The AFK bubble chat bind?
/bind enter "StartChat$$afk typing"
When you press the Enter key, the message "afk typing" will appear above your head. Change "afk typing" to whatever fancies you.
My Virtue Projects
AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm
I actually dislike that thing, because when I send a tell to a friend, that happens to be typing at the same time, I get the AFK message. It's a bit annoying
/bind enter "StartChat$$afk typing"
When you press the Enter key, the message "typing" will appear above your head. Change "typing" to whatever fancies you.
[/ QUOTE ] fixed. ("afk" is not part of the message)
I've found another use for the AFK bubble message, thought I'd pass it along.
I've made macros for my Defenders, so that when they fire a buff like Fortitude, Adrenaline Boost, or Clear Mind, the AFK chat bubble appears with the name & description of the buff.
e.g. "Adrenaline Boost speeds Health & End recovery, and Recharge"
or "Fortitude boosts Accuracy, Damage, & Defense"
or "Clear Mind protects you from Sleeps, Holds, and Immobilization".
I first tried putting this in Local Chat - but it pretty much spammed the Team Chat window unnecessarily. That incarnation only lasted a mish or so.
Putting it in AFK chat is informative (for players not familiar with playing a Defender), but MUCH less intrusive.
Plus, doing it as a Macro instead of a Bind means I have the OPTION of displaying the message on activation, but if I'm worried about overdoing it, just hit the Power itself, instead of the Macro.
Doing this from memory - and I'll check this later and fix if it's incorrect - but I think the Macro command is something like:
/macro AB "afk Adrenaline Boost speeds Health & End recovery, and Recharge$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost"
Yeah like previously posted here is the bind.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>/bind enter "afk YOURmessageHERE$$startchat"</pre><hr />
Before chat bubble effects got all wonky you could make it so you could put the afk bubble and chat bubble effects all into one bind.
Here is my current afk/I'm typing message.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>/bind enter "afk You Need A Golden Ticket To Talk To Me$$startchat"</pre><hr />
Too bad once i15 strikes there will be no more Golden Tickets.
<QR: Bad_Wonka>
You forgot your end quotes ""
Oops, thanks.
I scoured Camo_Fire's "Compiled List of Binds" and could not find the AFK bubble begin chat bind. You know, the one that makes an AFK bubble appear (with some sort of message other than "AFK") when you're typing...
Anyone care to share it with me?