Solo PvP Primary




I want to play a Controller that is NOT ILLUSION that can solo pvp. I already have an Illusion Controller and absolutely love him.

I have always wanted to play what I refer to as "true controllers" in groups, but I still want to beat someone in 1v1 duels.

I am considering (I also pair "themes" together for slight RP purposes):
Ice/Storm/Ice (the main one I am considering...just not sure how Ice would do in solo pvp)

BUT I am open to any suggestions.



Mind is pretty good: it gives you a full single target attack chain using a damage type that isn't widely resisted. If you're willing to IO out, Total Domination can be made to be the best hold in PvP: Base 8 second hold, enhanceable to 16. With hasten and enough bonuses you can have it recharged in about a minute, letting you use it often.

just my 2 inf


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Thanks for the reply. I am not be too excited about mind (I really like pets lol).

Ice or Plant are the two I am most interested in (because they also fit well with the EPP of Ice and Storm which I really like).

Fire and Grav I am also interested in (mainly Grav of these two). I am not sure how good sigularity would be for solo pvp though.

I can actually create a theme for Grav/Rad/Ice (Use gravity wells to pull cold air around him from the upper atmosphere. Also, he uses gravity wells to pull the radioactive muons, electrons, etc from the upper atmosphere to hinder his foes).



Heh. Go Mind/Kinetics and get Telekinesis. You can use Transfusion on your opponent whenever you get low on endurance and hold him/her indefinitely. XP

I was surprised how well my Earth/Thermal Controller performed in PvP. I use my pet as my main means of damage after locking down and debuffing. I summon it in place, buff the heck out of it, and then try and keep my opponent from moving while Rocky smacks him/her around.

Too many alts to list.



Can a Ice, Plant, or Grav perform well in solo pvp?

I just am not turned on by Mind Control lol.



You can use Transfusion on your opponent whenever you get low on endurance...

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you mean Transference??? (Transfusion is the heal...)

Anyways, one main problem with that theory is if your opponent likes to jump around, you wont necessarily be able to use it to replenish your endurance

I mainly use it as an end drain instead of an end gain on my /kin, however, if you are lucky, you will be able to get some end out of it if you manage to be in range



I just am not turned on by Mind Control lol.

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In Russia, Mind Control turns you on!



I just am not turned on by Mind Control lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

In Russia, Mind Control turns you on!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I think he would have said "In Russia, Mind control turns on you!"



I just am not turned on by Mind Control lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

In Russia, Mind Control turns you on!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I think he would have said "In Russia, Mind control turns on you!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, this is correct.

ANYWAY lol...


Gravity = Two single target attacks. The question mark is if Singy is good enough for solo pvp.

Ice = I will take Ice Blast from EPP. JF seems like he would be decent for pvp (I really like the concept of Ice/Storm/Ice, but I do not want to be gimp).

Plant = I have no clue.

Has anybody pvp'd with either of these three primaries.

Let's say all three are XXXX/STORM/ICE for ease of comparison. I have never done /Storm so I really want to try it.



Grav is good. Plant really isn't. As for secondary well not only is storm the most fun powerset ever but it's pretty darn powerful too.



Grav is good. Plant really isn't. As for secondary well not only is storm the most fun powerset ever but it's pretty darn powerful too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Grav was decent when movement slows still meant something, now that they don't....



I just am not turned on by Mind Control lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

In Russia, Mind Control turns you on!

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I think he would have said "In Russia, Mind control turns on you!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, this is correct.

ANYWAY lol...


Gravity = Two single target attacks. The question mark is if Singy is good enough for solo pvp.

Ice = I will take Ice Blast from EPP. JF seems like he would be decent for pvp (I really like the concept of Ice/Storm/Ice, but I do not want to be gimp).

Plant = I have no clue.

Has anybody pvp'd with either of these three primaries.

Let's say all three are XXXX/STORM/ICE for ease of comparison. I have never done /Storm so I really want to try it.

[/ QUOTE ]

as a PvP troller, its not really what ur primary that matters the most its usually ur secondary that has the most impact. Rad and Therm perform the best for solo trollers. And believe it or not Emps can do well solo as well.

Plant: not alot of damage but does well vs melee types. pairs well with emp, therm, or storm.

Mind: offers excellent single target controll and works very well with teams. Pairs well with rad, emp, storm

Ice: not a lot of front loaded dmg but the slow will give you the advantage over a variety of opponents. pairs well with storm or rad

Illusion: great dmg if the player ur facing stays in the general area faster animations gets u out of trouble. Pairs well with storm, rad, FF, and especially Emp

Grav: overall a great single target and general purpose controll set with decent DPS if slotted right, but this set requires a lot of know how and experience to get the full potential out. Pairs well with Rad, FF, and Kin (though Kin is not a good secondary).

Fire: great dmg if the player ur facing stays in the general area faster animations gets u out of trouble. Pairs well with storm, rad, FF

Earth: decent dmg with a nice -def secondary effect in the attacks offers alot of controll. Pairs well with thermal and rad

from the looks of things i would recomend a grav/rad or earth/therm as a solo pvp troller for you from what i can tell posted above GLHF



Thanks for the great reply!

I actually am thinking of going with Ice/Storm/Ice for concept reasons (and I have a team to level with). Please just assure I won't be gimp if I try to solo pvp!

Should I even take Tornado for pvp? Can't see anyone standing in it allow the damage lol.

One more random question for my current Illusion guy. Will Superior Invisibility actually hide me in pvp. Also will Deceive work in pvp and if it does how should I slot it?



Ice/storm/ice is a nice choice and you won't be gimped... well at least in 90% of the situations you will face. With hibernate, slows, -tohit, 10% elusivity, and end drains, you should be a pretty tough troller to kill. If your opponents stay in ur lightning storm, hurrican, freezing rain, and shiver ur dmg would be very good and the other guy will run out of end while being slowed. To get all the above takes some skill and practice. One more thing, Ice/Storm is very very end intensive at least prior to set IOs, you'll need to get top end IOs that give some +recov. P.S One of the original members of THE original PvP SG first started out with Ice/Storm.

Superior Invis works just like regular Invis except you can attack out of it and it caps your stealth for your AT so you can't get any more stealthy than sup invis or group invis. These powers are nice for escapes mostly and would be good for surprise attacks on newer players. Decieve and other confuse powers used to be broken in i12 and were practically the i win button. Now they last about 3 sec to 8 sec depending on how you slot them, what other powers you used them with, and if the player you used them on have confuse resistance powers on. It would seem that you can buy yourself a lot of time with confuse, but against a good player, confuse powers would only stall the situation. Versus an average player its a decent power. Also watch out for its very long animation time... in a zone full of stalkers and brutes, 80% of your HP might be gone after you used decieve.



If I could add rep for your replies I would Neeto! Thanks a ton.

One last question then I will consider this thread closed. Should I take and slot Tornado for pvp? In pve I have it six slotted, but it seems like it might suck especially in solo pvp situations.



yvw, I sent you a PM



Tornado is wonderful in pvp, but dosn[t need slots at all.
And good point deadshinobi, i'm still thinking in a pre-i13 frame of mind.