Pool side Rookery. weekend




*Still looks puzzled at Play diving in and not coming up yet. Notices others as they come in, waves and smile to everyone as they pass.*

OH POOL BOI!!!! Come get him out of there!!!

*Looks at Yuri*

Here Hun, try this.

*Passes her the massive bottle of suntan lotion and points to the label.*

"Will safely protect all elemental creatures by applying a thin and invisible layer that will keep out water, heat, cold, and ultra-violet rays as well as other elements, please see side panel for more details."

Now you can swim and it won't squelch you!

*Walks over near DP.*

Happy you made it Hun. Remember, what happens at Emmi's stays at Emmi's.

*Heads over to help D with the grill.*



*ferociously leaps out of the water to give Detra a damp hug, then returns to her sharkosity.*

*Leaps again, giving soggy fuzzles to Emmi, the princess, Fey, Rad, Pogo, BT, The Puppeh,Madisen, Wild-Orchid, Mr. Playskool, and gives yuri a bag of cheetos cuz soggy ninjafairykittens hugging fire foxes can be bad*

*resumes sharking*

I haz 87 Clouded Points



BECKYYYY *licks*

[/ QUOTE ]

*soggy noserubs DP*

*Sharks a bit more while getting ready for works (ick)*

I haz 87 Clouded Points



*wanders in, dressed in a swimsuit*

One of those weeks.

*moseys up to the pool, and passes out before actually reaching the water*



*looks at Madisen & Yuri*

Hmmm... maybe I will try out this whole "rubbing on the lotion" on said person.. ya know for uhm.. practice and stuff..


<-----wants a whip emote! (checks off list, thank you Going Rogue! *smooches*)
<-----wants female & customizable MM pets!

[Local] Free.Fall: Detra TF.. timed. last 30 minutes with handcuffs on..no one has collected the badge yet..



*Pulls our radio and turns to the Cape*

Ooo I love me huggies.

Thanks Beck!



*Looks around*
I haven't seen the pretty kitteh today.

*shrugs shoulders*



*Looks around*
I haven't seen the pretty kitteh today.

*shrugs shoulders*

[/ QUOTE ]

*contemplates a moment, then looks at the box again*

What's the diameter of your head, Madisen? Just curious...



*Pulls squirt gun out of her bag and aims at Emgro while he is deep in thought.*



Stupid people should be sterilized so they can't reproduce.

This includes bigots, and racists of any shape or form.



*claps her hands and orders Viv three shots and a Beer*

That kinda day?

Being rich and power full means I don't have to say I'm sorry
Virtue:Too many at fifty



Evening folks.



*claps her hands and orders Viv three shots and a Beer*

That kinda day?

[/ QUOTE ]

*knocks em back, and trades out the beer for a Mike's*

Yeah. I'm in a hate people kind of mood.



Whoops I forgot something *super speeds away to his computer and sets up a play list full of all kinds of rock music, including some Crue for Detra, then comes back with an Ipod docking station, and all kinds of big, loud speakers, sets it all up and starts the music, takes his seat again and relaxes*

What's a party without music?

Dragon Fist Tavian
Knight's Desire
In Game MySpace Profile.



-patpats Viv- there there, things'll shape up.



Whoops I forgot something *super speeds away to his computer and sets up a play list full of all kinds of rock music, including some Crue for Detra, then comes back with an Ipod docking station, and all kinds of big, loud speakers, sets it all up and starts the music, takes his seat again and relaxes*

What's a party without music?

[/ QUOTE ]

I had the Cape playing since this morning.... Silly Dragon.



Happy pre-birthday!!!!



Ahh, and my mood is much improved. Won a $45 bit on eBay for $3.04.




RAWR! &lt;stomps in mock angry like gozilla&gt;



Ahh, and my mood is much improved. Won a $45 bit on eBay for $3.04.


[/ QUOTE ]

And that will only cost you $41.96 for shipping &amp; handling. Which is strange, because I'm sure there's a few folk in the Rookery who would provide you with all the handling you want for a lot less than forty bucks.



*sashays in wearing a cute bikini, wraparound Oakleys, and strappy heels, skin covered in suntan oil*

Oooh... summer's here, sweet thangs...!

*gestures and the speakers near her start playing some groovy funky jazzy music(1) that is awesome to slow dance to.*

(1) I'd link in "Sunrise" by Simply Red, but it'd probably get modsmacked even tho' Youtube has no problem with it.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."