if the levels aren't restricted, as they currently aren't, and the whole arc seems like it should be set at 45-50 because of the epic scale of everything going on here.

Gameplay - **. That last mission. I meant it when I said I could get stunned by the opening salvo and wake up in time to win. I don't think I even managed that with Numina. The waking up, that is. Couple that with the walking back and forth and forth and back and back and forth and forth and back and the nice LADY and it makes me feel like some kind of bizarre shepherd.

Detail - **. Clean writing here, what there is of it, but there really isn't the justification for part 5 that I'd like there to be. Also, mission 4 is lacking in several ways. I don't know how the tapes from mission 2 actually led us to this place, I don't know where "this place" actually is to begin with, and the final clue seems to come from Hequat, played here by Dame Not Appearing In This Mission.

Overall - **. There's one thing you can do to greatly improve this arc. ...well, maybe two things, the second one being find out what's going on to pull a giant pile of greys out of your custom group and make it stop. If you can actually snap off the last mission and create an arc about hitting the Alliance where they live, or trying to negotiate a truce, or whatever, that'd probably have a lot less of a "whack-a-mole while herding superpowered sheep" feel to it, since the confrontations themselves could be spaced out and you could use the same supporting cast but deal them out over the course of multiple missions a couple at a time.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Playing this on a mid-40s earth/emp controller, 1 hero +1 level all bosses no AVs.
It should be playable as that without any problems, but there seems to have been something screwy with the levelling of the characters.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Huh. You know, somehow saying "this is a pirate signal in the MA" doesn't really work so much as just making the plea for help. I mean, everything's all equally unreal here.

So there are Midnight Squad, some Arachnos, and some Legacy Chain running around here.
...aaaaand none of them are actually in my level range so I get a giant pile of greys. What the sprout?
Oh, there's Wyvern and Longbow too.
Huh. Okay, there's some Arachnos here that are actually in level range but there's also a scattering of weird grays.
...and some PPD in level range as well. What the what now.
So this was all a weird alternate universe... why should it be applicable to this one, ex nihilo? I mean, maybe these were the guys who were planning to destroy the multiverse or something.
Yeah don't know why that was happening - I admit it's been a while since I tried the arc, but it never used to spawn greys. Damned annoying, really, so will have to alter the settings until it works right.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
But okay, let's ride the plot train over to the Rogue Isles.
Abandoned lab, okay... oh, and some Vanguard in this alliance too.
Clicking the tapes (a fast clicky with no interaction or system text) summons a boss... dark blast/invuln? Okay.
My bad on the clicky. Am usually better at that. Will alter that.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
So I go over to the guy who's gonna analyze these tapes, and... it's Snakes.
You should be aware these guys have a giant level range where there's a dead space and they'll either be mega gray or mega purple.
These are apparently not the actual Snake snakes, they're just hyperintelligent snakes created by MAD mad mad SCIENCE science science.
So... what's on these tapes? I should apparently know but I guess I'll have to wait for Esc to tell me.
(Also it's really weird to read about these guys as "cleans" and "dirties". Sounds like a detergent-sponsored version of shirts vs. skins.)
I did not know there was a dead level-range for snakes. 1-52 group, except for the levels they missed out. I should play villains more. Oh well, will tweak the level settings. Cleans and Dirties are my shorthand, so can tweak the group description in the editor.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Okay, how do logs of the attack give us a clue to the next target? That'd be interesting to know.
Esc says I go in first but when I get in I find him held captive.
Huh. There's 60's Arachnos in with these guys? (they're the 25-33 version of Arachnos)
Hang on. We're getting information from the Alliance but there are Handprints here? I thought we were raiding a base.
...what is this place we're in, anyway?
So I beat Mynx and Kalinda... and the end mission clue seems to think Kalinda was Hequat, or something.
So apparently if the Handprints ever team up they'll enslave the world and slaughter the hell out of everybody. And this alliance is devoted to stopping them. By slaughtering the hell out of them wherever they show up.
Okay, that's a little extreme, but it's not like I can't sympathize.
You're playing as a 40 and it throws in bad guys that aren't close. It never used to do that. The Kalinda/Hequat thing was because I originally used Hequat and someone said it'd be better to use someone else and I thought I'd got all the references. Apart from the one on the main clue, apparently. Oh well... I'll throw in some Star Trek-esque techno-stuff to explain how the Handprints knew where the bad guys were going next.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
So now the Handprints are going to unite and destroy the Alliance! And this time it'll work, even though the Alliance punched their clocks the first time around and the Handprints are at greatly diminished fighting strength!
And they'll become exactly what the Alliance feared!
...I don't know if that's intentional or not. Esc doesn't appear to notice, or in fact care.
So this is some solo allies scattered all around the map, versus... the Freedom Phalanx, the Vindicators, and Arachnos. Large portions of all of the above, at any rate. Feels like a giant game of whack-a-mole, really. One takes damage, another pops up, another pops up, three more pop up...
I'm running all over the map here, and I must cross this thing half a dozen times, mostly because this map has a giant multi-pronged middle and I ping-pong between the various ends of it.
Having three elite bosses following me around makes quick work of the one elite boss at a time I end up fighting. Several lieutenant allies die as a result of splash damage. None of the losses really adversely affect my ability to get stunned by the alpha strike and recover in enough time to maybe peg a boss twice before it goes off to that great memory register in the sky.
Pretty much everybody just goes down with versions of the same spiel. You don't know what you're doing, how can this be, do you realize who I am, etc.
But... I really don't know what I'm doing.
I mean, there's probably another universe out there where the Handprints have wrecked the place and are now ready to start taking a hammer to the timestream.
It is intentional at that point and at the start of the mission, Esc doesn't care. He wants the Alliance dead (they just killed an alternate version of his ex-wife and he's kind of lost sight of being a hero) so it really is a case of the Alliance creating what they tried to prevent. Irony. I know the mission has some flaws, such as the amount of running around required because the spawning never seems to work quite as I'd like (ideally it'd be progressive, rather than random) and I threw in the allies to help so that a) it fit the story and b) solo alts would appreciate the help! I'll tweak the ending text to have a bit more reflection on Esc on what the Handprints have now become. There probably is another group of Handprints out there doing bad things. Sequel, maybe...
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Storyline - **. You know, you could have broken off mission 5, called this thing The Alliance - Part 1, and it would have been okay. But my reaction on learning why the Alliance is doing all this is more along the lines of "we must learn to understand this creature" than going alongside Esc and his merry band to wipe them out of existence. I mean, I can definitely buy the "freedom fighters" from one world in the multiverse deciding to stomp out the seeds of their own personal tyranny wherever, and the nature of the opposition is a nice, climactic reveal that could set up a more involved second half than "base invaded, everyone dies".
When I wrote it, this was all the arc space I had left so I wanted to go to a conclusion as soon as possible. Plus I'm not sure the route you suggest would work as on a personal level I'd like to go after them and beat the everloving hell out of whoever was trying to wipe out all versions of me it could find. One the other hand, I may have watched Jet Li's The One too many times...
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Design - ***. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that the custom group deciding to "go grey" is a new bug introduced with I16 or even the latest patch. They do represent an alliance pretty well, and the last mission is somewhat of an appropriate slugfest, with the boss monsters popping in spread out enough so that I don't get three at a time breathing down my neck. But the Snake mission is going to present a problem if the levels aren't restricted, as they currently aren't, and the whole arc seems like it should be set at 45-50 because of the epic scale of everything going on here.
The grey's never used to happen, which is a shame as I used to enjoy playing the arc at various levels and seeing the other types involved in the Alliance. The snakes thing I had no idea about, which kind of sucks as I was looking for a nice 1-50 group that would work like that. Anyway, will reset the missions so it plays at higher levels by default, which is a bit frustrating but better than not working properly.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Gameplay - **. That last mission. I meant it when I said I could get stunned by the opening salvo and wake up in time to win. I don't think I even managed that with Numina. The waking up, that is. Couple that with the walking back and forth and forth and back and back and forth and forth and back and the nice LADY and it makes me feel like some kind of bizarre shepherd.
I may need to look at the allies again and see if they're helping or hindering. I could also try a different map to minimise the running around. If I could position the spawns to be exact it would be nice, but obviously not today.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Detail - **. Clean writing here, what there is of it, but there really isn't the justification for part 5 that I'd like there to be. Also, mission 4 is lacking in several ways. I don't know how the tapes from mission 2 actually led us to this place, I don't know where "this place" actually is to begin with, and the final clue seems to come from Hequat, played here by Dame Not Appearing In This Mission.
Mission 4's text can be tweaked and so it makes a bit more sense and gives it a bit more flow than 'it just works, go with it'.
Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Overall - **. There's one thing you can do to greatly improve this arc. ...well, maybe two things, the second one being find out what's going on to pull a giant pile of greys out of your custom group and make it stop. If you can actually snap off the last mission and create an arc about hitting the Alliance where they live, or trying to negotiate a truce, or whatever, that'd probably have a lot less of a "whack-a-mole while herding superpowered sheep" feel to it, since the confrontations themselves could be spaced out and you could use the same supporting cast but deal them out over the course of multiple missions a couple at a time.
The greys thing is annoying me, and is a very weird thing but hopefully tweaking the level range will fix that. If not, l'll just have strip out all of the lower range enemies from the group. Part 2 is an interesting idea, with mission 5 tweaked so it leads on to it. I'll have a good think on that, but thanks for the critique.




Giving this a run on a high-30s ice/sonic controller, 1 hero +1 level all bosses no AVs.


Okay, so I've gone back in time to the Rikti War and Crey are just starting to move and shake. Let's see, let's see., man, not this again. I'm seeing orange minions and blue lieutenants. (level 38, seeing level 36 "elite agent" lieuts.)

I appreciate that this is probably to eliminate the Crey tanks from this custom group.

Oh hey! Custom security "elite troops"... which are minions. Were they supposed to be lieutenants? That'd make more sense.

I face off against an office manager with a katana and then open the safe. Gasp! It's the Masse Kernels!

Or, uh, whatever it was I came for.


Okay, apparently they're just printouts of this guy's proof that Crey lifted stuff from the RIkti.

And now I'm going to get some captured tech. Uh... any hints as to what I'm looking for here, guy? Rikti alloys? Plasma weapons? Shift?

Wow, and there are Plasma and Cryo scientists, who topped out in the low low 30s. I'm betting this is the gap lieutenants were intended to cover.

Hmm. Looks like the crates have their default descriptors, which isn't all bad as they make sense. I guess there was glowing green metal in both of 'em as I don't get a clue for the second.

You know, it'd really suck if there was legitimate research here going on under epsilon clearance or something.


Oh, they're getting away with a dude. I don't know if I'll have to escort this guy so I get to path-clearin'. Seems like an awful lot of Crey stick around the battle sites. That just might be the +perception on the willpower bringing in adds.

I kind of appreciate the desire to give the Rikti a weird "language", but the extended character set arrangement you picked isn't quite doin' it for me. Try making some stuff out of the characters that are used for line art.

There's a lot of fighting going on, and... well, good thing I was wrecking dudes on the way in, as it is an escort out.


And one more piece, where I can cry for help if I need it.

Oh! Here's some elite lieutenant customs, finally! Did the enemy group change for this map, or did I just get lucky? A plasma and a cryo, who make enough sense but should maybe have some power gloves or something.

...huh, and it's back to the green and gray lieutenants. This is bizarre.

I look up my buddy, who has a suspiciously similar build to my contact... and for some reason this mission seems awfully familiar despite its ID number in the 300,000s.

One patrol on the top floor talks about Hopkins, one about Samuels, and it sounds from Samuels' description like he's the big cheese of Crey Security at the present time. Incomplete revision?

Anyway, now that we have a complete collection of evidence Crey has to back off from their research for some reason. And that's it.


Storyline - ***. This is missing something that's my favorite part of Crey arcs - consequences. I mean, this is a raid on a company that's doing emergency defense research to try and devise a way to combat the invaders - or at least that's the public face, anyway. But it never gets beyond just Crey. Nobody else seems to mind that we're in their base killing their mans. Sure, they'd be guarding the same facilities that Crey holds their research in, but one thing Crey is very good at is saying "don't look over here".

Design - ****. I do wonder if your customs got downshifted somehow. Crey has plenty of non-power-suited minions up until the 45 range, so introducing elite versions of the minions as lieutenants (which would make the cryo/plasma guys into bosses) makes more sense than somebody coming in at 30 and seeing a special agent vigilant leading a squad of elites. But since it's happened twice in a row now I'm not marking off for somehow having greys show up. It's apparent that something funky is going on with the enemy generator such that it tosses up greys when there are valid entries in the appropriate level range.

Gameplay - ****. Minimal backtracking, and where it happens does make sense, but the cargo ship's always a bit frustrating to work through just because of the giant open spaces and large crowds (even before you throw in the battles). The end boss went down in a modest amount of time but I definitely needed the help for it.

Detail - ****. The Rikti need to talk less like a corrupted database entry. Line-art unicode starts around 0x2500, so find some of that and airlift it in. Also, the custom Crey need a little more in the way of descriptions. They get the point across, but I'm really curious why Crey moved away from these models and into the tank paradigm.

Overall - ****. A solid effort, but it could do with a bit of a twist in the story and a little more polish here and there.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
I look up my buddy, who has a suspiciously similar build to my contact... and for some reason this mission seems awfully familiar despite its ID number in the 300,000s.
Well, I did say up front it was an origin arc. The original version is up on Test, it was one I did during closed for I14, so maybe you saw it there? I have cleaned it up and made some changes, both before and after I moved it to live, but they were nothing major, and the story didn't really change.

The messed up levels on the mobs are frustrating. I ran it a couple of times since I16, and the spawns worked okay, except the standard mobs in my custom group didn't show. They worked okay when using just Crey, but not in Crey Security. And they all had the correct levels. I checked it on a couple of different alts, to make sure it was working okay and it did for me. So of course it didn't for you.

The custom minions were originally to cover the gap of the last 5 levels, which is nothing but the power armors, and to add something extra to the Security division on the lower levels. Then I had to cut the last 5 levels anyway, because I use regular Crey in a couple of places and tanks would spawn there, which didn't fit the story.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
One patrol on the top floor talks about Hopkins, one about Samuels, and it sounds from Samuels' description like he's the big cheese of Crey Security at the present time. Incomplete revision?
Samuels is supposed to be one step below Hopkins at that time. I will need to see about making that more clear.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Detail - ****. The Rikti need to talk less like a corrupted database entry. Line-art unicode starts around 0x2500, so find some of that and airlift it in. Also, the custom Crey need a little more in the way of descriptions. They get the point across, but I'm really curious why Crey moved away from these models and into the tank paradigm.
You mean the Box-Drawing characters? They didn't seem to fit for me. Of course, the big problem is I don't know what shows up on players screens with they do the mission.

And who says Crey moved away from the powered Crey? The Revenant Hero Project had to have an inspiration and starting point somewhere.

I will work on the story more, so at least I can improve that. But the screwed up spawns are very annoying. Hard to get motivated to fixing what I can when what I can't pretty much destroys the arc.

Thanks for taking the time to play and review the arc. Especially with the way it is messed up.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



A possible fix for your custom Crey: Use your customs, then add "random" minions, lieutenants and bosses from the regular Crey faction. This is what I used for my custom Crey (also done because the all-tank spawns are annoying, and also called Crey Security, incidentally) and have not had any greys showing up that I know of.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Yeah, but I didn't have any greys showing up either, until Glazius did his run. Despite testing with characters at both ends of the level range. I am afraid it is a random bug that will take forever to fix.

I will give that a try when I work on the arc next. Unfortunately, RL and inspiration on another arc will probably push it back a bit.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
Yeah, but I didn't have any greys showing up either, until Glazius did his run. Despite testing with characters at both ends of the level range. I am afraid it is a random bug that will take forever to fix.

I will give that a try when I work on the arc next. Unfortunately, RL and inspiration on another arc will probably push it back a bit.
Well, it may not be a bug in the arc. This is the second mission in a row it's happened for me with. It may be something that's come in with I16. The controller was level 38.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Well, it may not be a bug in the arc. This is the second mission in a row it's happened for me with. It may be something that's come in with I16. The controller was level 38.
Before i16, custom groups made up of standard critters would only spawn the standard critters that existed at the player's level. Now they will spawn everything, in some cases ignoring appropriately-leveled critters entirely and only spawning greys for a certain rank.

At some point during i16 beta underleveled critters could be potentially exploited to allow players to get full rewards for all-boss spawns. This was fixed pretty much at the last minute, and may have caused some of the issues with custom groups that use standard critters of varying levels.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Well, it may not be a bug in the arc. This is the second mission in a row it's happened for me with. It may be something that's come in with I16. The controller was level 38.
That is what is frustrating. I tested it with a level 30 and a level 50 after I16 came out, because I know about the bug that Eva mentioned and I didn't want to start getting reviews or promoting it if it was affected. And it worked fine for both characters. It just waited until the reviewer got there.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy




Running this as a DB/fire brute in the mid-40s, 2 villains +1 level all bosses no AVs.

Man, is there some interesting shorthand somebody's developed for that?



Huh. Okay. Looks like I get to confront my inner demons. ...or, y'know, laugh maniacally with them.

Sup dawg I heard you like streamlined cars so I took all your car parts.

While I enjoy humorous accept text as much as the next dude, it deprives anybody else reading the mission of the amusing segue. I'd suggest putting it into the mission briefing in pale green and using a more objectively written accept text.

The customs look like MA/pipe wrench minions with MA/merc lieutenants and bosses. Thematically consistent, but the MA seems kinda weird. I guess it's supposed to be dance-fighting?

Anyway, no defensive powers means they're wheat before the scythe here.

A couple of patrols talk about infiltrating the gang and being thoroughly skeeved out at the "colors", such as they are. And there are some Malta chillin' in the main garage. The big bosses generally have number-number-number designations, so calling this guy Star Platinum 10-1-5 or something would fit the Malta naming scheme.

Anyway, time for a little Magician's Red.

Hmm. The boss clue shows up when I pop the turret - you should probably tie it just to the boss. Also Malta are unnaturally fond of using "MHI" for "metahuman incursion" to describe a super showing up somewhere they ought not be.

Titan project! There's a bad angle to be on the receiving end of.


So a prominent Paragon politician is actually a lizardman. I'm well-acquainted with conspiracy theories, but I find it a little hard to buy that I can look at a Malta hard drive and figure out the secret identity of one of their conspirators.

I thought they were a little more paranoid than that.

But okay, let's go a kidnap.

Meteor Atlas? I thought there was another Atlas Park outdoor map that worked alright, or does it not have any spots for captives?

Reporters interviewing cops. That's pretty nice. ...but is thiis a custom group of PPD? Because I'm seeing a lot of grey hardsuits and suchlike kicking around, and that seems to be what I16 does to custom groups with any kind of level range. You can just use the PPD random spawner, and it should work out fine.

I have a look around at the bios of the supergroup that's shows up to work security. Them and the protestors are a pretty welcome touch, but for some reason the optional bosses vanish from the navbar as soon as I spring the lizardman.

Oh! This is an interesting way to take this.


Yeah, when the contact's inside your head you can set yourself up in all kinds of crazy situations. I'll bet this is the Darque map.


Okay, time to get moving. Lots of random cars and trucks lying about to blow up, which is welcome.

Not so welcome - the lady Longbow Flamethrower who the councilman addresses as "Steve". (Have you got space? You can do a passable recolor of the Malta in Longbow red and white.)

Unfortunately the Titan ambush spawns down in the streets below, and I can trot back to the van without it getting in my way. Well, unfortunately for the ambush, anyway.


Ah, time for a sidelight to gram some kaboominite. It's part of your complete breakfast!

Huh. This "Crey Security" seems to cap at 45 and be rather anemic on XP - are there any bosses in it?

Also glowies do this thing where "Back" actually means "Middle" and "Middle" actually means back, so the safe with the stuff is right around the corner from the entrance. I didn't even need to fight anything, but I bounced around anyway to see if there was anything like an interesting security chief No dice.

Oh! So that was a deliberate first link in a chain! Man, I feel silly now. I did think the last room looked a bit empty.

Gasp! International playboy and man about town Roger Warp is secretly Justice Squad high-flyer Warp Drive! Grav/energy, though I figured him for more of a tank based on his bio.

...and the Malta show up when I drop him? Uh... why, exactly? Just coincidence?

Also for some reason the mission exit popup and return text are identical. "You escaped with the explosives, now for the final phase of your nefarious plan."


Huh. Jump on a boat? Is this the Warburg hangar? It's the Faultline building?


This place is pretty much pre-bombed for my convenience.

I hear Chameleon ranting as I step inside, then I realize he must have been OUTside after the first floor comes up empty.

...huh. No, it doesn't look like he's outside either.

Well, time to get on with things. Eagle decides to try and defeat me to escape, and he's got a pretty keen costume but his MA/Shield is just a little too weak to stand up to me.

You can make glowies that fade in now. Whether you want to do that to these tiny dynamite packs is up to you.

So there's this giant robot that's trying to remember what it used to be. I think I will call it a Stand, because it's standing there in the middle of the room.

The boss is a stock Gunslinger like Star Platinum was. I don't know why the mission was warning me to bring friends, he was pretty easy with a giant mechanical distraction to draw fire from the ambush.

...and I find a Malta org chart just lying around on a computer. Really?


That's the second vital piece of intel on these guys that I just kinda haphazardly picked up.

The souvenir talks about people having their homes destroyed in some ensuing flood, but, uh, the north, inhabited, end of Faultline is about 20 stories up from where that building is. Must have been a hell of a flood.


Storyline - ***. So why was I in Faultline again? The run-up to mission 2 talks about some secret bunker underneath a public park, but the south part of Faultline is about as far away from "public park" as you can get. Also, how does Chameleon get out of my secret lair to menace me in the fifth mission? Turn into a fly or something? (I'd probably get an answer on this if I actually fought him but I explored all around that map and couldn't find him anywhere.)

Design - *****. Pretty sure the cops in mission 2 are a bug. Pretty sure the Crey in mission 3 are working as intended. But mission 2 was just such a nice press-conference kind of feel, and the rest of the arc is at least passably realized, so this is a kind of "6 - 1 = 5" thing.

Gameplay - ****. Carving through blue Crey for half XP, on the other hand, is a modest sort of downer. I realize Crey get kind of monolithic above 45, so why not just set the arc 40-45 and use stock Crey? It's not like 50s will lose any powers now, and they'll still get XP to boot.

Detail - **. So apparently Indigo and Crimson were doing it wrong this entire time. You don't need civilians on the inside. You don't need to try to work your way into some decent piece of information by torturously prying open the shell around Malta with a tiny sliver of intelligence. You don't need to decipher codes or piece together clues or anything like that. You can just walk into a Malta base, tap a random computer, and you'll get everything you need to know about who Malta is, what their plans are, and how they operate. This isn't to say that any of what I found was wrong or misleading or contradictory. Far from it. But... why did I find it at all? Malta don't even show up as a main-mission enemy group until the last mission, which is great, but why is all this vital information about them just kind of left there for me to find? This is supposed to be an intro, there's room to leave stuff unknown. I have no problem with finding a link to a city councilman in mission 1, but that's all I really need to go on. Consider this: On the computer in mission 1 I just find the dude's name, and maybe the rally he's attending (that you might be able to site in actual park-like surroundings). So he's got this odd habit of hissing, and when my back's turned after mission 3 he just up and vanishes. But I know there's something in the park so I arm up in mission 4 and go down into the bunker (maybe a 5th/council cave?) in mission 5, and find the city councilman who's now trying to claw my face off and spit poison down my neck., along with some heavily redacted information that indicates these guys are one cell among many, and they're working with military-spec gear that you need serious connections to get your hands on. Maybe drop some vague hints about Malta scouting me for the Titan project too - I rather liked those - but don't just spell out what they are in the last mission.

Overall - ***. Probably a pretty good arc when it launched, but with I16 some aspects of it need a second look. I don't need to know anything that I found out about Malta to actually see this arc through, and while I'd applaud the extra incidental detail in a lot of cases, it really feels wrong when it's coming from the secret multinational paramilitary organization.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Hey thanks for the review, as for some of your comments:

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Meteor Atlas? I thought there was another Atlas Park outdoor map that worked alright, or does it not have any spots for captives?

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Reporters interviewing cops. That's pretty nice. ...but is thiis a custom group of PPD? Because I'm seeing a lot of grey hardsuits and suchlike kicking around, and that seems to be what I16 does to custom groups with any kind of level range. You can just use the PPD random spawner, and it should work out fine.
I made a PPD custom group at the time because the vanilla version spawned the rather useless drones, I am unsure if they finally fixed that now.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Not so welcome - the lady Longbow Flamethrower who the councilman addresses as "Steve". (Have you got space? You can do a passable recolor of the Malta in Longbow red and white.)
That actually sounds like an interesting way to take the whole Malta disguised as Longbow, thanks.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Unfortunately the Titan ambush spawns down in the streets below, and I can trot back to the van without it getting in my way. Well, unfortunately for the ambush, anyway.
Until the day we can set our own spawn placements or the devs buff the Titans with Zero G Packs(hint, hint), this seems to be an unfortunate 50/50 ambush chance. Still, I'm not wanting to have it removed as when you *do* get sniped by Titan missile swarm fire halfway down the highway, it's a pretty unique experience.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Huh. This "Crey Security" seems to cap at 45 and be rather anemic on XP
That would be a bug.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
I hear Chameleon ranting as I step inside, then I realize he must have been OUTside after the first floor comes up empty.

...huh. No, it doesn't look like he's outside either.
iirc, he's standing outside by the boat, the reason why you can't see him is because he's stealthed.

I'll be having a look at some of the weird errors you found, as well as giving the arc an update to i16.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
Hi, please take a look at this
So I took a look.

Here's something interesting to think about: a lot of times it's possible to engage more thoroughly with something you don't like than with something you do.

Something you like, all you can tell is that it fits you well.

Something you don't, you can get a very, very good look at the gaps.

So this took a while.

The Most Important Thing (266877). Verdict - *. Review on MA Forums Thread.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Dark Greetings,
As you requested, here is my post for review of my 2 part, TF style AE story arc "Shadow of the Dragoness Part 1 & 2 I.D # 319165 & #319167".

I won't go into the story as I'd rather you experience it for yourself. Do note that in part 2, the character descriptions are a bit short due to the fact that by the end I was at 99.79%, (talk about cutting it close LOL.)

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed creating it. I'm sure you will give a fair and honest review as I have seen that your reviews are very well thought out.

Dark Blessings,

Lilith Nuit